Jul 2, 2008



for the efficacy of to breeder married inject have to fulfill [by] some conditions of public. Conditions for efficacy marry to inject among others cover the followings.

A. Donor

Fish donor [is] fish to be taken [by] its gland [of] him. Some conditions which must fulfill [by] donor fish among others as follows
1. Come from fish which of a kind ( homoplastic)
2. Can have the character of universal donor ( heteroplastik), for example goldfish.
3. Should have matured genitals
4. [Is] usually taken away from [by] masculine mains
5. Can use conserved gland
6. Donor weight have to know to determine correct dose.

B. Resipien

Fish of resipien [is] fish which will be injected with gland of hipofise. To become fish of resipien even also have to fulfill some, criterion following
1. Representing matured female and masculine fish mains [of] egg of clan ready to breeding
2. Come from fish which have been looked after [by] [in] pool, is not fish which still wild which not yet trained with pool environment
3. Healthy body and [do] not handicap
4. Its age have is up to standard ( depended the each fish type )
5. Not such a mains of apkiran
6. Owning the nature of exeeding
7. Mains weight have to be noted to determine dose of hipofise correct.

C. Facilities and basic facilities.

Besides and donor of resipien, equipments also play a part important in efficacy of execution marry to inject this. Following some required equipments for marrying to inject

1. Place of.
Some place of required for execution marry to inject among others as follows.
a. Basin relocation of female and masculine mains
b. Breeder basin
c. Basin Hatch
d. Basin conservancy of seed
e. Basin magnification of seed.

2. Materials.
In execution marry to inject, required staples among others as follows
a. gland of Hipofise of donor fish
b. Aquabidest used to dissolve gland of hipofise
c. free Clean water [of] pest d. PK ( potassium of permangana) to cure fish mains before and after breeder.

3. Appliance for technician.
Some important appliance which required [by] during breeder process marry to inject shall be as follows
a. Destroyer glass
b. Sentrifus used to precipitated vitamins less good for from gland of hipofise.
c. Spuit and hypodermic needle
d. Pinset used to take gland of hipofise of donor fish
e. Cotton used to clean fat and blood closing over gland of hipofise
f. Net, spoon, saucer, washbasin, and pail
g. Dagger
h. Pad Fish and plastic sack;bag.
i. Scissors
j. Paper filter.

D. Domination Of Technique Marry To inject.

Domination of technique marry to inject will influence efficacy of activity of this breeder. Though available donor, resipien have ready to, and its complete equipments, but [is] otherwise supported [by] domination of its perpetrator technique hence efficacy marry to inject to hang in doubt. Domination of technique marry to inject this cover some skill following
a. Technique chosen mains
b. Technique [count/calculate] dose
c. Technique take gland
d. Technique clean gland
e. Technique make extract
f. Technique inject.
g. Technique [do/conduct] stripping ( breeder in series) and others.

E. Environmental Support.

Environmental Support like available of good clean water with quality and amount of which enough will influence efficacy marry to inject. rich and clean water [of] oxygen [is] especially required to incubate egg become seed. Electrics resource also represent important factor partaking influence efficacy of activity marry to inject. This medium [is] especially required [at] seeding reliing on and blower of heater to assist process hatch of egg and treatment of larva.

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