Jun 30, 2008

Diagnostic [of] Disease of Fish.

Diagnostic [of] Disease of Fish.

Symptom : small White pock [at] husk or gill, sticky gill,
Cause : Ich
Medication : Coppersafe, medication quickly Ich - easy.

Symptom : Membrane like peppercorn, brass, sticky gill.
Cause : Velvet
Medication : Coppersafe, medication quickly.

Symptom : white or Grey coat like white or grey Coat cotton like cotton around mouth.
Cause : Mushroom, Mushroom Mouth.
Medication : Maracyn, treatment of fungi, blue [of] Methyl, Antibiotika for the infection of sekunder.

Symptom : Appearance of paleness.
Cause : Disease of Neon of Tetra
Medication : Treatment not yet been known.

Symptom : Swim below par [in] pool, Black Nodul [is] squeezing below/under husk.
Cause : Flukes
Medication : Paragon

Symptom : Turn white like cloud [at] husk.
Cause : Costia, Chilodonella
Medication : Coppersafe, Treatment quickly, Acriflavin.

Symptom : Damage [at] tail or gill.
Cause : Tail or of Fin Rot.
Medication : Maracyn, blue [of] Methyl, Treatment of organ, Antibiotika

Symptom : Red incision [at] body.
Cause : Pest Red or of Ichthyosporidiurn.
Medication : Tetracycline, Penicillin, Acriflavine, Chloromycetin

Symptom : Nodul turn yellow black [at] husk.
Cause : Ichthyosporidium
Medication : Tetracycline, Penicillin, Acriflavine, Chloromycetin

Symptom : notching of Ulser [at] husk.
Cause Pest Red or of Ichthyosporidium.
Medication : Tetracycline, Penicillin, Acriflavine, Chloromycetin

Symptom : Thin, stomach of dint, possibility of pain hurt.
Cause : Tuberculosis
Medication : no treatment.

Symptom : Extrusion of scale with puffing of body.
Cause : Dropsy
Medication : Antibiotika [at] food ( Tetra, Hagen)

Symptom : Extrusion of scale with normal body.
Cause : uppermost scale.
Medication : Antibiotika [at] food ( Tetra, Hagen)

Symptom : Uppermost eye.
Cause : Pop Eye
Medication : Penicillin or of amoxicillin.

Symptom : Foggy eye.
Cause : Disease of eye, Ich, Velvet.
Medication : Penicillin or of amoxicillin.

Symptom : Hole [in] head, ulserasi [in] line of lateral, passion eat to lose.
Cause : Hexamita
Medication : Paragon

Symptom : Crustacea [at] husk.
Cause : Argulus, Ergasilus
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : Flukes [at] gill or husk.
Cause : Flukes
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : Worm depend on anus.
Cause : Nematode
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : Worm form heart.
Cause : Leeches
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : swelling form white nodul [at] body or gill.
Cause : Lymphocystis, Glugea, Henneguya
Medication : Unknown treatment.

Symptom : Glancing off rocks or Plants
Cause : Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Worm of Jangkar,Chilodonella, Costia
Medication : Medication Of Ich ( Ich), Paragon ( Worm )

Symptom : Balance trouble.
Cause : Swim bladder diseases
Medication : -

Symptom : Gap on the surface of.
Cause : Deficiencies 02, excess of CO2 pool too hot, Toxin, shock.
Medication : Generator oxygen ( in a short time ), repair of rotation of water, degrading temperature.

Symptom : Hop from water.
Cause : Incompatible PH, Toxin.
Medication : -

Symptom : Passion eat to decrease, bloated stomach, long feces.
Cause : Konstipasi.
Medication : Oil medisinal Paraffin, alter diet.

Symptom : Damage gill or break, sclaes lose / freely
Cause : hurt.
Medication : -

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