Jun 2, 2008

Type Conducting sea fish

Baramundi, Asean seabass
(Lates calcarifer)
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Centropomidae
Genus : Lates
Feature : long physique, flat , wide tail fin bar, wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths , underside of cover thormy gill [of] strength. Upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are jagged lobe

Streaked spinefoot
(Suganus javus,Linneus)
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Siganidae
Genus : Siganus
Feature : flat Ellipse physique, small mouth. scales [at] flank line 200. Upper colour squeeze - darkly, turning white below/under. white dot [at] body tabletop and head, Tires white colour by snatches, waving length especially [in] body underside.

(Siganus virgatus, Valenciennes)
Beronang Kuning/ Kea-kea
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Siganidae
Genus : Siganus
Feature : Ellipse physique attenuate, small mouth. Harsh tooths [at] its its[his] . Small Scales , slippery if/when touched. colour turn yellow greenness of white tabletop [is] brass greyly is illusory [of] underside.

Dwarf spotted grouper
(Epinephelus merra,Bloch.)
Kerapu Balong
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Serranidae
Genus : Epinephelus
Feature : Long physique, flat. Wide Trap, small tooths [at] jaw [in] part of external back part there are tooth of caling. [Cover/Conclusion] of jagged circular gill. circular Tail fin. Red primary colour - chicoo - young, a few/little greenness. [at] from head to foot , twin fin, single fin there are big fleck in form of hexagon ruddle old chicoo

Humback seabass, Panther grouper
(Cromileptes altivelis, Serranus altivelis)
Kerapu Bebek
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Serranidae
Genus : Cromileptes
Feature : Ellipse physique flat, Frontage Head level off, like head parrot . Mouth rather wide, smooth tooths [at] jaw, wide gill cover, jagged [at] tabletop behind. Two tooth of flat [at] [cover/conclusion] of gill. Ruddle - chicoo - white [of] tabletop, whitish [at] underside.

Banded cheek
(Epinephelus henichus fowler)
Kerapu Karang
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Siganidae
Genus : Chephalopholis
Feature : Long physique. wide mouth with little tooth [at] jaw. colour lead and red body - chicoo - matured come near black with a few blue thick line waving body length.

Greasy grouper
(Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal, 1775))
Kerapu Lumpur
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili: Serranidae
Genus : Epinephelus
Feature : Long physique. including type of kerapu big, [cover/conclusion] of circular gill, rather big and jagged at the end of under. tooths [at] in line jaw in 2 line, part of tip of biggest external front. This fish [is] including savage fish. Brownish primary colour, rather white its underside. Fleck ruddle - chicoo there are in all body.

Silver Barramundi
(Lates cacalifer)
Kakap Putih
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Centropomidae
Genus : Lates
Feature : Long physique. wide tail fin bar. Wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths. Underside [cover/conclusion] of thormy gill [of] strength. upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are jagged lobe.

Emperor red snapper
(Lutjanus sebae)
Kakap Merah
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Centropomidae
Genus : Lates
Feature : Long physique. wide tail fin bar. Wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths. Underside [cover/conclusion] of thormy gill [of] strength. upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are rose colored and jagged lobe.

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