Jun 10, 2008


Giant freshwater prawn

female and male Mains characteristic

Female : Abdomen rather wide.

Male : Abdomen rather slim.

" Production Larva
Hatch of egg 12-24 [hour/clock]
- Conservancy of larva ± 21 day

" Produce Juvenil
Solid [of] disperse 80-100 tail / litre
Old [of] conservancy 30-40 day

" Produce bean sprouts.
Solid [of] disperse 50-100 tail / m2
Old [of] conservancy 60 day

" Production Size measure Consumption
Solid [of] disperse 5-10 tail / m2
Old [of] conservancy 120 day
- Goals harvest size measure 35-40 gram / tail.

" [Gift/ giving] of food of Artemia and food made in, frequency 4-5 times / day.

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