Jun 9, 2008


Brackish water fish conducting type

Fish conducting [in] brackish water [is] activity look after, enlarging and or breed fish in a[n place of in the form of farm dam out by using brackish water media and also harvest its result
brackish water fish type :

Milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Ordo : Melacopterygii
Famili : Chanidae
Genus : Chanos
Feature : flimsy and longish physique. Owning smooth scales [of] tail fin branch, located back fin almost in the middle of, mouth [in front/ahead] of, big and circular eye. green body colour [of] silver on the top, while [in] middle shares [of] silver and [at] white chromatic underside.

Black Tiger Shrimp
Ordo : Crustacea
Famili : Crustacea
Genus : Penaeus
Feature : husk rather hard, but is not stiff. body there are black purple tire that is [at] each the joint there are 2 tire. rose colored foot/feet colour generally.

White Shrimp
Ordo : Crustacea
Famili : Crustacea
Genus : Penaeus
Feature : husk rather hard, but is not stiff. body there are black white tire that is [at] each the joint there are 2 tire. rose colored foot/feet colour generally.

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