Jul 5, 2008

Role Of Fish In Improving nutrient.Society.

Role Of Fish In Improving nutrient.Society.

Fish have one of [the] protein type which [is] its exploiting have been [done/conducted] [by] since some last century by human being as one of [the] valuable food materials [of] high nutrient and compared to the source of its food-stuff [of] milky him, egg or flesh.

Fish represent the source of high nutrient to increase the quality of human life [is] absolute because
● Fish have sour composition [of] more compared to complete esensial amino [of] vegetation ( plant )
● assorted Pregnant fish [of] absorbent mineral and vitamin by body and less once there are [at] vegetation food
● Representing the source of protein which high enough and value digest high ferrum and protein enough
● Fish protein can prevent the happening of " Sportanemia" that is fragile red corpuscles [at] sportsman.

Beside that, in cod especially certain type sea fish many is acidulous [of] fat of Omega-3 this [is] more pre-eminent from other fat ( Muhilal, 1990 )
● Acid Fat of Omega-3 can degrade blood cholesterol
● Sour [of] Fat of Omega-3 can prevent the happening of blood keping-keping agregasi
● Sour [of] Fat of Omega-3 needed to forming of brain.

There are some obtained advantage if us exploit fish as source of food, for example
● Territorial water of very Indonesia wide [of] enabling to be exploited maximally utilize accomplishment of requirement of protein
● Fish earn swiftly and [is] easy to compiled in so many form of olahan
● cheap Fish price relative compared to the source of protein of hewani other
● Fish flesh accepted by whole coat of mesyarakat, evaluated good and health facet, religion, economics storey;level and also tribe.

See that is important [of] fish him in make-up of human resource nutrient and fact showing still lower fish consumption while very big territorial water resource potency, hence efforts to the make-up of fish consumption require to be [done/conducted] one of [the] instruction [is] by suggesting habit eat fish [at] soc

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