Jul 31, 2008

Chosening Mains goldfish

Chosening Mains goldfish.
Mainss which have matured and good [of] genitals represent one of [the] conditio sine qua non among 4 condition to efficacy of seeding of this goldfish. Therefore, before studying seeding technique and conservancy of goldfish [in] pool, what a its goodness if/when knowing beforehand good and up to standard mainss for breeding. There are some criterion which must fulfill to ascertain pros and cons a goldfish made [by] mains, that is as follows.

Mains characteristic which with quality.

Age Mains gyrate 1,5-3 year. Painless or there [is] handicap [at] fin and also organ. big scales, regular , and fair. normal Tail jetty. Its meaning, comparison of tail jetty length ( penducle caudal) longer of width. Form lead compared to smaller good goldfish [of] its body. minimum Body length 3 times head length. Head backside [do] not quickly arch aside or is short. Normal jawbone and [do] not arch or is short. [At] [both/ second] spliting each upper lip angle;corner have to have two moustache ( feeler;complaint). Its throat is not defect if/when gill cover opened. Gill cover may not too.

Mains age gyrate 1,5-3 year. Painless or there [is] handicap [at] fins and also organ. big scale, regular [of] fin formation, and is fair. its Tail jetty [of] it, per? comparing tail jetty length ( penducle caudal) longer of width. Form lead compared to smaller good goldfish [of] its body. minimum Body length 3 times head length. Head backside [do] not quickly arch aside or is short. Normal jawbone and [do] not arch or is short. [At] [both/ second] spliting each upper lip angle;corner have to have two moustache ( feeler;complaint). Its throat is not defect if/when gill cover opened. Gill cover may not too exit flower. Its mobile and skilful movement. exit flower.

To know mainss which have [is] ready to married from a group of mains which have is chosen, can see marking of change of [his/its] body and also with rabaan. Female mains which have ready to married to be marked with its bloated stomach of face up at back, start hole tabletop of urogenital. Whereas masculine mains which have [is] ready to married [by] if/when have reached its age. Masculine mains always ready for married. Its meaning, any time and just where needed [by] [of] this masculine fish will always [is] ready to made [by] ideal couple. But, to ascertain and lessen failure risk better be depressed [by] its stomach up at back to ascertain its male. Fish Which all ready will [release] dilution of sperma, white chromatic loo like coconut mink.

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