Jul 16, 2008



- Things any kind of which need to be paid attention in chosening koi ?
+ There [is] three primary factor which need to be paid attention in chosening koi which prima with quality. important is not hurried in taking choice. When needed, asking [at] or practitioner of hobiis which have old struggle with koi. To be more sharpness, criterion of koi which prima with quality unfold in clarification following.

a. Form Body
- Select;Choose koi with ideal body form. Paying attention comparison [among/between] is high [of] body length and body. Ideally, the comparison [is] 1: 2, 3-3. Selecting also which [is] its circular body form [is] length and [do] not too fat
- If seen and of, its back line see diametrically [of] alias [do] not arch.
- Select;Choose koi with style swim well-balanced and calm. Movement which is [is] well-balanced to be influenced by fin position, symmetrical . Koi which marking with lines well-balanced body, among koi hobiis told to have good jitai
- Chest fin and stomach fin have to [is] of equal size. Meanwhile, back fin size measure and tail fin have to proporsional highly and body length.
- Head form, eye, mouth, and gill have to proporsional or is compatible. Paying attention also form its nose. Don'T select;choose past emerge or past enter till sink in flesh hoard. if open visible nose, big possibility [of] the koi have experienced of pain [at] gill.

b. Colour and Pattern.
- Select;Choose very bright colour and contrast. And so do its colour pattern, have to have clear boundary. The example, ruddle [at] my me have to really very bright and look promising, Meanwhile its white colour have to be snow-white, brass [do] not or [do] not have other colour pock.

- Meeting [among/between] ruddling and turn white boundary have to be keen, [there] no shadow or gradation ruddle. The happening of colour gradation [is] often met [at] local koi. The example, a koi [is] improper conceived of [by] my me tancho if decoration in the form of red circle [in] its wide head to eye, nose, or to back. Such Koi only referred [as] [by] my me. Meanwhile, a koi just confessed as type of ogon otherwise there [is] other colour [is] dot even also [at] metallic platinum colour [of] him.

c. Health

- Avoid to chosen drawn visible koi, its uneven and slowgoing swim movement, or many populating [in] pool base

- Gill darting to designate fish [is] finding difficulties bernapas. Better the koi [do] not be selected [by] because its indisposed condition.

- Select;Choose koi which [is] have straightening fin [to]. Its meaning, the fin [do] not fall to droop

- Avoid koi which always stand apart or avoid its friends. The behavior can be considered to be instinct of koi in order not to be contagious [of] disease to its friends.

- Although its fair colour and fulfill conditions as koi which with quality, shall not take risk by buying natural koi various symptom as in to the. Because, even so can be healed, there [is] possibility of koi will experience of physical handicap or [his/its] imperfect growth.

- How to chosen koi which with quality, good to beginner hobiis and also for conducting?

Beginner Hobiis suggested to chosen small fairish koi, [about/around] 10 cm. Its consideration [is] constituted [at] some reason following
- Its compared to cheaper price [of] adult koi so that if only happened failure in treatment will not too lossy
- Its compared to easier treatment [of] adult koi. Despitefully [do] not require past place wide [of]
- Opportunity change [him/it] of[is nature of koi become big enough tame.

Meanwhile, loss buy young koi [is] the existence of possibility of change [at] its colour pattern. To which [is] series for the conducting of koi, mains to be used have to have perfect primary colour and pattern, its healthy body, and its ideal size measure. Koi for indukan [do] not have to newly, but can be used [by] afkir koi ( koi which have [do] not be breeded) so long as fulfilling conditions of conducting. Because, generatively mains of koi will yield clan which vary, even can differ [is] at all with its mains. Thereby, clan yielded by mains of koi can experience of colour mutation and gradation.

- What such with colour mutation and gradation [at] koi

+ Gradation or change of colour pattern [at] koi [is] bacillus hard work Japan nation during hundreds of year in [doing/conducting] intersection ( breeding cross). Initially, [all] penangkar only looking after koi which [is] single chromatic. Pass continuous intersection effort, of single colour koi finally born various variation (of) colour, from two colour till five colour.

Besides passing intersection, colour pattern appearance [at] koi also because of the happening of gene mutation. It is said, effect of gene mutation, [at] era of Meiji ( 1868-1911), red pock [in] part of stomach, cheek, and eyelid of koi my Type me make a move to part of body backside and head. Though my me [is] clan of asagi which distinguishing black pock [in] part of cheek and stomach.

Colour mutation happened effect of the happening of change of functioning chromosome cell as carrier of[is nature of clan [at] koi ( including colour pigment in cell). This change will yield the nature of newly [at] clan of koi which [is] later continued [at] next generations.

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