Jul 4, 2008



- During the time a lot of opinion that koi come from Japan. Is real correct that way?

+ Many version expanding to [regarding/ hit] genesis of koi. One of them come of the book Koi masterpiece of Takeo Kuroki mentioning that beautiful fish [of] this variegation in fact come from Persian, [is] later;then brought to japan by Chinese people pass Chinese continent and Korea. [In] that sunrise country [of] koi rapidly grow since last 160 year.

Other version mention, first Chinese people [of] carp fish conducting times;rill as fish cikal will koi. But, after to Japan, [all] breeder of fish [in] Mountain of Ojiya, Niigata, start to try conducting of koi and in the reality enough success. Even [is] later;then imitated by other countrysides around him, like Countryside of Takerawa, Countryside of Higayashima, Countryside of Ota, Countryside of Taneuhara, and Countryside of Kamaghasima [in] middle Niigata shares. Countrysides that's which later;then become sentra development of koi [in] country of sakura.

[In] carp fish japan ( Carpio Cyprinus) referred [as] with Nishikogoi. Nishi mean colour fish of warni and of Goi mean carp fish. Because him [him/ it], various coherent epithet [at] Nishikogoi, among others colourful koi, flower koi, and fantasy fish. Meanwhile, Name of " koi" alone in fact come from Chinese letter. Even since. last 2.500 year, precisely [at] governance of King of Shoko [in] japan, the naming of koi for the lkan of this colourful carp have been recognized. Hereinafter the name of popular this koi later;then in all the world.

According to note. Takeo Kuroki, in the begining [all] new breeder can yield koi varietas - single colour, like is black ( and karasugoi of sumigoi), white ( shiromuji), red ( akagoi, bhemigoi, and higoi), yellow ( kigoi), golden. ( kingoi), and turn white silver ( gingoi). From only monochrome, later;then expand koi two colour, for example turning white is - red ( kohaku) and is black and white ( bekko shiro and of shiro utsuri). Hereinafter emerge tricolour koi, namely squeeze - blackly is - white ( sanke taiso and of showa my me). And last born koi five colour of[is so-called goshiki which [is] blue elementary chromatic with red pocks, black, dark blue, and turn white.

Year 1904, world of koi japan surprised attended it[him] koi do not be scaly which come from jerman. Japan society mention [him/it] with goi kagami. Koi do not be this scaly [is] crossed result [among/between] japan carp and Germany carp. If this goi kagami [is] re-traversed will yield half koi [of] its half and scaly body again is not scaly. This Koi [is] named [by] nishikigoi doitsu.

Up to now, my me type [is] considered to be its queen [of] koi. My me born [in] epoch of Bunka and of Bunsel ( 804-1829). its Body colour squeeze and turn white, loo like japan flag. Popular Saking [of] him, there [is] aphorism among devotee of koi [in] japan telling " Looking after koi started from my me and end in my me." Differ from my me, type of kawarimono have more simple pattern. example [of] of Kawarimono for example ogon, hikarimoyo-mono, utsurimono hikari, kinginrin),; and tancho. Classification of types of koi this good for facilitating assessment of contest of koi which [is] always performed [a] nationally every year [in] japan.

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