Jul 6, 2008


( Corydoras Aeneus)

Corydoras as decorative fish which have commodity export which [is] very promise, so that become society choice for the conducting of. fish of Corydoras the including fish type of catfish. Where corydoras included in Ordo Siluriformes, Set of relatives of Callichthyidae and Gender of Corydoras. Activity of seeding of fish of corydoras cover mains selection, drawing up basin of pemijahan, drawing up the place of hatch of egg, treatment of larva, treatment of seed, handling of disease and transportation of seed.

Activity of seeding of fish of corydoras early with mains selection. In this mains selection, [is] selected [by] mains which have matured gonad that is old age [about/around] 1-2 year [so that/ to be] yielded [to] egg earn maximally. Breeder [done/conducted] naturally. If/When mains which [is] breeding in number many hence breeder [done/conducted] [by] [in] cement basin, while if/when a few/little, [done/conducted] [by] [in] aquarium. Breeder process usually happened before morning or morning.

Substrat which have been sticked on egg, lifted and packed into hatch aquarium. Tejur which [is] chromatic fruit is not white while egg which [is] rust colored fruit. To prevent mushroom infection, [at] the eggs given [by] condensation of methylene blue with dose 0,15 ppm. yielded egg from 1 mains amount to. mean 280 egg item.

Egg will hatch during 3-4 day. Afterwards, larva is not, direct given [by] food, because stilling has egg yolk as its food reserve. Start third day, just given to eat addition in the form of artemia until larva old age 2 week.

Conservancy of seed [done/conducted] [by] after larva old age this 2 conservancy and week [is] [done/conducted] till seed old age 1,5 months or fairish [about/around] 2 cm. given food in the form of Daphnia sp. or Tubifex.
fairish selected seed 1,75-2 cm and [at] this size measure [of] habit sold at the price of Rp 150 / tail. Way of the transportation of seed that is with closed system by using filled [by] plastic poke [is] water [about/around] 7 litre with density of fish range from 150-300 tail.

Disease attacking in seeding of fish of corydoras in the form of disease of mushroom attacking [at] egg stadium and larva. Mushroom attacking that is Saprolegnia sp. Its medication that is with input in condensation of methylene blue with dose 0,15 ppm during 24 [hour/clock]. Other disease which attack, in the form of disease of bacterium. [done/conducted] medication to disease of bacterium that is with input in cooking salt condensation counted 10-30 garm / l during 24 [done/conducted] [hour/clock] with a few multiply restating.

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