Jul 4, 2008

Fish, Beauty and Intellegence.

Fish, Beauty and Intellegence.

Fish and Slenderness. famous Victoria Beckam football player wife [of] previous David Beckham [is] group member singer of famous Spicy Girl take care of its appearance either from clothes facet and also [his/its] physical. Recently a magazine of fashion [in] ACE give appreciation to mother 3 the child because assessed slender still, section and dress compatiblely. Like to know its secret? In the reality its slenderness result of from diet of seafood he/she said. As Japan food hobby which [is] majority use seafood, with many fruit and vegetable he feel to become very healthy and nimble to make a move dynamicly. Moreover with slender body [of] him, he feel more (be) free to chosen compatible clothes.

Spawn Overcome Poleness [in] Face. Apprehension to poleness [in] face do not only predominating atmosphere clan, but also man clan. its proof of Rocker Sir Mick Jagger which nowadays have 63 year also stir to look for husk cream able to cause appearance more young. He volunteer [release] £ 200 or more than Rp.3 million to a husk cream which containing many caviar ( spawn of sturgeon) for the shake of taking care of its appearance. Seems he enough satisfy with its result so that nowadays [oppositely;also] he always buy up cream of the caviar to be distributed also to its friend [in] Rolling Stone. Containing Cream [of] caviar have the high protein [to] contain ageless materialss capable to tighten husk and weaken poleness.

Cod Improve Coordination Hand and Eye baby Of result a study reported that passed to cod suplemen [is] pregnant mother can improve hand coordination and eye [at] baby. [About/Around] 100 divided pregnant woman to become 2 group and [is] every day given [by] 4 gram of suplemen cod or 4 gram of suplemen olive start from pregnancy of age 20 week till moment bear. Its condition [of] the woman [do] not smoke and not yet consumed minimum fish one week 2 times.

When its childs born and later;then have age [to] 2,5 year, they [is] dites about ability of Ianguage, behaviour, natural existence energy and eye coordination and hand. Its result [there] no difference of signifikan [at] ability of have Ianguage [to] and growth storey;level [at] both children group.

But children from [all] mother which consuming cod in the reality have higher value [at] natural existence energy ( comprehensive), ability remember richer and long frase [of] vocabulary. Besides, the children also have ability of motorik co-ordinate hand and eye which is [is] better to be compared to children which [is] its mother during pregnancy [do] not consume cod. Result of the research have been publicized [at] Archives Disease Childhood in of. ( Source Of : News Market Fish Edition March 2007)

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