Jul 5, 2008

Eat Fish, Prevent Cancer.

Eat Fish, Prevent Cancer.

Do not be abundant if people now tell to eat that fish [is] felt progressively need. Because, besides as source of rich food [of] protein and useful for the requirement of human being nutrient every day, fish have other Iihat vitamins which can prevent disease which still difficult to cure, namely cancer. [Is] during the time reported that food which play a part in to prevent cancer [is] fruits and vegetable. Whereas fish group play a part in to prevent aterosklerosis and heart sickness of coroner.

Newest research indicate that fish consumption in the reality also play a part in to prevent appearance some cancer type. That thing is for example seeing in result of research of Esteve Fernandez et.al ( 1999) from Institute of Universetari Cladding de of Publica Its its[his] de, L'Hospitalet ( Barcelona), Catalonia [in] Spanyol ( Italian).

The research entangle [about/around] 10.149 sampel patient of cancer and [about/around] 7.990 people as a group control. [All] the control and sampel taken away from [by] various research of inwrought case-control [in] various hospital [in] Italian.

One of [the] question key to responder [is] about how much/many consumed fish portion per week one year ago, before their cancer raise hell. Besides, asked also about aspect of sosiodemografik, [common/ public] marking, and habit smoke, drink alcohol, and coffee.

Responder [is] later;then grouped to become three, that is which [do] not consume or less than one portion (<> 2).

Result of Research

There are some result of withdrawing from the research.
1. fish consumption show protection effect to some digestive channel cancer type like mouth cavity cancer, pharynx, throat, stomach, large intestine, part of rektum, ovary, and pancreas cancer
2. there are inversed [relation/link] by signifikan [among/between] to the number of consumed fish portion per week, with tendency of cancer appearance of larynx, endometrial, cancer of multiple myeloma
3. there [is] tendency which [do] not signifikan [among/between] fish consumption with occurence of bile cancer, prostate, kidney, and cancer of limfoma ( Hodgkin and of Non-Hodgkin
4. [there] no [relation/link] or pattern [among/between] fish consumption with occurence of bosom cancer, liver, poke of kemih, and thyroid gland cancer.

More Two Portion. Result of research of Fernandez show also that amount of useful to consumed fish newly prevent cancer [is] two portion or deeper one week. Meanwhile, consume fish one portion per its effect week much the same to without consuming fish.

Result of the research assign value to add [at] fish consumption. First, besides protecting against heart sickness and vein, fish consumption also will prevent appearance some cancer type, especially attacking digestive channel. [Both/ second], one who is a few/little or seldom consume fish, will have risk suffer from heart, at the same time also cancer.

the Protection effect of course come from content various Iihat vitamin of nutrient which there are in fish. For example its carbohydrate rate lower, its fat rate have [of] positive effect [to] [at] health of vein and heart, its gilt edged protein value and including komplet because energy digest high him and acid contents of amino its [of] complete him.

Vitamin [at] immeasurable fish even also obstetrical and [of] its high mineral and also [is] easy to permeated by body. Please report that zinc mineral ( Zn), selenium, and other needed in system defence of body in fighting against various disease, including cancer.

Prevent Cancer Prostate. Eating many fish especially sea fish in rich [of] healthy fat like and salmon of gindara, good to protecting prostate of cancer trouble, including prostate cancer. Research of pattern eat which [is] team initiative of Karolinska Institute [in] Stockholm, Swedia, [done/conducted] to 6.000 man people, more as half as have age [to] 55 year.

Its result, man which is the more consuming sea fish in, and also and fruits of sayur-sayuran fresh, smaller berisiko get prostate cancer. [All] researcher anticipate fat acid of omega-3, especially EPA ( eicosa pentanoic of acid, sour [of] eikosapentanoat) and DHA ( acid hexaenoic docosa, sour [of] dokosaheksaenoat), which there are in fish have biggest share prevent growth of cancer cell.
This matter in line with result of similar research to 317 diagnosed man people suffer prostate cancer and 480 man people is not patient of prostate cancer. [All] researcher measure input of EPA and of DHA of food and also rate of EPA and of DHA in their blood. Its result, input rate of EPA-DHA and rate of EPA-DHA in blood [all] patient of lower prostate cancer than non patient of prostate cancer. This fact prove that fat acid of omega-3, specially EPA and of DHA play a part in to overcome prostate cancer.

Select;Choose Fresh Fish. Its Benefit Depended Useful Processing or its[his] [do] not various nutrient which implied in fish which we consume, in the reality very depend on way of processing process and election. Select;Choose fresh fish and if can above the ground.

Fish which still fresh see [at] its flesh which [is] kenyal if depressed, its [of] him which [do] not easy to release, and stinking inodorous. Its eye still transparent, [do] not turn pale and concave. Sea fish have rate of omega-3, vitamin, and high mineral. On the contrary, high bream especially fat acid and carbohydrate of omega-6. Both types of the fish represent the source of Iihat vitamin of gizi certifiable. Labouring by bergantian consume both types of the fish [so that/ to be] [is] equiping each other lacking of Iihat vitamin of gizi other.

Fresh fish which have been selected, immediately clean and given [by] flavour to be cooked according to appetite. Do will be burned, dipepes, made [by] soup, or gravy flavour. Ripening by fried or burned with butter olesan will improve fat rate, inadvisable so that to [is] excessively consumed.

That way also to canned fish and which [is] conserved like briny fish. conserved fish generally have been processed in such a manner, with addition of additive Iihat vitamin and of pengawet able to destroy value of gizi and health of [his/its] consumer. Therefore, limit canned fishs consumption and processing.

Of course to get health of prima body, [do] not only from aspect consume fish. Must also be supported [by] immeasurable consumption [of] vegetable, fruits, serealia, beverage, and execute healthy life style: athletics according to is, regular, and measured, positive thinking always ( thinking positive), [do] not smoke, drink alcohol, and also consume drug of psikotropika. ( Source of : Depkes, cbn.net.id)

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