Jul 27, 2008

Conducting Goldfish

Conducting Goldfish.

Type Fish consume most complete freshwater [of] its conducting technique that is goldfish, start from seeding technique, conservancy of seed, magnification, and also magnification of mains. Besides West Java which (it) is true represent goldfish conducting sentra, many other region in Indonesia have had a share goldfish conducting.

Recognition Of Type. Goldfish ( Cyprinus Carpio) included in gender of Cyprynidae. [In] various area, this goldfish [is] conceived of [by] fish of tambra, great, or ameh. This fish come from Chinese and Russia. This Fish [is] later;then propagated [by] [in] Europe area and Asian Nations [of] South and Asia East [at] middle ages. Nowadays existence of goldfish have flatten good in all the world as wild fish and also as culture fish.

long Goldfish body and a few/little compressed aside ( compresed). Its mouth located in middle back part ( terminal) and can be peeped out to water level. This fish have feeler;complaint two tide. According to some fish expert, feeler;complaint this is as fundamental characteristic to differentiate goldfish ( Carpio Cyprinus) with cooky goldfish ( Auratus Carasius).

long Back fin with backside have hard radius [to]. Situation start of this back fin defect with start of stomach fin. Goldfish have bigger scales which pertained type of Cycloid. This Fish have complete flank line reside in [at] mid of tail fin. Throat tooth consist of three rows which in form of molar.

Growth of natural goldfish conducting [of] very fast progress and have conducting storey;level which almost perfect. [There] no other type fish which have datas which as complete as this goldfish, start from amount of yielded [by] egg [is] mains till breeder of making with gland excitement of hifofisasi. Growth of this conducting can be seen from to the number of goldfish strain. Every area have typical strain, differing [among/between] area one with other area and [is] of course adapted for [by] the condition of society environment. As for goldfish strain able to be met [by] [in] society these days as follows.

1. Punten.
Colour of Scales black green, high back, and seen compared to shorter [of] other races. Eye rather uppermost with calm movement, tardy, and tame. Comparison of total length [of] body to is high [of] smallest body 2,4:1

2. Si nyonya.
colour of scales turn yellow youngly. If/When compared to punten, back the lower Lady with longer body. Eye less uppermost. [At] the old man fish, tend to slitly. Whereas young fish eye [of] so-sos. Its movement seen tame and its its[his] gather on the surface of.

3. Majalaya.
Colour of Scales ashes green with edge of scales darker. Up at its dark colour back progressively. Shorter body and also high back. body progressively fine-form up at back, more fine-form of other race. Stomach wall thicker than other goldfish varietas. Flimsier snout

4. Red.
Colour of Scales flame color. Long body and back body [do] not fine-form. Eye rather uppermost. Movement more mobile is, active, and seen less tame.

5. Taiwan.
Colour of Scales yellowish green. Longer body of punten with back rather seen is circular. Part of undercarriage and anal fin edge [of] rust colored tail fin [is] squeezing. Eye rather uppermost. Active movement, less tame, and if/when given [by] pakan chosen which under water level

6. Kumpay.
Colour of Sisik yellowish. long body as does red goldfish or the lady. There [is] rust colored also gold or is redish. Its fin in form of length with redish colour, yellowish or turn yellow gold. Its tardy movement.

7. Glass carp.

Scales [do] not uniform, white chromatic gleam, and fairish bigger than other goldfish strain scales. Body some of closed scales, that is as long as flank line or residing in the near by fin. Its active movement and less tame

8. Kancra Domas.

small scales, not regular, and old redish chromatic. In the middle of body there are lengthwise line [of] silver chromatic, or gold. Part of dark chromatic back. Long body with movement less tame or is active.

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