Jul 3, 2008

Small Fish: Small Its For Is, Big [of] its Content Calcium

Small Fish: Small Its For Is, Big [of] its Content Calcium

Small fish ( Stokphorus Spp) representing one of [the] favorite fish because strarting from head, flesh until its bone earn consumed direct. Fish small fish since llama recognized by Indonesia society as lauk eat everyday because easy go and can be cooked to various to menu. Fish small fish marking [is] cylindrical body, part of circular stomach, short head, snout look sharp-pointed and clear, anal [of] anus fin a few/little behind and pale body colour. Types small fish which many in Indonesia [is] rice small fish ( Commrsouli Stokphorus), small fish of japuh ( Accuta Dussumieria) and small fish of jengki / kadrak ( Stokphorus Insularis).

Marketing of Small fish.
In this time, permintaaan of natural small fish [is] make-up of which is high enough, good to domestic consumption and also exporting. Indonesian small fish have exported many to some state like Singapore, Malaysia, China and Japan. Volume export Indonesia small fish per annum experience of improvement, that is in the year 2001 reaching 1.980 ton with value 7.930.000 US$, mounting to become 1.999 ton in the year 2002 with US nilai11.890.000$. In the year 2005, volume export small fish mount sharply become 2.443 ton with value 16.287.284 US$ and year 2006 mounting equal to 5 % becoming 2.579 ton with value 16.437.255 US$. For domestic consumption, small fish marketed many to almost city wide in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, produce domestic small fish start from year 2000 until year 2005 varying that is year 2000 reaching 173.944 ton; year 2001, 190.182 ton; year 2002, 168.959 ton; year 2003, 161.141 ton; year 2004, 154.811 year and ton 2005 reaching 151.926 ton. Fish small fish have wide [of] spreading area [in] area of Indo-Pasifik even to area of Tahiti and Madagascar. Area spreading of small fish in Indonesia [among/between] 950BT - 1400BT and 100LU - 100LS, equally include;cover almost entire/all Indonesia region.

Small Fish of[is Source of Calcium.
One of [the] idiosyncrasy of small fish compared to other fish [is] its small body form so that easy to and practical consumed by all age. Small fish represent salahsatu of[is source of best calcium to prevent pengeroposan of bone. Small fish represent the source of calcium which hold up and [do] not be dissolve easy to in water. Obstetrical [of] fresh small fish gizi cover energi 77 kkal; protein of l6gr; fat 1.0 gr; calcium 500 mg; phosfor 500 mg; iron 1.0 mg; Vit A RE 47; and Vit B 0.1 mg.

Processing of Small fish Small fish very easy destroy so that need the way of to maintain [so that/ to be] remain to be durabel without eliminating to feel, one of [the] its way [is] with marinating. Process marinating of small fish started with election of Small fish to be processed. After election finish, Small fish washed to be to be chilled to eliminate mixed with dirts [is] fish. Wash repeat to be [done/conducted] by using clean water to eliminate water go out to sea or degrade salt rate in fish. After wash, process hereinafter [is] poaching with a purpose to [so that/ to be] fish become to mature. [At] poaching process used [by] salt with rate 5% until 6%. Before poaching, water [is] beforehand boiled [by] after enhanced [by] salt. After water boil, small fish fish [is] later;then [entered/included] into rebusan irrigate and poaching temperature [about/around] 100°C until 103°C and let more or less 5-7 minute. During water braise, to be [done/conducted] [by] squealer to smooth down heat and eliminate spume [at] poaching crate. Later;Then, small fish fish which have matured marked with its white colour and float on the surface of irrigate to be lifted and leak. By using appliance assist the, the small fish smoothed down and put down [by] above wood sheet to be dried.

Industrial Sentra [of] Processor Of Fish Small fish of Sentra industrial [of] processing of small fish fish have location [to] [in] coastal area region among others Tuban East Java, Berau Kalimantan East, and Non Irigated Dry Field Central Java, Cirebon West Java, Float and Field North Sumatra. Fish small fish of fisherman [is] usually arrested by using appliance catch payang, dogol, ring seine, gill net remain to, net triplex, schema of tancap other trap and. Industrial Sentra [of] Processor of Small fish. Industrial Sentra [of] processing of small fish have location [to] [in] coastal area region among others Tuban East Java, Berau Kalimantan East, and Non Irigated Dry Field Central Java, Cirebon West Java, Float and Field North Sumatra. Fish small fish of fisherman [is] usually arrested by using appliance catch payang, dogol, ring seine, gill net remain to, net triplex, schema of tancap other trap and.

[In] Tuban, small fish have come to commodity export to Japan with tired production capacities 130 ton per year. [In] Sub-Province of Berau Kalimantan East, small fish have been marketed to Surabaya with delivery capacities 6 ton per minggu.teri obtained from Island of Derawan bought from fisherman at the price of basing on size measure and quality. Meanwhile, fisherman [in] north coast [of] Central Java catch small fish fish [at] dry season with amount of capture [about/around] 20-30 singk per day. [In] Floating, marketed wet rice small fish fish for local region Float, small fish of jengki braise and briny [in] marketing to Jakarta, while rice small fish of keri to Jakarta and exported [by] [about/around] 10% to Taiwan and Mid-East. Meanwhile, produce small fish fish [in] Floating mean [about/around] 3.500 ton / marketed year to Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Float, Acheh [is] and also exported to Malaysia, Singapore and of Thailand.

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