Jul 31, 2008

Chosening Mains goldfish

Chosening Mains goldfish.
Mainss which have matured and good [of] genitals represent one of [the] conditio sine qua non among 4 condition to efficacy of seeding of this goldfish. Therefore, before studying seeding technique and conservancy of goldfish [in] pool, what a its goodness if/when knowing beforehand good and up to standard mainss for breeding. There are some criterion which must fulfill to ascertain pros and cons a goldfish made [by] mains, that is as follows.

Mains characteristic which with quality.

Age Mains gyrate 1,5-3 year. Painless or there [is] handicap [at] fin and also organ. big scales, regular , and fair. normal Tail jetty. Its meaning, comparison of tail jetty length ( penducle caudal) longer of width. Form lead compared to smaller good goldfish [of] its body. minimum Body length 3 times head length. Head backside [do] not quickly arch aside or is short. Normal jawbone and [do] not arch or is short. [At] [both/ second] spliting each upper lip angle;corner have to have two moustache ( feeler;complaint). Its throat is not defect if/when gill cover opened. Gill cover may not too.

Mains age gyrate 1,5-3 year. Painless or there [is] handicap [at] fins and also organ. big scale, regular [of] fin formation, and is fair. its Tail jetty [of] it, per? comparing tail jetty length ( penducle caudal) longer of width. Form lead compared to smaller good goldfish [of] its body. minimum Body length 3 times head length. Head backside [do] not quickly arch aside or is short. Normal jawbone and [do] not arch or is short. [At] [both/ second] spliting each upper lip angle;corner have to have two moustache ( feeler;complaint). Its throat is not defect if/when gill cover opened. Gill cover may not too exit flower. Its mobile and skilful movement. exit flower.

To know mainss which have [is] ready to married from a group of mains which have is chosen, can see marking of change of [his/its] body and also with rabaan. Female mains which have ready to married to be marked with its bloated stomach of face up at back, start hole tabletop of urogenital. Whereas masculine mains which have [is] ready to married [by] if/when have reached its age. Masculine mains always ready for married. Its meaning, any time and just where needed [by] [of] this masculine fish will always [is] ready to made [by] ideal couple. But, to ascertain and lessen failure risk better be depressed [by] its stomach up at back to ascertain its male. Fish Which all ready will [release] dilution of sperma, white chromatic loo like coconut mink.

Jul 30, 2008

Habit multiply goldfish.

Habit multiply goldfish.

As does other fish which pertained family of Cyprinidae, goldfish [is] not at all have instinct to take care of or protect its clan. Therefore, everything related to propagation of [him/ it] become owner responsibility at the same time its entrepreneur. Goldfish have viscous egg or equally the nature of its egg [of] adhesive or patch. Habit before [doing/conducting] breeder [in] nature [is] to look for leafy place with crop irrigate or grass closing over surface of territorial water. Fish which have is adult [of] kan very easy find place required to attach its egg.

Because of its habit this, orang.Jerman always cultivate pool breeder of goldfish with high grass in the middle of pool. There [is] planting grass semi from breeder pool, entirety, or there [is] also cultivating [it] [at] middle shares [of] him. There [is] also utilizing water crop floating like ( thyroid enceng , which take root length and is leafy. Viscosity [of] spawn of mas this [is] caused [by] the existence of coat of globulins. spawn of Mas which have stick [at] fibre of palmtree ( kakaban) will not fall though born down upon rather boisterous current. If/When forced to get out of fibre of palmtree hence egg will destroy.

[In] nature, this prolific fish during the year without recognizing season. but, there are some opinion telling usually breeder happened as long as just rain season. Possible opinion [is] correctness, if/when seeing habit of farmer of fish marrying this goldfish with environmental manipulation beforehand. Genitals maturity [at] masculine fish usually in advance from female fish. Therefore, [is] often found [by] [all] farmer marrying goldfish femalely fairish 2 or 3 singk with male which only 1 / 2 singk.

Masculine fish have ability yield sperma [at] relatively young age, that is [about/around] 6 months. Whereas female fish newly can mature genitals after old age more than 6 months, depend on strain or its its[his].

Habit eat goldfish.

Habit eat goldfish. Usually, farmer of fish prefer to give side dish to goldfish in the form of food or bran made in. Though, this fish pertained omnivorous fish ( omnivora). This matter can be proved with [gift/ giving] of food of kitchen pickings or soft water crop. Usually, goldfish seed will. eat Protozoa and of Crustacea. fairish Seed [of] cm lo eat elementary physic like Chironomidae, Oligochaete, Epemenidae, Trichoptera, Tubificidae, Mulusca, and others. The physics eaten together with rotten water crop and other organic materialss.

Adult goldfish and mains often destroy causeway of pool, especially its base. This because habit eat goldfish which often poke at pool base, including causeway base to look for organic physics. Habit poke at this pool base making [him/ it] get epithet of bottom feeder or eater of base. According to some observer, ugly habit [of] goldfish in the reality profit growth of seeds which still weaken, especially taken care of seed or looked after together adult fish. Its cause, with adult goldfish activity or mains, physics [in] pool base swirled to to the. Thereby, will facilitate small seeds to eating [him/ it] without straining after to swim into pool which in.

other Badness Adapula of goldfish. This fish non pertained fish which like to take care of its childs. Become, there [is] its possibility [of] him follow to be sucked by adult fish. [In] nature, lake, or its life place river, this fish [of] life step aside at the same time set eye on pakan in the form of small animal which [is] life above Mud lakeside coat or river. Pursuant to habit eat this, it is of course will be more easy to deepen willingness of[is the fish and ability of entrepreneur of fish [in] lawn pool to be able to be productive as maximum.

lchthyophthiriasis (disease at fish)

1. lchthyophthiriasis.
Its cause [is] lchthyophthirius multifiliis. This disease [is] often referred [as] with disease of white blot as according to symptom of klinis generated [it]. Fish infection type able to by this disease [is] most of all bream type. including decorative fish. Fish size measure which many infection [is] seed fish or if [at] adult size measure goldfish even also will be able to infection. Its symptom [of] easy him perceived that is with existence of white fleck [at] part of body which [is] infection. fish which [is] infection rub its body [at] base / wall of[is place of conducting.

Fish seen to gasp for breath especially if the parasite [is] gill infection. In the situation that way usually death of fish will be high, because natural fish [of] trouble absorbtion of oxygen effect [of] its infection [of] fish gill. Prevention of this disease that is for example Usage of water which [is] its quality [of] used Equipments balk shall didesinfeksi beforehand. Maintaining temperature irrigate [at] level 28°C. Medication of fish which [is] infection can be [done/conducted] by: soaking fish which [is] infection with mixture of formalin 25 ppm during 24 [hour/clock]. Moving fish to water with temperature 28°C will assist to moult the parasite.

Habit of Life goldfish in Nature.

Habit of Life goldfish in Nature.

In]nature, goldfish live superficial in place with water current which [do] not be rapid so, that goodness represent river, lake, and also [at] other water pond. carp fish ( this mas) will only grow goodness [at] place with height [among/between] 150-1.000 dpl m. optimal Water temperature which good to growth of [his/its] body [among/between] 20-25 degree of Celcius, while compatible water pH and desiring of residing in [among/between] 7-8. Speed grow this goldfish [in] pool usually ( water stagnant) [is] 3 cm per month.

Jul 29, 2008



A.1. Sporozoa .
Parasite of this faction [of] its phase [of] it the form of spore and stay in fish body by way of forming cyst ( cyste) which [is] usually arranged in layers with fastener network. Usually the parasite [is] exterior fish body infection like husk, fin, but also infection can gill. Some there [is] which [is] organ infection in like intestine and brain. Some resulted from [by] disease [is] this faction parasite for example [is]:

Coccidiasis. Its Cause [is] Gousia spp. This disease [of] goldfish fish intestine infection and of catfish . Its infection [is] raced by quality of water which [is] its downhill quality. this Disease Diagnosa can base on character form by using microscope
- Preventive : good Management Pool like pool and draining given [by] chalk by regular
- Medication : Not yet been known [by] drug which [is] effektif for the medication of this disease.

Myxosporeasis . Cause of disease : Myxobolus Spp , Myxosoma Spp, Henneguya Spp and of Thelohanellus spp. Fourth [of] parasite [is] including group pads of myxosporea Spp Myxobolus. Infection Goldfish [at] is pocket edition ( stadium of muds / seed). Organ which [is] infection [is] gill. This parasite form cyst ( fish gill sheets pads cyste), so that will hinder process absorbtion of oxygen . As a result fish will experience of lacking of oxygen. resulted death [it] high enough that is can reach 90%.

- Myxosoma Spp. Infection Organ in the example seed fish of Myxosoma infection cerebralis part of fish brain of salmon. This parasite can generate trouble [at] balance appliance, so that fish which [is] infection will show symptom swim with movement [do] not be controlled [by] like catalepsy
- Henneguya Spp. infection of kutit fin and but sometimes also seed fish gill infection generally fish of gurame and snake head. Its smaller cyst if compared to cyst of Myxobolus there are gill sheets pads. Its [of] lower him also if compared to Myxobolus.

Thelohanellus Spp. infection part of gill, fin and husk especially fish of tawes pads old age seed [about/around] one months, [is] sometime found [by] infection of Binding intestine. Factor supporting the happening of fourth infection [of] the parasite type [is] the quality of less good water especially high organic materials content in pool. The parasites can be contagious through water.

Disease Diagnosa: can based on symptom pads of klinis existing and [is] later;then continued with perception of character form Bari spore. Preventive [of] disease: Repair of quality irrigate with usage of precipitation basins, usage of filter, and also draining and [gift/ giving] of chalk [at] pool. There is no drug able to be used to cure fish which [is] infection by disease.

Jul 27, 2008

Conducting Goldfish

Conducting Goldfish.

Type Fish consume most complete freshwater [of] its conducting technique that is goldfish, start from seeding technique, conservancy of seed, magnification, and also magnification of mains. Besides West Java which (it) is true represent goldfish conducting sentra, many other region in Indonesia have had a share goldfish conducting.

Recognition Of Type. Goldfish ( Cyprinus Carpio) included in gender of Cyprynidae. [In] various area, this goldfish [is] conceived of [by] fish of tambra, great, or ameh. This fish come from Chinese and Russia. This Fish [is] later;then propagated [by] [in] Europe area and Asian Nations [of] South and Asia East [at] middle ages. Nowadays existence of goldfish have flatten good in all the world as wild fish and also as culture fish.

long Goldfish body and a few/little compressed aside ( compresed). Its mouth located in middle back part ( terminal) and can be peeped out to water level. This fish have feeler;complaint two tide. According to some fish expert, feeler;complaint this is as fundamental characteristic to differentiate goldfish ( Carpio Cyprinus) with cooky goldfish ( Auratus Carasius).

long Back fin with backside have hard radius [to]. Situation start of this back fin defect with start of stomach fin. Goldfish have bigger scales which pertained type of Cycloid. This Fish have complete flank line reside in [at] mid of tail fin. Throat tooth consist of three rows which in form of molar.

Growth of natural goldfish conducting [of] very fast progress and have conducting storey;level which almost perfect. [There] no other type fish which have datas which as complete as this goldfish, start from amount of yielded [by] egg [is] mains till breeder of making with gland excitement of hifofisasi. Growth of this conducting can be seen from to the number of goldfish strain. Every area have typical strain, differing [among/between] area one with other area and [is] of course adapted for [by] the condition of society environment. As for goldfish strain able to be met [by] [in] society these days as follows.

1. Punten.
Colour of Scales black green, high back, and seen compared to shorter [of] other races. Eye rather uppermost with calm movement, tardy, and tame. Comparison of total length [of] body to is high [of] smallest body 2,4:1

2. Si nyonya.
colour of scales turn yellow youngly. If/When compared to punten, back the lower Lady with longer body. Eye less uppermost. [At] the old man fish, tend to slitly. Whereas young fish eye [of] so-sos. Its movement seen tame and its its[his] gather on the surface of.

3. Majalaya.
Colour of Scales ashes green with edge of scales darker. Up at its dark colour back progressively. Shorter body and also high back. body progressively fine-form up at back, more fine-form of other race. Stomach wall thicker than other goldfish varietas. Flimsier snout

4. Red.
Colour of Scales flame color. Long body and back body [do] not fine-form. Eye rather uppermost. Movement more mobile is, active, and seen less tame.

5. Taiwan.
Colour of Scales yellowish green. Longer body of punten with back rather seen is circular. Part of undercarriage and anal fin edge [of] rust colored tail fin [is] squeezing. Eye rather uppermost. Active movement, less tame, and if/when given [by] pakan chosen which under water level

6. Kumpay.
Colour of Sisik yellowish. long body as does red goldfish or the lady. There [is] rust colored also gold or is redish. Its fin in form of length with redish colour, yellowish or turn yellow gold. Its tardy movement.

7. Glass carp.

Scales [do] not uniform, white chromatic gleam, and fairish bigger than other goldfish strain scales. Body some of closed scales, that is as long as flank line or residing in the near by fin. Its active movement and less tame

8. Kancra Domas.

small scales, not regular, and old redish chromatic. In the middle of body there are lengthwise line [of] silver chromatic, or gold. Part of dark chromatic back. Long body with movement less tame or is active.

Jul 24, 2008




Disease defined [by] as a(n) situation of physical, morphology and or natural function [of] change of normal condition because some cause and divided to the 2 group that is cause from within ( internal) and outside ( eksternal). Internal disease cover disparity of genetik, metabolism trouble, trouble of sekresi and weaken body endurance him. While disease of eksternal cover disease of pathogen ( parasite, mushroom, bacterium, virus) and non pathogen ( environmental and nutrisi ). Disease of parasitik represent one of [the] disease of infection which often attack fish especially [at] effort seeding.

Parasite attack can result annoyed of growth, death even degradation of fish production. Various organism having the character of parasite start from protozoa, and crusstacea of annelida. [In] free territorial water, there are is assorted [of] parasite with wide [of] variation [of] but its amount a few/little. While in activity of conducting, parasite there are with variation [of] which a few/little but its amount many.

Disease of fish parasite [is] disease which because of organism which harming fish as inang. This parasites there [is] from faction of Arthropods, Helminthes and Protozoa. Place live [at] fish there [is] which outside body like husk / lender, gill and fin. They this use Oxygen of territorial water, this group [is] referred [as] [by] ektoparasit. There [is] again parasite which [is] its life place in fish body as in in intestine, flesh muscle, brain and others. They this referred [as] [by] oxygen and endoparasit got from result of metabolism and from network oxygen getting oxygen supply of circulation of blood.

Parasite [in] territorial water environment like also fish live [in] water environment. If situation of environment irrigate its bad quality, hence will result fish of stress, but condition of to parasite very balk, till parasite multiply and its population last for fish infection, so that fish [is] pain. Besides oxygen also temperature. Temperature have an effect on to fish and also [his/its] parasite especially [in] existing territorial water [of] its zona ( deepness ) with existence of temperature type. [In] part of base territorial water of temperature earn 20° C or less, [is] on the surface of water can reach 32° C, this matter can cause fish become stress if/when its it very big.

That way also with food, if its [of] him [do] not be paid attention, and also hygiene of food materials, earn also fish become pain. If Fish do not want to eat, causing body become to weaken and storey;level of immunitas downhill.

Besides food made in also food live like worm of sutra ( Tubifex Tubifex , blood worm ( Chironomus Sp), representing medium host of protozoa and worm. That way also with Cyclops, Diaptomus and Snail which is [is] ordinary to be found [by] [in] territorial water. Hence environmental sanitasi require to be taken care of also to wild fish which often also bring parasite. Parasite fish group of adan of Arthropoda filum, for example Lenea sp, Argulus Sp, Ergasilus Sp, Lamproglena Sp, Cysmothoa Sp, of Helminthes filum there [is] Monogenea, for example Gyrodactylus sp, Dactylogyrus sp, Neobenedenia Sp, Diplozoom Sp, of Digenea there [is] Haplometrana, Opoecaelus, Clinostomum, of Cestoda Marsipometra, Bothriocephalus. Filum Nematoda for example Capilaria, Amisakis, Camalanus and from Filum Protozoa for example Myxosoma. Myxobolus, Ichthyophthirius, Trichodina, Trichodinella and others.

Disease of very rare parasite experience of epidemic like [at] disease of bacterium and virus. Disease of parasite if/when happened epizootic happened [in] certain area, because that area [is] area of enzootic, each time happened the the epidemic in place. Disease of this chronic parasite usually. If/When amount of its parasite many, epidemic newly and take time old ones. If its acute epidemic, hence its time shorten. Death of fish [at] acute [is] higher the than [at] chronic disease, and also its time [at] acute shorten to be compared to chronic disease.

Generally each;every parasite have complicated life cycle, which [is] possibility represent important matter in medication of attacked [by] fish [is] parasite. Cycle study live parasite represent important matter to determine complete handling to action. Attempt of infection with difficult parasite generally [done/conducted] [by] because difficult parasite [of] diinkubasi or looked after [at] media made in.

[At] its life cycle, parasite need inang. Some inang as life place / multiplying parasite cover
1. Host Definite : Inang, where parasite live until adult ( ex ; cestoda)
2. intermediate of Host : Inang, where parasite live until larva phase ( digenea )
3. Host Tempory : Inang, where parasite live in a word, later;then leave inang ( isopoda )
4. Host Reservoir : Inang as source of parasite for other inang ( digenea cyste).

Some factor facilitate parasite appearance for example
1. Density Stocking Density of high disperse, direct contact and existence of inang
2. Trauma Physical of handling, grading can cause hurt
3. Water Pool : quality of bad water
4. Breeding Selective : Select in way of good form and colour can result to weaken
5. Environment : change of temperature
6. Predator : Can as spreader inang
7. Conducting system : land;ground pool represent media to as cycle live parasite
8. New Species : Entry of new fish species can result entry of new parasite

Source : Asep Suhendra, BBPBATS, 2006.

Jul 23, 2008

Angel fish

Angel fish

(Pterophyllum spp)


Banded gourami

Banded gourami

(Colisa fasciata)


Albino cory cat

Albino cory cat

(Corydoras spp.)


Black ghost

Black ghost

(Apteronotus albifrons)

Blue cichlid

Blue cichlid

(Aequidens pulchers)


Burmese badis

Burmese badis

(Labrus Badis)


Cardinal tetra

Cardinal tetra

(Cheirodon axelrodi schultz)

Kar Tetra

Celebes rainbow fish

Celebes rainbow fish

(Telmatherina ladigesi ahl)

Rainbow sulawesi

Common carp

Common carp

(Cyprinus carpio)


Dwarf neon rain bow fish

Dwarf neon rain bow fish

(Melanotaenia praecox weber)

Rainbow Praecox

Dwartft gourami

Dwartft gourami

(Collisa lalia)


Emperor tetra

Emperor tetra

(Namatobbrycon palmeri eigenmann)


Fire mouth cichlid

Fire mouth cichlid

(Chiclasoma meeki) erind,

Mulut api

Five banded barb

Five banded barb

(Barbus pentazona)


Gold fish

Gold fish

(Carassius auratus)

ikan mas koki

Griem's tetra

Griem's tetra

(Hyphessobrycon griemmi)




(Trigonostigma heteromorpha)

Kongo tetra

Kongo tetra

(Phenacogrammus interruptus, boulenger)

Kongo salem

Lake kutubu rainbow fish

Lake kutubu rainbow fish

(Melanotaenia lacutris munro)

Rainbow Lakutris

Long fin barb

Long fin barb

(Barbus arulius)


Macculloch's rainbow fish

Macculloch's rainbow fish

(Melanotaenia maccullochi ogilby)

Rainbow Makuloci



(Poecilia spp)




(Astonotus ocellatus, cuvier)


Paradise fish

Paradise fish

(Macropodus opercularis)




(Xyphophours maculatus)

Plati Koral

Rainbow fish

Rainbow fish

(Melanotaenia boesemani)


Red phantom tetra

Red phantom tetra

(Megalamphodus sweglesi)

Phantom Merah

Red rainbow fish

Red rainbow fish

(Glossolepis incisus weber)

Rainbow Merah

Red tailed black shark

Red tailed black shark

(Labeo bicolor)


Rosy barb, Red barb

Rosy barb, Red barb

(Puntius conchonius)




(Scleropages formosus)


Sea horses

Sea horses

(Hippocampus, spp)

kuda laut

Siamese fighter

Siamese fighter

(Beta splendens)

Ikan Cupang



Xyphophours helleri (heckel)

Plati Pedang

Striped anastamos

Striped anastamos

(Anostomus anostomus)

Head Stander

Sunset platy

Sunset platy

Xyphophours variatus (meek)

Plati Variatus

Wattley panda discus

Wattley panda discus

(Symphysodon discus)


Yellow blotched triggerfish / tiger ceplok

Yellow blotched triggerfish

(Balistoides conspicillum)

tiger ceplok

Jul 22, 2008



Things which must be paid attention when will breed koi [is] the availibility of pool, supply of mains of koi, ready [of] seed food, and treatment of tight selection.

Pool Breeder.

Pool Breeder not possible (to) become one with garden pool. Pool Breeder have to have inclusion door and door expenditure of separate water. Besides, entire/all pool have to be plastered and can be dried finely. Wide [of] Breeder pool vary. For narrow;tight pool can use pool for the width of 3-6 m2 with deepness 0,5 m. Pool location enough get sunshine, [do] not too roaring, [is] covert from children reach and other concubine animal.

If possible, providing also pool hatch of egg, and place treatment of seed. Hatch pool, its for can be square [of] length or is circular. If circular pool, its diameter [among/between] 1,5-2 m. One pool if there [is], that is pool to grow natural food which weared for the supply of seed food if its egg yolk have [used up/finished]. Deepness of pool [about/around] 30 cm. Wide [of] [of] pool [among/between] 6-10 m2, adequate enough. To owning money enough, pool wall can be endued [by] vinyl, that is ordinary materials to make basin of fiberglass. With vinyl coat, the pools more well guaranted its hygiene and effect of cement can be eliminated.

Select Mains.
Especial Condition [of] mains [is] mains candidate have matured genitals and mature body. Matured [of] its meaning genitals [of] masculine mains have yielded female mains and sperma have yielded matured egg. Mature its meaning body, physically they have ready to become productive mainss. Other condition [of] its prima physical, [do] not handicap. Its complete fins, also its its[his].

Its movement [of] classyness, well-balanced, [do] not weaken. Minimum age 2 year [at] male, clan 3 year [at] is female. compared to bigger Female [of] male, its stomach seen compared to bigger [of] back. masculine on the contrary, more slender and its stomach flatten if seen from back. masculine Chest mains fin ready to marry will emerge white fleck.

A female mains relate to 2 or 3 masculine mains. If a female only given a male [in] breeder pool and at haphazard its male [of] ngadat, fail breeder. By providing masculine stok more than one, failure of breeder can avoid. To be suggested not to to use nicest mains stok, because its bad clan usually. Children not yet of course as good as its mains. Which [is] breeding better run of the mill koi, but still have the nature of exeeding, like its condensed colour. At the (time) of seed selection, later can be selected is which [is] which are good and is which [is] which are is bad.

Preparation of Pool.

First time which must be drawn up for breeder [is] pool. Pool dried [by] below/under sunlight. Inclusion door attached [by] filter to shuting-out fish [him/ it] a thousand or other water pest. [At] dismissal door attached [by] filter to prevent egg which possible drift. egg of Koi patch ( adesip) in character. Usually koi will lay eggs below/under materials or crop any kind of which can wear to paste up its egg. Therefore provide place paste up adequate egg egg of to koi can safe.

place patch egg can use kakaban ( place patch made egg [him/it] of fibre of palmtree materials , weared for the breeding of goldfish. Kakaban made of [by] nipped fibre of palmtree with bamboo blade and nailed [by] me. good Kakaban [is] made from long fibre of palmtree and flatten, size measure of kakaban 40 wide cm and 120 long cm. amount of needed to be kakaban to be adapted for is big [of] female mains, usually 4-6 to each;every 1 female mains singk. [So that/ to be] can float, kakaban compiled [by] above bamboo rasher which still is intact. Above kakaban given [by] blade of bamboo and bound corps of to kakaban [do] not tercerai-berai when prolific mains couple. Before attached, kakaban cleaned, to be cleaned, and rinsed [so that/ to be] freing from mud.

Kakaban attached [by] after pool filled [by] water. Water always empty into breeder pool to stimulate couple of koi to be prolific. Besides kakaban, place patch egg can also use crop irrigate like compiled Hydrilla or string cutting in the place of fibre of palmtree.

Execution of Breeder.
Mains [entered/included] [by] [about/around] at 16.00 and will start midnight prolific. Female mains will swim to encircle pool followed [by] masculine mains rear. More and more their movement llama more and more to exclaim. Masculine mains paste up its body when following female mains. At its height, female mains will [release] its egg once in a while hop into the air. this Female Aktifitas [is] immediately followed [by] male by [releasing] dilution of sperma.

hit [by] eggs [is] sperma will patch [at] materials or kakaban paste up hard and other egg release. Also there are some egg which fall to pool base. Marriage finish [at] morning. Mains [is] immediately disjointed with its egg. If losing time, egg can be eaten [used up/finished] by its mains. There [is] two way of to dissociate mains of yielded egg. First, by removing mains of breeder pool and remain to let egg hatch [in] pool. Way of [both/ second] by removing egg to hatch pool. Way of first more practical because more economical farm ( pool).

To prevent in order not to be attacked mushroom, eggs soaked first in condensation of Malachytgreen with dose 1 / 300.000 during 15 minute before put [in] hatch pool. When will soak this eggs, better kakaban shaken down [at] water [so that/ to be] dirt which possible close over egg can release.

hatch of Egg.
[So that/ to be] hatching better, egg have to always sink and water temperature remain to be constant. If temperature too is cool, hatch will take place llama. If temperature too high, egg can die and decay. [So that/ to be] egg can terendam all, network of kakaban have to " be engulfed" into pool. For that can wear banana tree bar service. Crosscut three banana bar as long as 40 cm, last put down above kakaban with two joint bamboo as its pallet. [So that/ to be] can stabilize, banana bar smoothed down one of [the] its side.

In tempo 2-3 egg day of koi have started to hatch. After hatching kakaban lifted and carried over [by] other place. Later kakaban can wear again in other opportunity. seed of Koi old age one week still is soft. Generally people incubate egg of koi in hapa that is sack;bag which [is] have ordinary soft eye [to] to accomodate seed. [In] net, seed of koi collected easier and [do] not drift brought current.

New Koi hatch still bring egg yolk as supply of first especial food. During that they not yet required food from outside because its digestion not yet been formed [by] perfection. Two or three-day later;then, they have started to swim. In this time the up for providing food to seed. This seed have to be carried over [by] magnification pool which containing many natural food.

Treatment of Seed.
Seed which have swum free have to be carried over [by] magnification pool. this Magnification pool have to be drawn up, [so that/ to be] growed [by] natural pakan, one week before pemijahan. As for its preparation stages;steps as follows. Pool dried [by] during two-day below/under sunlight and sprayed with pesticide [so that/ to be] animal which [do] not desire [by] death. pesticide weared [by] Dipherex or of Nogos with dose 0,5-1,0 ppm. Later;Then to provide natural food in the form of lilliputian animal, pool fertilized with chicken dirt and hay. hay overlaped with stone and put down [by] [in] pool sudutsudut. Dirt chicken volume 1,5 singk / m2. Door inclusion of water to pool have to give [by] filter.

In a few day, hit [by] water [is] hay will turn colour to become to squeeze chocolate. But, few days later;then will be clear return. If [gift/ giving] of chicken dirt and precise hay, in a few day later;then will grow and infusoria of fitoplankton. At the moment seeds of koi have [in] including after more or less ten day, daphnia will grow. Otherwise can grow natural food, perforced to give seed food of koi with food made in like stewed egg yolk, prawn flour, milk powder for the calf of, and special flour food for koi. To take care of water [do] not decay by rest of food made in, [in] pool [entered/included] [by] new water [so that/ to be] rest of food drift.

Select Seed.
Activity most difficult from network activity of breeder [is] selection of seed. Selection [done/conducted] [by] when seed old age 1 till 3 months, and seed dissociated according to size measure grow and its type. There are some tail of koi which generally grow big too, while some of again very tardy. This selection also assist koi which [is] its tardy growth can grow normal return.

During 1-3 selection months [done/conducted] [by] counted 3 or 4 times. First selection, [done/conducted] [by] [about/around] 2 week after hatching to Showa, 50 day after hatching for Ogan, 60 day for Kohaku and Taisho-Sanke. Seed which is [is] defect to be marked ruddled is, white, or just black. Usually from amount of seed hatching, good only 10-20%. [done/conducted] [both/ second] Selection to determine colour pattern and quality as a whole. After finishing selection, fewer best seed which still remain.

Seed selection only can be [done/conducted] truly by they which have close to koi. Eyesight which is [is] keen to be needed to to get good seeds [is] its quality. In general seeds of koi which get away selection have the following marking
- Body and [his/its] normal fin, [do] not handicap
- its Body colour have looked is uppermost, as according to its its[his]
- White colour, red, black or turn yellow to look clear [do] not be mixed with other colour.

source : Heru Susanto , 'KOI"

Jul 21, 2008

Milkfish Freshwater

Milkfish Freshwater.

A. Recognition of Type.

Milkfish can be enlarged [by] [in] freshwater because measuring up to euryhaline. Its meaning, fish can live [in] gyration of salinitas high, though for the breeding of larva and mains still require brine. Even, [in] water which its it 0 per mile, which [is] its water bargain, Milkfish can live and grow bigly.

B. Habit of Life [in] Nature.
Adult Milkfish generally breeding [in] deep sea, later;then its it[him] brought to coast. After when adult, bandeng live [in] brackish water and back to sea for breeding.

1. Habit eat. Milkfish of[is including herbivore ( eater of flora). This fish eat klekap / water crop , what grow [in] pool background. If/When have is quit of [of] surface of land;ground, this kelekap [is] often conceived of [by] water droppings. food of Milkfish especially consist of plankton ( Chlorophyceae and of Diatomae), elementary moss ( Cyanophyceae), and algae crop sprout ( Pineapple and of Ruppia). Flora which in form of yarn and harsher again will be more [is] easy to eaten by fish of Milkfish if/when strarting to decay.

2. Habit multiply.

Milkfish will multiply in the middle of sea which its [of] high him. Nener ( seed of Milkfish) can be arrested [by] [in] coastal area by using rumpon ( ground fishing) in the form of coconut leaf. The Nener taken by diseser. will multiply in the middle of sea which its [of] high him. Nener ( seed of Milkfish) can be arrested [by] [in] coastal area by using rumpon ( ground fishing) in the form of coconut leaf. The Nener taken by diseser ( taken by using net ).

C. Chosen Mains.
Chosening mains economically for dipijahkan (it) is true only can be [done/conducted] from supply of conservancy pool alone. As for mains characteristic which with quality among others as follows. Distinguish mains which with quality.

Characteristic Mains which with quality

Mains of Milkfish black

Male Mains [of] black Milkfish
Old age 4 year and [his/its] flabby and big stomach.

Old age 3 year and [do] not too big its size measure [so that/ to be] remain to be nimble [of] its movement.
Mains of Milkfish grass

Mains of Milkfish grass

Old age 5 year and [his/its] thick stomach

Old age 4 year and [do] not too big its size measure [so that/ to be] remain to be nimble [of] its movement.

D. Breeder [in] Pool.
Breeder of Milkfish [is] usually [done/conducted] made inly, that is with inoculation of hormone. As for which must be paid attention [is] pool construction, preparation of pool, and breeder process.

1. Pool construction.
Pool Mains have to have deepness 1-1,5 metre and open [so that/ to be] can accept direct sunshine, but is cold. Causeway have to be strong enough and laboured [do] not leak [so that/ to be] height of pool water can be defended. Each pool have inclusion door and dismissal to guarantee circulars irrigate better. This matter have an effect on positive to acceleration of mains maturity of Milkfish.

2. Preparation of pool.
Pool calcified pH to irrigate its pool go up and become ideally, [about/around] 6,8-7,2. Before utilized, pool also have to give [by] saponin ( tea seed) to kill wild fishs and snail which often bother growth of kelekap. Pool require to be fertilized with urea to stimulate growth of plankton. Fertilization dose usually gyrate 10-15 g / m2. Side dish for mains given also to stimulate growth of gonade. Food in the form of bean flour mixture, bran of hales ( bekatul), wheat, or given egg powder 3-5% from fish weight. [Gift/ giving] of food [done/conducted] [by] day setup, [at] morning, noon, and evening.

2. Breeder.
Density of mains dispersion better 4-5 tail / m2 to assist process maturation of gonade. Breeder of fish of Milkfish married inject. But, marry to inject [at] Milkfish 100% reliing on synthetic hormone ( brand). Hormone which [is] usually used among others Synahorin, Gona Hormone, or Puberogen. Inoculation of [done/conducted] [by] female mains 2 times [so that/ to be] is effective, while to [be] just masculine enough once that is [at] inoculation of second female mains. First inoculation [is] usually [done/conducted] at 17-00-18-00 counted 200 IU ( International Unit) [at] female mains. [both/ second] Inoculation [done/conducted] after 6 [hour/clock] of first inoculation that is at 24.00 counted 200 IU also [at] female mains, and so do for injected [by] masculine mains 200 IU.

Inoculation [done/conducted] [at] flesh muscle part of back ( intrumusculler), [about/around] parallel third or [both/ second] line with part of genitals. There [is] also more effective inoculation place, but have to beware of because can hurt organ in Milkfish, that is stomach cavity room . After injected, both mains reentered to place relocation of each mains with given [by] and aerasi of sirkulasi regular water. Afterwards, paid attention correct sequence moment sign that is mains will see jumpy which distinguished from opening and closing [him/ it] quicker mouth and often emerge to surface of pool. Before will lay eggs, fish desist to swim and from head to foot spastic. Moment that's right time [do/conduct] sequence. Fish [is] later;then arrested and part of its head [is] covered with mosquito net in order not to rebel.

Stripping [is] usually [done/conducted] [by] after 10-14 [hour/clock] of first injection if/when temperature irrigate 20-23 degree of Celcius, 7-8 [hour/clock] if/when temperature irrigate 25- 26 degree of Celcius, or 3-4 [hour/clock] [at] temperature irrigate 30 degree of Celcius. Its way, left holded female mains by hand [in] part of back, while right hand [in] part of stomach. Whereas right hand thumb massage repeatedly [at] part of stomach up at release hole. Egg [is] later;then accomodated in clean baskom which given [by] a few/little water. In the same way sequence [done/conducted] [at] masculine mains. After exit sperma, and egg of sperma swirled [by] slow with quill during 0,5 minute. Egg which have been mingled [by] dilution of sperma [is] later;then rinsed with clean water to eliminate the rest of dilution of sperma, feses, and blood.

E. Hatch and Treatment of Seed.
For the efficacy of hatch of eggs require to be [done/conducted] [by] the following stages;steps
a. Wash out, then dry aquarium, hatch basin, and hatch funnel. most effective hatch by using hatch funnel because giving guarantee of suplai continuous oxygen and prevent heaping of egg because rotatory current continuously from under hatch funnel
b. Hatchery tide. Each;Every, funnel hatch of have diameter [to] 50 cm can be utilized to incubate 40.000-50.000 egg item
c. Enhancing anti mushroom in the form of Emolin or of Blitz Ich counted 0,05 cc / water litre d. egg of Milkfish will hatch during 28-36 [hour/clock] [at] room temperature 24-28 degre of celcius. the Percentage of hatch usually reach 70-90%. Seed which [is] barn old age 2 day not yet required side dish because still contain egg yolk ( sack yolk
e. Over the course of is two-day, larva carried over [by] attached net [in] pool conservancy of seed which have been drawn up one week previously.

F. Conservancy.
conservancy of seed [done/conducted] [by] [in] net and [in] pool which have been fertilized one week previously. [entered/included] manure into pool usually chicken dirt counted 0,5-1,5 singk / m2. Pool [is] also filled [by] water [so that/ to be] growing natural food which required by larva of milkfish. Whereas brand manure can be given [by] TSP with dose 10-15 g / m2 to fold to to duplicate pool productivity. Inclusion of water [done/conducted] step by step is. First, water [entered/included] to elaborate organic manure. Hereinafter, irrigate to be boosted up till 40-45 cm and let to be to be suffused to be illuminated [by] sun until 4-6 day.

Indirect seed [is] disperse [in] pool, but in fairish net [of] length 4-5 metre, wide 1-2 metre, and in 1 metre with density of seed dispersion [among/between] 70-000-80.000 tail / net [At] net tabletop given [by] peneduh to lessen too sunshine intensity [of] terik and protect against rainwater terpaan. [Gift/ giving] of side dish [done/conducted] [by] after 3-4 day after seed dispersion because estimated [by] supply of natural food in net quickly decrease because denseness of nener in it. given side dish in the form of egg yolk mixture, soy juice, yeast powder, and Anaemia. Frequency [gift/ giving] 5-6 times one day. after old age 10 day, seed of Milkfis ( nener) have [is] ready to carried over [by] broader land;ground pool. Pool for the width of 1.000 disperse m2 can 70.000-80.000 tail of nener. One month later;then nener removed again to other pool, which [is] [is] same broadness, but solid [is] its dispersion enough 35.000-40.000 just tail.

G. Magnification.
Magnification of Milkfish [done/conducted] [by] [in] pool owning inclusion door and dismissal of separate water. Pool may be fertilized beforehand or [do] not. To obtain;get result of optimal, magnification of Milkfish require [gift/ giving] of side dish. required side dish in the form of smooth bran ( bekatul), flour of benawa, and others.

Source : Conducting Fish [in] Lawn of Heru Susanto.

Jul 18, 2008

Conducting Tortoise

Conducting Tortoise

Recognition of Type

Name of tortoise ( Sinensis Trionyx) [is] also recognized for the species of (Trionyx cartilagineous) and species of Trionyx other. tortoise looked after in pool. Initially, tortoise of[is including pest, [is] same as eel. cork, and other important commodity. tortoise have high economic value. Almost entire/all part of body of tortoise can be exploited, flesh goodness and also its its[his]. During the time the amount of tortoise fulfilled from natural capture because result of energy kindness not yet its amount signifikan.

oval Body tortoise form or rather ellipse, and attenuate. Its body without black grey chromatic and scale. carapac and of plastron ( undercarriage [of] body which [do] not closed is ) prepacked [of] hard husk. Its its[his] [of] white chromatic turn pale redish till. Husk closed by shield coming from epidermis coat in the form of horn vitamin. Its nose [of] length form tube, like trunk. tortoise is not pronged, but its it[him] very strong and sharply.

Habit of Life [in] Nature.

Tortoise breath in air with lung ( pulmo), both for newly hatch and also adult Tortoise 1. Habit eat. Tortoise eat small prawn and fish [in] nature. [In] pool, Tortoise can be given [by] food in the form of choping up livestock innards;bowels or fish of ruminansia.

2. Habit multiply.
[In] nature, prolific tortoise generally [among/between] Juli-Desember. tortoise multiply by laying eggs ( ovivar). Each time tortoise lay eggs to reach 10-30 item. Chromatic egg of krem with diameter [among/between] 2-3 cm. [released] to be eggs to be piled up in sandy land;ground during more or less 45-50 day [at] temperature 25-30 degre of Celcius.

Chosen Mains.
Tortoise which [is] breeding will [in] breeder pool have to fulfill special conditions, among others old age and size measure. Besides, comparison [among/between] female and male mains have to precisely. As for good female and male mains characteristic as follows.

Mains characteristic which with quality is.

- Age have reached 2 year or more
- its compared to smaller Body size measure [of] male
- short female Mains tail and is not uppermost exit from its its[his]
- Its form [of] him more circular and is thicker
- distance between both longer back foot/feet, because sliverring its bearing with process lay eggs
- Blunt genitals.

– Age have reached 2 year or more
- its female compared to bigger Body size measure, sometime twice the level of
- uppermost and longer male Mains tail [of] exit from its its[his]
- Its form [of] him more oval and and is flimsier
- distance between both shorter back foot/feet
- Fine-Form genitals.

Breeder [in] Pool.
In breeder of tortoise [in] pool require to be paid attention other important factors, like pool construction, preparation of pool, and breeder process.

Pool construction.
Pool breeder of tortoise in form of is square [of] length. Wide [of] [of] pool depended available farm, generally [among/between] 200-300 m2 with height of causeway 1,5-1,75 m. Pool base better arrange in layers sand, while causeway wall laboured [by] wall.

[At] one of [the] pool side made [by] egg cage for the width of 2 m X 2 x m 1 m counted 3. This cage [is] attributed to made link bridge of bamboo matting or board. Target of making of bridge is to facilitate tortoise mains come into him. Egg cage better equip [by] protector to protect egg of direct sun sting and rain. Elementary [of] its cage [is] provided with smooth sand as thick as 20 cm [so that/ to be] easy mains hide its eggs.

Preparation of pool.
Breeder pool dried [by] 3-5 day. Place cage breeder of tortoise strived to be to be hit [by] direct sunshine [so that/ to be] dead disease seed. Hereinafter, mains [entered/included] into pool. As for comparison of female and male mains which married [by] 1 4. Its meaning, a tortoise male expected can marry 4 female tortoise mains tail.

Breeder usually happened [at] 7-12 day after mains dispersion. Mains will lay eggs at night, [among/between] at 20.00-02.00. A female mains usually will yield 30-40 egg item. bulbous Egg tortoise form [of] chromatic ping-pony of krem egg size measure and usually have diameter [to] [among/between]. 1-3 cm.

Egg which finish to be [released] by mains have to [is] immediately carried over in incubator room or room hatch of egg. Whereas egg which in sand hoard can be [released] by using appliance or hand assist like spade.

Hatch of Egg and Treatment of Seed.
Eggs compiled regularly in filled [by] hatch box [is] sand as thick as 5 cm. The box fairish 40 x cm 60 x cm 5 cm. Besides, provided also baskom contain parallel attached water with surface of floor. This washbasin. will be required by swooping after exit of egg.

During hatch process, room temperature laboured [by] [among/between] 29-33 degre of Celcius with dampness 85-95%. Egg will hatch after 40-45 day [at] temperature 30 degre of celcius. But, sometime egg will hatch after 60 day.

After hatching, swoop direct look for water which have been provided in washbasin. Weight swoop hatching to gyrate 7-9,3 g / tail. Swoop new hatch not yet required food from outside because permeating food of brought sack yolk [it] from the day borned.

F. Conservancy of Seed. After fifth day, swoop to be arrested to be carried over [by] pool conservancy of seed. Wide [of] [of] pool conservancy of seed usually [about/around] 100-600 m2, depended available farm. Pool base of pendederan sandy with height of water gyrate 50-75 cm. Pool which [is] its water too in, will complicate tortoise to take direct oxygen from the air.

Density of dispersion pool 45-50 tail / m2. Old [of] conservancy swoop [in] the pool during 2 months. During conservancy, swoop to be given [by] food in the form of choping up fish flesh. given food counted 5% from tortoise weight which [is] disperse. The food placed [by] [in] pool periphery, [at] boundary water level of pool. [Gift/ giving] of food [done/conducted] [by] evening and morning.

tortoise like to sun so that 1 / 3 part of pool given [by] protector crop in the form of water crop. Besides, pool some part given [by] place sun from board which can float.

Wide [of] [of] magnification pool vary [among/between] 100-600 m2. Pool which too big will complicate checking, while undersize pool less effective because amount of young tortoise which [is] its amount disperse a few/little. Height of minimum magnification pool water 75 cm.

Swoop which [is] disperse into magnification pool old age 2 months. its size measure [of] uniform. Dispersion [done/conducted] [at] evening or morning [so that/ to be] swooping [do] not stres. Density of dispersion that is 8-10 tail / m2.

To reach size measure 300-600 g / tail, a swooping to require time 3-6 months. Crop [is] usually [done/conducted] [by] after looked after during 6-7 weighing months 700-800 g / tail. To reach adult size measure, swoop to require time 2-3 year. Furthermore magnification only [done/conducted] to yield tortoise mains because most consumption size measure desired [by] consumer that is 700-800 g / tail, less than 1 singk.

Source : Conducting Fish [in] Lawn of Heru Susanto.

Jul 17, 2008

Conducting Frog Cow (Rana C.)

Conducting Frog Cow

( Rana Catesbiana shaw)


Frog represent one of [the] commodity result of fishery having good prospect, especially to fulfill requirement of exporting. Until frog type moment the exported [is] as haul of nature that is type of Rana and cancrivora of Rana macrodon.

Thereby progressively [is] often [done/conducted] [by] arrest of frog by society, resulting frog population [in] nature on the wane beside frog size measure, becoming is small. On the other hand request of market export high still, like French state, Dutch, Germany and also other state.
To guarantee frog to thigh exporting go out country remain to continue and even can mount, hence needing the existence of development of frog conducting effort.

Frog type which suited for conducting [is] cow frog or referred [as] also " Bullfrog" ( Rana Catesbiana), because this Bullfrog have excess compared to local frog type that is having bigger size measure, quicker growth and earn conducting. Effort this frog conducting can be expected to become one of [the] new effort type and represent extension of employment [in] is rural.

2.1. Habitat and Cycle Life.

Frog have two habitat type. [At] a period of/to tadpole live [in] water, while percil stadia or young frog have needed continent as its life place and just to only once in a while need water. this Frog type usually live pond ditempat-tempat irrigate like lake, rivers and reservoir which [is] its current [do] not too rapid. The frog can live [in] tropical sub and also trop., however its growth will be more quickly tropical sub area. this Frog type represent swimmer quickly, because having strong foot/feet,

Body colour all kinds of and [do] not differentiate female sex and also male, difference of colour sometimes because of influence of sunshine and situation of environment.

In its life cycle, cow frog divided to become 4 ( four ) phase, that is egg, tadpole, adult and percil. Transformation happened [at] tadpole phase become percil phase and this matter [is] referred [as] also transformasi / metamorphose. needed to time perform [a] transformation range from 2-4 months depended from quality of food and water which (is) available in its life media.

2. Habit Eat and its Food.

[At] tadpole stadia more is having the character of " omnivore", so that eat all existing food type, also the including plankton of feeder good [of] and also phytoplankton of zooplankton and also microorganism, and eat also moss. Beside that tadpole also can have the character of " scafenger" or eater of carcass like dead fry etcetera.

From other side natural food, tadpole also can be given [by] food made in smooth. The example like konsentrat as livestock food.

2.3. Difference of Male Frog and Female Frog.

Male Frog

- Radian Size measure [of] eardrum, twice the [is] big the than eye circle
- Husk around throat of chartreuse chromatic
- bigger frontage foot/feet thumb relative
- smaller Body size measure relative
- Owning voice poke which lay between ear drum and foreleg jetty.

Female Frog

- Radian Size measure [of] eardrum relative [is] equal to eye circumference
- Husk around throat of white chromatic with fleck of kehitaman
- smaller frontage thumb relative
- bigger Body size measure relative
- [Do] not have voice poke.


3.1 Place of.

In conservancy of percil of Frog reach consumption size measure needed [by] the place of permanent and closed. Place of expanding [in] society consist of land;ground continent with given [by] crop and some of again bricked up pool.

Pursuant to experience in the reality in cow frog conducting enough use the place of in the form of cement basins, glass fibre or plastic basin. Size measure of[is place of depend on available areal minimize ( 1 x 1 x 1) m3 and to take care of dampness and also arrest;detain direct sunshine, better give [by] protector roof and each;every basin provided with installation irrigate for the inclusion of expenditure and. Form the place of better be foursquare [of] length, this matter [is] meant to water down handling and arrangement of [his/its] place.

3.2. Percil.

looked after [by] Percil [is] body weighing per tail [among/between] 10-15 gram that is percil which have gone with the tide ( newly metamorphose). The Percil can come from result of breeder alone or buy from company of seeding.

3.3. Food.

given Food in the form of pellet with protein content 30 % and side dish able to in the form of maggot, small fish or worm.


Solid [is] dispersion of percil range from 50-100 tail/ m2, [in] labouring size measure of to percil uniform. This matter to avoid the happening of cannibalism.

Food which in the form of pellet given [by] 3-5 times per day in number 3-5% from body weight per day. Side dish can be given at any times.

A period of/to conservancy [is] 3-4 months, pursuant to experience, fairish percil 10-150 gram per tail can reach size measure 100 gram per tail.


[At] disease tadpole phase which [is] sometime met [by] [is] of a kind bacterium with sign go with the tide hurt and squeeze, ever greater longer and finally tail will break. As its prevention, earn input into condensation of PK with dose 10-20 ppm during 15 minute.

Disease [at] percil until adult size measure for example: ulcer ( Disease Ulcerative), ambeien, paralysis of humanity bite effect or pesticide effect. For the disease of ulcer.

its prevention [is] [done/conducted] by nub with creaming antibiotic ( Terramycin) in form of mixed with powder vaseline.

Predator or pest intruder of frog for example snake, crab, eel, wild fish and bird. They are as predator of and also tadpole of percil, therefore making of cage have to really [is] covert from pest attack.

Jul 16, 2008



- Things any kind of which need to be paid attention in chosening koi ?
+ There [is] three primary factor which need to be paid attention in chosening koi which prima with quality. important is not hurried in taking choice. When needed, asking [at] or practitioner of hobiis which have old struggle with koi. To be more sharpness, criterion of koi which prima with quality unfold in clarification following.

a. Form Body
- Select;Choose koi with ideal body form. Paying attention comparison [among/between] is high [of] body length and body. Ideally, the comparison [is] 1: 2, 3-3. Selecting also which [is] its circular body form [is] length and [do] not too fat
- If seen and of, its back line see diametrically [of] alias [do] not arch.
- Select;Choose koi with style swim well-balanced and calm. Movement which is [is] well-balanced to be influenced by fin position, symmetrical . Koi which marking with lines well-balanced body, among koi hobiis told to have good jitai
- Chest fin and stomach fin have to [is] of equal size. Meanwhile, back fin size measure and tail fin have to proporsional highly and body length.
- Head form, eye, mouth, and gill have to proporsional or is compatible. Paying attention also form its nose. Don'T select;choose past emerge or past enter till sink in flesh hoard. if open visible nose, big possibility [of] the koi have experienced of pain [at] gill.

b. Colour and Pattern.
- Select;Choose very bright colour and contrast. And so do its colour pattern, have to have clear boundary. The example, ruddle [at] my me have to really very bright and look promising, Meanwhile its white colour have to be snow-white, brass [do] not or [do] not have other colour pock.

- Meeting [among/between] ruddling and turn white boundary have to be keen, [there] no shadow or gradation ruddle. The happening of colour gradation [is] often met [at] local koi. The example, a koi [is] improper conceived of [by] my me tancho if decoration in the form of red circle [in] its wide head to eye, nose, or to back. Such Koi only referred [as] [by] my me. Meanwhile, a koi just confessed as type of ogon otherwise there [is] other colour [is] dot even also [at] metallic platinum colour [of] him.

c. Health

- Avoid to chosen drawn visible koi, its uneven and slowgoing swim movement, or many populating [in] pool base

- Gill darting to designate fish [is] finding difficulties bernapas. Better the koi [do] not be selected [by] because its indisposed condition.

- Select;Choose koi which [is] have straightening fin [to]. Its meaning, the fin [do] not fall to droop

- Avoid koi which always stand apart or avoid its friends. The behavior can be considered to be instinct of koi in order not to be contagious [of] disease to its friends.

- Although its fair colour and fulfill conditions as koi which with quality, shall not take risk by buying natural koi various symptom as in to the. Because, even so can be healed, there [is] possibility of koi will experience of physical handicap or [his/its] imperfect growth.

- How to chosen koi which with quality, good to beginner hobiis and also for conducting?

Beginner Hobiis suggested to chosen small fairish koi, [about/around] 10 cm. Its consideration [is] constituted [at] some reason following
- Its compared to cheaper price [of] adult koi so that if only happened failure in treatment will not too lossy
- Its compared to easier treatment [of] adult koi. Despitefully [do] not require past place wide [of]
- Opportunity change [him/it] of[is nature of koi become big enough tame.

Meanwhile, loss buy young koi [is] the existence of possibility of change [at] its colour pattern. To which [is] series for the conducting of koi, mains to be used have to have perfect primary colour and pattern, its healthy body, and its ideal size measure. Koi for indukan [do] not have to newly, but can be used [by] afkir koi ( koi which have [do] not be breeded) so long as fulfilling conditions of conducting. Because, generatively mains of koi will yield clan which vary, even can differ [is] at all with its mains. Thereby, clan yielded by mains of koi can experience of colour mutation and gradation.

- What such with colour mutation and gradation [at] koi

+ Gradation or change of colour pattern [at] koi [is] bacillus hard work Japan nation during hundreds of year in [doing/conducting] intersection ( breeding cross). Initially, [all] penangkar only looking after koi which [is] single chromatic. Pass continuous intersection effort, of single colour koi finally born various variation (of) colour, from two colour till five colour.

Besides passing intersection, colour pattern appearance [at] koi also because of the happening of gene mutation. It is said, effect of gene mutation, [at] era of Meiji ( 1868-1911), red pock [in] part of stomach, cheek, and eyelid of koi my Type me make a move to part of body backside and head. Though my me [is] clan of asagi which distinguishing black pock [in] part of cheek and stomach.

Colour mutation happened effect of the happening of change of functioning chromosome cell as carrier of[is nature of clan [at] koi ( including colour pigment in cell). This change will yield the nature of newly [at] clan of koi which [is] later continued [at] next generations.

Lobster Freshwater

Lobster Freshwater.

Differ from prawn pole, lobster can be marketed [by] goodness as prawn consume and also as aquarium decoration. That is why prospect of lobster much more [is] open compared to other prawn commodity. This Lobster in a short time become primadona because amendable [in] basin bargain.

Recognition of Type.
Lobster [is] generally arrested from coast. Coastal fisherman Baron [is], Yogyakarta with dinghy swim and catch lobster among rocks, [is] later;then sold [by] [in] coast or sent to buyer. Nowadays, freshwater lobster can be developed [by] [in] lawn pool, [is] same as other bream commodity.

Freshwater Lobster ( Cherax Sp.) [is] one of [the] pertained gender [is] crustacea ( prawn nation) which entire/all cycling its life happened [in] freshwater. its big Body size measure naturally. Its body consist of two shares, that is head ( body and cephalotorax) ( abdomen). There [is] part of [among/between] him that is subcephalotorax. Entire/All its body [is] blanketed with cangkang of[is known as carapace which [is] Iihat vitamin berbahan gore with horn or kitin.

Chosen Mains of lobster.

Chosening mains of lobster supposing chosen human being which will marry will sit side by side [in] decorative weding-bed. Each have to mature egg and may not wrong to determine its gender. May not both male or both is female. As for its characteristics as follows.

Mains characteristic which with quality is.

- Existence of located circular hole which located in third foot/feet base
- nip femalely [is] level of [is] same or only 1,5 times first internode
- compared to Darker colour [of] its couple
- Age 6-8 months
- Heavy reach 30
- Length 18 - 20 cm.

- Owning gibbosity [in] fifth road;street foot/feet handle base
- male have to nip which level of 2-3 times first internode
- Colour more fair
- Old age 6-8 months
- Heavy 30
- Length 18-20 cm.

Lobster Freshwater

Lobster Freshwater.

Differ from prawn pole, lobster can be marketed [by] goodness as prawn consume and also as aquarium decoration. That is why prospect of lobster much more [is] open compared to other prawn commodity. This Lobster in a short time become primadona because amendable [in] basin bargain.

Recognition of Type.
Lobster [is] generally arrested from coast. Coastal fisherman Baron [is], Yogyakarta with dinghy swim and catch lobster among rocks, [is] later;then sold [by] [in] coast or sent to buyer. Nowadays, freshwater lobster can be developed [by] [in] lawn pool, [is] same as other bream commodity.

Freshwater Lobster ( Cherax Sp.) [is] one of [the] pertained gender [is] crustacea ( prawn nation) which entire/all cycling its life happened [in] freshwater. its big Body size measure naturally. Its body consist of two shares, that is head ( body and cephalotorax) ( abdomen). There [is] part of [among/between] him that is subcephalotorax. Entire/All its body [is] blanketed with cangkang of[is known as carapace which [is] Iihat vitamin berbahan gore with horn or kitin.

Chosen Mains of lobster.

Chosening mains of lobster supposing chosen human being which will marry will sit side by side [in] decorative weding-bed. Each have to mature egg and may not wrong to determine its gender. May not both male or both is female. As for its characteristics as follows.
Mains characteristic which with quality is.
- Existence of located circular hole which located in third foot/feet base
- nip femalely [is] level of [is] same or only 1,5 times first internode
- compared to Darker colour [of] its couple
- Age 6-8 months
- Heavy reach 30
- Length 18 - 20 cm.

- Owning gibbosity [in] fifth road;street foot/feet handle base
- male have to nip which level of 2-3 times first internode
- Colour more fair
- Old age 6-8 months
- Heavy 30
- Length 18-20 cm.

Jul 12, 2008



Body Prawn of vannamei formed by two branch ( biramous), that is and exopodit of endopodite. Vannamei have my body [of] activity and me change or epidermis of eksoskeleton periodical ( Moulting).

Part of prawn body of vannamei have experienced of modification so that dapt used [by] for as follows
1) Eat, moving, and countersinking x'self into mud ( burrowing)
2) Sustaining gill because prawn gill structure loo like poultry fur
3) Censor organ, like [at] and antenna; of antenula

1. Head.
Head Prawn of vannamei consist of two antenna; and antenula, mandibula, and 2 tide of maxillae. Prawn head of vannamei [is] also provided with 3 tide of maxilliped and 5 foot/feet tide walk ( foot/feet or peripoda) ten ( decapoda)
2. Stomach.
Abdomen consist of 6 internode. [At] part of abdomen there are 5 foot/feet tide swim and a couple of uropods ( loo like tail ) which forming fan together telson.



According to data of Food and of Agriculture Organization ( FAO, 1989), there [is] [about/around] 343 potential prawn species to be developed commercially. From that amount at least there [is] 110 species which including into gender of Penaeid. one of [the] species of gender of Litopenaeus vannamei.

prawn of Vannamei have some name, like shrimp whiteleg ( English), blances pattes crevette ( perancis), and patiblanco camaron ( spanyol). Before developed in Indonesia, prawn of vannamei have been developed [by] [in] South America, like Ekuador, Mexico, Panama, Kolombia, and Honduras. tired Mean Production 10% from entire/all result of fishery capture and conducting.


Following arranging the name of prawn of vannamei according to taxonomy science.
Kingdom : Animalia
Sub kingdom : Metazoa
Filum : Arthropoda
Sub filum : Crustacea
Class : Malacostraca
Sub Class : Eumalacostraca
Superordo : Eucarida
Ordo : Decapoda
Sub Ordo : Dendrobrachiata
Famili : Penaeidae
Genus : Litopenaeus
Species : Litopenaeus Vannamei.

Jul 11, 2008



a. Recognition Of Type.
Bitter Fish which have erudite name ( Trichogaster pectoralis of Regan). Long Physique, flat aside ( compressed). High [of] body 2,2 - 3 times standard length. Small mouth and can be peeped out. first Fin stomach radius experience of change or modification become long filament till reach tail. Body colour [at] green back area [of] darkness, while [at] shares side from other side bolder chromatic scales, there are transverses [at] body and head.

b. Habit of life. fish of Snakeskin gourami come from Thailand. [In] this fish nature [of] life [at] bog having low pH. In Indonesia this fish earn life [at] gyration 4 9. This fish earn hidu [at] temperature gyration 25 - 350 C.

1. Habit Eat.
There [is] equation of larva with adult fishs of food took a fancy to so that will facilitate conservancy of this fish. Adult fish take a fancy to fitoplankton of the size and its composition still is soft. faction of Zooplankton took a fancy to by adult fish [of] Ciliata, Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, and Chlorophyceae. Besides this fish take a fancy to rotten high level plant. Whereas faction of fitoplankton : Bacillariphyceae, Cyanophyceae, and Flagellata.

2. Habit multiply.

To be compared to fish of ordo other Labyrinthici for example gurame, this fish have different habit. If/When fish of gurame make den before executing its marriage hence bitter fish [of] this siam like to make balloon. made balloon represent spume bubbles which [is] usually drawn up [by] if/when is prolific. Fish which have can [do/conduct] that thing usually bitter fish which [is] have age [to] 7 months to to the. If/When old age less than that, the fish not yet can.
Egg [released] by female mains usually [about/around] 7.000 - 8.000 item, but usually becoming seed only [about/around] 4.000 tail. This matter because of [do] not all fruit egg by masculine sperma or caused by which [do] not hatch. But, can also seeds which have hatched that die because [do] not hold up to vinicity environment. getting commutation of water, for example [in] waste basin, sand dig pool, or just water pond.

c. Chosening Mains.
Characteristic Mains which with quality is :
- Age have reached 7 months
- Healthy
- [Do] not handicap.

- Age have reached 7 months
- Healthy
- [Do] not handicap.

Breeder [in] pool
1. Pool breeder construction.
Bitter Snakeskin gourami [do] not require big current in breeder of it as does family fishs of Cyprinidae. Even, [in] basin suffused even also this fish will look for couple, making den, and marry. But, if/when wanted the effort this energy kindness is not fluent, better be provided [by] pool of pemijahan good enough as does other fish. The pool can [is] easily [entered/included] [by] water and dried. Wide [of] farm of breeder depended available farm, usually [among/between] 200 - 300 m2 with depth of water [about/around] 70 - 100 m. oblique Breeder pool up at door expenditure of water and have kemalir basically its pool. Pool have to [is] always controlled in order not to experience of undesirable leakage.

2. Preparation of breeder.
Pool which have been dried to be filled [by] water till height 70 - 100 cm. Before [done/conducted] [by] seed dispersion, one week or ten previous day [of] pool may give [by] cage manure. This [is] meant to provide natural food for the requirement of seed after egg yolk of the larva [used up/finished]. Later;Then, inclusion door and door expenditure of water closed during one week. Afterwards, bitter mains which have chosen can be packed into pool of pemijahan with comparison 1 : 1 [among/between] female and masculine mains.

Masculine mains measure up to to make den before [doing/conducting] breeder so that [at] water level of pool have to be provided [by] materials to protect made den [it]. the Protector materials can in the form of fresh paddy hay. Paddy disperse hay flatten [at] entire/all surface of pool, especially [at] part of its periphery. Materials.

this protector of vital importance because besides protecting against rainwater, also protect against wind incursion which sometime out of all patience. Inclusion of just water in a fashion to change missing water because condensing and leak from causeway which [is] keropos. Inclusion of too rapid water of egg menghayutkan and fertile water [of] result. fertilization.

3. Breeder.
Good Breeder according to some opinion usually which [is] [done/conducted] at the (time) of dry season because egg [do] not destroy to born down upon stable temperature and rainwater. Masculine fish usually will make den foam below/under hay which have been provided to float on the surface of pool. Making of this den [is] [done/conducted] during rather old [about/around] 1-2 day. Usually, air bubble ( formed [by] buih) have diameter [to] 1,5 - 3 mm. At the (time) of masculine fish make den, its conduct rather changing that is is fierce. This fish will not let other fish come near its den, including female mains. If (there are) any bothering, that fish dissipating of till go out from its its[his]. But, so den have been made, its conduct will turn into gentlely, especially to female mains.

With spume den capital, is not difficult to masculine mains to captivate female which have matured egg. The eggs will float below/under den foam because this masculine mains take care of female mains under den which have woke up of. Fruit eggs which have will hatch after 2 - 3 day since impregnation. Like fish of lele, what take care of its child [is] [his/its] masculine mains. Therefore, masculine mains faithfully and fierce to sometime take care of its childs, especially [at] other fish trouble which mean preying [him/ it].

New larva hatch not yet required food from outside because still eat its egg yolk. Till seventh day, bitter seed newly require food from outside, that is available plankton [in] breeder pool.

In this breeder pool, eggs let to hatch and its big larva together with its mains till old age one months. After one months, fish mains have may be locked out of [by] its childs, [is] then returned to pool conservancy of mains, while this bitter children can be looked after [by] [in] separate pool.

E. Magnification.
Magnification of fish of snakeskin gourami have may be [done/conducted] [by] since bitter old age 2 months. Usually, the fish have is fairish. as long as 5-6 cm. [At] that age, fish assumed [by] have protected x'self of fish attack to prey and compete to look for pakan with other fish. Preparation of magnification pool [done/conducted] as does for breeder that is pool have to be fertilized beforehand to grow natural pakan [of] fish. But, for the magnification of seed of snakeskin gourami may not rely on just natural food because will annoyed its growth.

[The] mentioned caused [by] natural food able to grow and grown [by] [in] the pool limited its amount. To obtain;get expected growth, supply fish have to pakan from outside pool, good in the form of flour ( bran, leaf flour), and also kangkung, lemna, cassava leaf, and others.

Growth of fish of snakeskin gourami [in] pool which have been fertilized with [gift/ giving] of side dish will reach 7-9 cm after age 3 months since hatch. [At] age 6 months, long totalize fish can reach 10-12 cm. Therefore, no wonder if/when pool production weared [by] magnification of this bitter fish can reach 230 - 350 kg/ha/year.