Sep 17, 2008

Mineral function [at] food to fish.

Mineral function [at] food to fish.
Mineral Iihat vitamins required by fish for example calcium ( Ca), phosphorus ( P), and natrium of klor ( in compound of Naci), manganese ( Mn), ferrum ( Fe), copper ( Cu), iodine ( I), and cobalt ( Co). [Is] the same as with vitamin, mineral very required by fish in number which [do] not too big. Calcium ( Ca) and phosphorus ( P) needed to forming of bone / growth and to take care of body network function can work normally. Chloride Natrium ( Nacl) have an effect on in growth, but suggested [by] its usage [do] not too much. Iron ( Fe) required for the forming of red corpuscle, while copper ( Cu) assist in usage of iron by body. Iodine ( [Is] i) needed to making of tiroksin ( hormone of timid) and manganese ( Mn) have an effect on in course of ovulasi/ reproduction.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan, M.M, 2001

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