Sep 10, 2008



[Gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish there [is] two, kinds of 1. Marking 2. Tagging 1. Marking. Marking that is [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish body non in the form of foreign object. Sign which including into this category [is] amputation of fin, [gift/ giving] of hole [at] gill cover and [gift/ giving] of tatoo. Among the marking which at most used [is] amputation of fin and [gift/ giving] of hole, while way of the other one again seldom be used [by] because besides difficult to do also, its result is not durable.

Amputation of fin [is] usually [done/conducted] to fin stomach of fish which right side or which left side. There [is] crosscut also other fin. Which must be paid attention in doing this work [is] custody [so that/ to be] effect [of] that amputation don't become to grow again so that difficult to recognize fin which have been cut [by] if that fish have been caught again. Or if growing again part of crosscut fin shall [is] easy to recognized [by] part of that grow newly.

Also effect [of] that amputation don't have an effect on big to fish behaviour, so that that easy or factious fish arrested by its prey. [Gift/ giving] of hole which in form of domed or triangle can be [done/conducted] [at] gill cover by using key punch ( gegep ) small that arranged special for. But its result, caused by its scorpion [of] hole which have been made [to] closed again better. thick muccous fish [at] its gill cover like fish of bandeng, possible a few/little hard apply this method.

Source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997

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