Sep 16, 2008

Carbohydrate for the food of fish

Carbohydrate. Carbohydrate represent the source of energi and in general come from flora which [is] forming of [him/ it] [pass/through] photosynthesis process constructively sunshine. In food formulasi, carbohydrate of[is including group which [is] often referred [as] [by] NFE (" nitrogen of free extract) or in Indonesian term of BETN ( extract materials without nitrogen). This BETN contain karbohidrat,gula, extract, and most of classified [by] Iihat vitamins [is] hemiselulosa in food-stuff. Assess BETN obtained from number quantifying of protein, fat, dusty, harsh fibre, and water lessened [by] 100.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M

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