Sep 16, 2008



AVAILIBILITY OF FOOD IN NUMBER which enough is, timely, and valuable [of] good gizi represent one of [the] very important factor in fish conducting business activity. Ready [of] food which disagree with amount of looked after fish cause fish growth rate become tardyly. As a result yielded production disagree with which [is] expected.

Basically, source of food to conservancy fish,. coming from natural food and food made in. Because of amount of natural food in pool / territorial water very limited and less adequate ( especially for the activity of fish conducting intensively and also semiintensi) hence [so that/ to be] reached [by] fish growth rate, good require to be given [by] side dish or food made in as according to requirement of fish.

If good fish growth rate hence conservancy time become briefer so that pool productivity / territorial water also mount because period produce looked after fish become shorterly.

Problems which often become constraint that is is ready [of] food made in this cost money which high relative, even can reach 60-70% from production cost component. One of [the] alternative able to be [done/conducted] to depress the the production cost [is] by making home made food [pass/through] simple technique by exploiting, source of local raw material ( including exploiting of waste result of agriculture industry) what is cheap relative.

Beside to fulfill requirement alone, food made in which [is] yielded also can be sold to market / farmer of other fish so that can give double advantage. fish food better contain some needed nutrient, for example protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, and mineral.

Source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M

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