Sep 6, 2008

Content and Benefit Sea-Cucumber

Content and Benefit Sea-Cucumber.

Result of study [in] China lay open that pregnant cucumber sea [of] glycosides saponin. This component have structure which similar to component of gingseng active, ganoderma, and materials flora of tonik famous. This study show the existence of content anti cancer [at] and saponin of polisakarida which consist in in sea-cucumber. Besides, this modern study prove that sea-cucumber can be used as a[n and tonik of suplemen gizi. Useful sea-cucumber to various dangerous disease type like stroke, asthma, coroner heart, hepatitis, tumor, etc. Useful sea-cucumber as drug because of its content which [is] komplek.

According to Pieter dr A. W Pattinama, of RS PGI Cikini Jakarta, sea-cucumber weared to heal various disease because brief during can grow selsel which lose / damagely, rich of active compound and nutrisi many in the form of antioksidan, good to repair of human being body cell. Result of research of Prof Dr. Ridzwan Hashim of Malaysia, obstetrical [of] sea-cucumber 86,8% protein, collagen 80%, mineral, mukopolisakarida, glucasaninoglycans ( GAGS), natural antiseptic, chondritin, omega - 3, 6 and 9 sour and also amino.

easy Sea-Cucumber protein elaborated by pepsin enzyme and useful for the regenerasi of cell; collagen as fastener of network in growth of husk and bone; sulfas kondritin cure diseases of joint and develop;build again cartilage; omega 3 pursuing process of penuaan, degrading virulent cholesterol [of] LDL and of VLDL in body so that lessen heart sickness risk. Medical research conclude, sea-cucumber can become agent anti tumor and as drug of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV).

Result of laboratory tes by using cell of limfoid show, so called sugary sea-cucumber [of] lektin having the character of and mitogenik of antimikroba effective fight against muscle cancer [at] mouse and also human being lung cancer with dose 5 and 50 mikrogram. Lektin have Effect [to] therapy to HIV because can crumple virulent cell and also personate indicator of[is existence of tumor. Sea-Cucumber have poisongas to so called fish [of] holotrin, therapy only causing iritasi to human being husk and eye.

Because suited for killing fish, sea-cucumber poison [is] nowadays developed as antiseptic drug experience of to fight against infection and cancer. In this time have circulated sea-cucumber extract product of Stichopus hermanii which more knowledgeable by the name of processed gold sea-cucumber become product of suplemen in the form of capsule and also jell, shampoo, gel and cream, tooth paste, body cream, and also massage oil. Forwards, exploiting of sea-cucumber will progressively expand.

Source : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.

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