Sep 5, 2008

Ammonia ( NH3)

Ammonia ( NH3) [at] pool of gouramy. End result from a[n process of metabolisms protein which [do] not profit [is] ammonia ( NH3). Change of ammonia content in a[n territorial water should not be sudden so that fish can live with. Change of sudden ammonia content will cause damage fish gill network so that fish can die. Crisis fish boundary to dissolve ammonia content in conservancy media [is] 0,6 mg / l. but there [is] still lenient gouramy with storey;level 3,8 mg / l [at] sushu 30 degree of celcius as critical boundary [of] him. Gouramy have tolerance [at] rate 1 mg / l, but dissolve oxygen content have to above 5 mg / l.
Source of R. Eko Prihartono, 2004.

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