Sep 13, 2008

Disease of Desinfeksi fish

Disease of Desinfeksi fish.

disease definition :
trouble to function some of or entire/all organ of organism.

disease some aspect
1. organism organ function annoyed
2. intruder factor. environmental factor. environmental factor have an effect on big to incidence [of] disease of fish

1. Factor physical
- temperature
- turbidity.

factor of kimiawi
- DO
- Salinatas
- Ammonia.

2. Biotik
- makroorganisme
- mikroorganisme.

representing parasite patogen decomposition of food.

disease of fish arise effect
1. inappropriate Environmental
2. inappropriate food.

eradication of disease
- recognize cause of disease
- determining action ( preventive / medication ).

factor of Biotik cause of disease according to its its

1. Have the character of infektif ( live in body of inang ) example [of] : in liver, blood, digestive channel

2. having the character of parasite : partly or entire/all cycling its life patch [at] organ in animal of inang to permeate food Iihat vitamin

3. having the character of as epibion : only patch [at] body of inang without [doing/conducting] absorbtion [at] animal of inang.

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