Sep 11, 2008

Fresh Water-Pond Culture in West Java

Fresh Water-Pond Culture in West Java

Potency of West Java fishery for pond culture and ring water is many existed in entire residency / municipality which is exist in west Java. The availability of water for breeding development in fresh-water pond in west Java regions good available in Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Sukabumi, Subang, Purwakarta, Sumedang, Majalengka, and Kuningan regency.

The kind of fish that could be develop is so many such as tilepia , gurame, catfish, cyprinus carpio. The prospect of fresh-water pond breeder in west Java regions is good enough but in term with good and to plan management.

The result of fishery of the breeder is marketing for fulfill of the needs of local consumer and out side region consumer such as Jakarta and Banten , there even a small par has been exported.
For fish breeding with cage on sea is just to trial out stages and the sample is Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, and waters in Bekasi and Karawang regency.
sumber :
general directorate of[is make-up of institute capacities and marketing of Departement Oceaninc and Fishery and On Duty Fishery of Province West Java, 2003.

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