Aug 16, 2008

Vivipar yolk egg have of spawn....................

Vivipar yolk egg have of spawn [ is] which [ is] and reduced very [ at] life child early growth, mains of food get body mains in. Ovovivipar yolk egg more have of spawn, body mains its in staying when food child its for good which, acre there case this in where of some ace only mains mentioned from of just protector. While [ at] its egg ovipar of fish also body fish outside life its cycling early fry for good which yolk egg many containing.

breeding [at] faction of vivipar or of ovovivipar [do] not [is] forever followed by impregnation and growth of result association of egg with sperma in female mains body. To succeeding impregnation [him/ it] [at] this fish faction, like have been told that this fish have instrumentality that is part of anus fin which have metamorphosed genital or [him/it] of pabilla big which named " pseudopenis". But on the contrary [at] fish of Apogonimberis its its[his] urogenital [at] fish can be signalized and touched to accept sperma of masculine fish. [At] fish of Orthonopias its tiacis [of] him can be signalized to accept sperma when taking place [him/ it] of copulasi.

Source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997

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