Aug 16, 2008

vivipar, and ovovivipar of ovipar

vivipar, and ovovivipar of ovipar.

Referring to breeder, recognized [by] there [is] three kinds of fish that is vivipar, and ovovivipar of ovipar. fish of Vivipar and of ovovivipar [is] fish producing children him while fish of ovivar [is] fish [releasing] egg when happened breeding. Difference [among/between] fish of vivipar with fish of ovovivipar lay in growth of contained egg and situation of its childs when borne.

fish of Vivipar and of ovovivipar usually small berfecundity and its clan get a kind of confidence or guarantee of mains to be able to pass off early hidupya safely. While [at] fish of ovipar usually big berfekunditas or amount of big [released] egg [it] caused to make balance to situation pressure around from atypical matter especially from attack of predator. This matter indicate that fish of vivipar and of ovovivipar more modern than fish of ovipar in maintaining species eksistensi. In course of its its[his] that is when happened breeding, fish of ovipar more [releasing] energi from [at] fish of vivipar and of ovovivipar.

Source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997

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