Aug 15, 2008

doubled Breeder Fecundity

doubled Breeder Fecundity.

prolific fish repeatedly during llama will entangle problem of reserve egg and egg which have expanded. Its criterion that is there [is] [do] not it[him] egg yolk. Amount of egg having its [counted/calculated] egg yolk it[him] for that season. This criterion according to Bagenal ( 1978) have been used by some writer. De Sylva ( in Bagenal, 1978) have succeeded to anticipate the amount of generation ( egg amount and batch) every generation.
If fish have egg which consist of some group, hence egg group which have expanded will be [released] at one time. By comparing the amount of egg which have had egg yolk with amount of egg which [is] very expand, to be assumed can give the amount of egg [at] [released] group every season.

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