Aug 11, 2008

Chosen Mains fish of Pangasius

Chosen Mains fish of Pangasius.
selected Mains usually come from special conservancy pool [of] mains and or adrift net. Usually, locked out of [by] masculine mains [of] female mains.
As for female mains characteristic and masculine mains which have made [by] good [of] the following mains.

Mains characteristic which with quality is :

Old age 3 year. Tired wt. 1,5-2 singk / tail. Stomach of big mains up at anus. Stomach felt smooth and soft if/when groped. wine-colored and Bloated Kloaka. Husk part of flimsy and flabby stomach. If/When [about/around] kloaka depressed, will go out some egg item which its for domed and its size measure [of] uniform.

Old age 2 year. Wt. 1,5-2 singk / tail. flimsy and flabby Stomach husk. If/When massaged, will go out dilution of sperma white chromatic. rose colored and Bloated genitals.

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