Aug 8, 2008



Aklimatisasi : Adjustment a[n organism to new environment or change of environment.

Capacity Bearing : Energy accomodate a[n area / place to, arrest;detaining burden of building/ equipments placed [at] area.

Blastula : Mount growth of egg after impregnation which [is] its fission product cells [of] group [in] egg pole.

Copulae : Jutty in form of stick [at] surface of husk part of tail jetty, fish larva head and body, functioning as a means of peraba / censor.

Tank Daily of[is transfer of : A[N system / way of mass conducting [of] plankton which [is] its cropping [is] [done/conducted] overall ofly / totalizeing later;then diinokulasi / planted [by] seed return.

Embryo : Candidate Larva fish, expanding in egg, from after bisection of cell until ready for hatching.

Enrichment : Enriching, a[n way of obstetrical to increase zooplankton gizi by giving high nutritious food to zooplankton [of] several hours before given as physic of pakan to larva.

Euryhaline : A[N nature of life of fish where earning life [in] water and freshwater go out to sea or fickle salt rate.

Eksternal Fertilisasi : Impregnation of egg by sperma happened outside body.

Gastrula : Mount growth of egg after fruit, where fission product cell lapped over [in] egg pole in form of crescent.

Gonad : Place yielded and keeping of spawn before happened impregnation.

Gonadotropin : Hormone to stimulate growth of gonad and breeder of fish mains.

Grading : Dissociation of larva as according to its size measure, to lessen emulation of king sized larva goose and food to smaller.

Protandry Hermaprodite : A[N nature of having genitals double [at], fish which is on small time [of] masculine berkelamin later;then after big change kelamin become femalely.

Inkubasi : needed Grace period of fruit egg moment until moment hatch.

Inlet : Pipe inclusion of water.

Inokulasi : Inclusion of plankton seed into conducting media

Calibrate : control a[n appliance in the situation standard.

Kanulasi : A[N way of intake of egg example [of] / sperma of fish mains ovary by including small pipe into hole of kelamin, [is] later;then sipped with mouth.

Fast hatch : Comparison of egg amount hatching with [do] not hatch.

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