Jun 30, 2008

Diagnostic [of] Disease of Fish.

Diagnostic [of] Disease of Fish.

Symptom : small White pock [at] husk or gill, sticky gill,
Cause : Ich
Medication : Coppersafe, medication quickly Ich - easy.

Symptom : Membrane like peppercorn, brass, sticky gill.
Cause : Velvet
Medication : Coppersafe, medication quickly.

Symptom : white or Grey coat like white or grey Coat cotton like cotton around mouth.
Cause : Mushroom, Mushroom Mouth.
Medication : Maracyn, treatment of fungi, blue [of] Methyl, Antibiotika for the infection of sekunder.

Symptom : Appearance of paleness.
Cause : Disease of Neon of Tetra
Medication : Treatment not yet been known.

Symptom : Swim below par [in] pool, Black Nodul [is] squeezing below/under husk.
Cause : Flukes
Medication : Paragon

Symptom : Turn white like cloud [at] husk.
Cause : Costia, Chilodonella
Medication : Coppersafe, Treatment quickly, Acriflavin.

Symptom : Damage [at] tail or gill.
Cause : Tail or of Fin Rot.
Medication : Maracyn, blue [of] Methyl, Treatment of organ, Antibiotika

Symptom : Red incision [at] body.
Cause : Pest Red or of Ichthyosporidiurn.
Medication : Tetracycline, Penicillin, Acriflavine, Chloromycetin

Symptom : Nodul turn yellow black [at] husk.
Cause : Ichthyosporidium
Medication : Tetracycline, Penicillin, Acriflavine, Chloromycetin

Symptom : notching of Ulser [at] husk.
Cause Pest Red or of Ichthyosporidium.
Medication : Tetracycline, Penicillin, Acriflavine, Chloromycetin

Symptom : Thin, stomach of dint, possibility of pain hurt.
Cause : Tuberculosis
Medication : no treatment.

Symptom : Extrusion of scale with puffing of body.
Cause : Dropsy
Medication : Antibiotika [at] food ( Tetra, Hagen)

Symptom : Extrusion of scale with normal body.
Cause : uppermost scale.
Medication : Antibiotika [at] food ( Tetra, Hagen)

Symptom : Uppermost eye.
Cause : Pop Eye
Medication : Penicillin or of amoxicillin.

Symptom : Foggy eye.
Cause : Disease of eye, Ich, Velvet.
Medication : Penicillin or of amoxicillin.

Symptom : Hole [in] head, ulserasi [in] line of lateral, passion eat to lose.
Cause : Hexamita
Medication : Paragon

Symptom : Crustacea [at] husk.
Cause : Argulus, Ergasilus
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : Flukes [at] gill or husk.
Cause : Flukes
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : Worm depend on anus.
Cause : Nematode
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : Worm form heart.
Cause : Leeches
Medication : Paragon, Trifon

Symptom : swelling form white nodul [at] body or gill.
Cause : Lymphocystis, Glugea, Henneguya
Medication : Unknown treatment.

Symptom : Glancing off rocks or Plants
Cause : Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Worm of Jangkar,Chilodonella, Costia
Medication : Medication Of Ich ( Ich), Paragon ( Worm )

Symptom : Balance trouble.
Cause : Swim bladder diseases
Medication : -

Symptom : Gap on the surface of.
Cause : Deficiencies 02, excess of CO2 pool too hot, Toxin, shock.
Medication : Generator oxygen ( in a short time ), repair of rotation of water, degrading temperature.

Symptom : Hop from water.
Cause : Incompatible PH, Toxin.
Medication : -

Symptom : Passion eat to decrease, bloated stomach, long feces.
Cause : Konstipasi.
Medication : Oil medisinal Paraffin, alter diet.

Symptom : Damage gill or break, sclaes lose / freely
Cause : hurt.
Medication : -

Jun 29, 2008



Fish of Agassizi [is] original fish of mid of Amazon river which more knowledgeable by the name of trade of Agassizi Dwarf Chiclid. Agassizi represent most interesting fish among 13 type of Apistogramma other sp, because agassizi have solidarity of beautiful colours start from silver primary colour until rust colored back. fish of Agassizi represent exporting commodity fish, which [is] its market reach cover: American, Japan and european countries but [in] local market still seldom be found.
Activity of conducting started with preparation of[is place of by sterilizing each;every place of and also used equipments with PK ( Potassium of Permanganat) 20 ppm during rinsed last 30 minute and dried. In each;every admission filling of aquarium used [by] sediment water which have been given [by] salt 300 ppm. Management of water quality [done/conducted] by filtrasi and calcify 162 ppm for magnification while for hatch 90 ppm. As for way of calcifying this as does make drug stock condensation.
Chalk type the used [is] carbonate calcium ( Caco3). Before breeding mains, select with criterion: mains have 6-7 months, healthy, fair colour and female mains [of] its stomach [of] fat designating have matured gonad. Conservancy of mains [done/conducted] by giving food have high protein [to] that is worm blood and custody of quality irrigate by cleaning and also replacement of water. Breeder [done/conducted] [at] fairish aquarium 40x2Ox2O cm3 equiped [by] egg substrat that is diameter pipe 5 length and cm 10 cm. fish of Agassizi can be prolific during the year with cycle reproduce 9-15 day.
Agassisi of[is including nursemaid fish ( care parental) but hatch remain to be [done/conducted] [by] [in] other aquarium. Before egg incubated, to be soaked with MGO ( green malachite) 1 ppm during 20 minute, last cleaned in clean water and input into hatch aquarium ( 20x15x15 cm3) which have been given [by] MB ( blue methilene) 0,4 ppm. Egg will hatch during 3-4 larva and day start to swim [at] age 5-6 day. After larva swim to be given [by] food of Rotifera sp old age 9 day and [is] hereinafter given [by] water bug food and worm of sutra. Solid [is] conservancy dispersion one that is 300-500 tail, conservancy two 150-200 tail [at] fairish aquarium 100x50x33 cm3. Availibility of natural food in general represent result of culture except worm of sutra blood worm and. Disease which often attack [at] conducting of agassizi that is bacterium that happened in September and November and also attack most [at] adult fish. Other disease that is mushroom of Saprolegnia sp attacking as infection of sekunder.

Jun 27, 2008


Gland of Hipofise [is] gland yielding various hormone, for example laboring hormone to masculine genitals gland ( testes ) and also female genitals gland ( egg sack;bag )

Gland of Hipofise this located in side under cerebellum frontage ( diencephala ) so that if part of this brain [is] lifted [by] hence this gland will drop behind. Thereby to take gland of Hipofise hence skull bone have to be lifted beforehand.

Gland of Hipofise consist of 4 part of which is each owning different name. As for sequences of[is part of gland of Hipofise this from front rear [is] Pars tubelaris, Anterior Pars, Pars Intermedius, and neurophysis.

Anterior Pars have important role to breeder because yielding hormone of gonadotropin laboring to gonad. This shares in fact play a part important in execution of breeder. In hormone of gonadotropin capable to stimulate breeder [is] hormone stimulating follicle ( Hormone FSH-like).
FSH work for to stimulate growth of gonad till mature genitals because happened change become egg cell. LH undertake to stimulate ovulasi, that is its exit [of] egg of egg follicle later;then step into egg channel and exit of hole of urogenital.


Marry to inject by using gland extract of hipofise blazed the way first time by Housay, citizen of Argentina before year 1930. But, Brazil represent first state which develop technique of hipofisasi. Later;Then technique of hipofisasi this disseminate swiftly to Europe, United States, and Asia.



Marginally seeding of bream cover the following activity :
a. Handling Of Gonad.
Handling of Gonad cover activity stimulate maturation of gonad [at] mains and alter genitals [at] seed
b. Handling of impregnation.
Activity of handling of impregnation cover stimulative of or ovulasi of pemijahan and handling of chromosome
c. After hatch.
Some benefit marry to inject to bream conducting shall be as follows:
1. Enabling breeder of conservancy fishs which is [is] difficult to be married naturally
2. Assisting spreading of breeder technology
3. Assisting and spreading of introduksi foreign fishs because though its environment differ, but not such a resistance in breeder
4. overcoming environmental resistance, especially to local fishs environment which cannot manipulation.

As for target marry to inject [at] bream shall be as follows
1. Stimulate breeder of matured fish [of] genitals, but cannot be prolific naturally because inappropriate environment.
2. Intensifying seeding and lessen death because married inject this will be got [by] egg which [is] fruit perfectly. This egg [is] later;then incubated with system controlled so that critical phase in seeding can overcome. Following some critical phase [of] seeding falam
a. Egg Stadia until hatch
b. [At] larva stadia, that is seed moment still contain egg yolk as supply of first natural food
c. [At] post-larva stadia ( new seed lose egg yolk) old age 4 - 7 day which [is] looked after in environment controlled and enough get food.
3. Can be [done/conducted] [by] hybridication by way of artificial insemination.

Jun 25, 2008


Myxosporesis à Myxobolus sp. ( type of sporozoa)
Part of which [is] attacked : gill, fish flesh, ( generally Seed fish)
characteristic : white bump like tumor ( globular kista) / referred [as] [by] ellipse [of] Myxosporesis.
virulesi : Myxobolus generate death 90
Form Cyst very [is] difficult fought against / there is no therapy
Treatment : preparation of pool, control to health of fish, density, water quality and food, lessening fertility of pool, fish which [is] infection taken / to be dissociated.

White Spot à Ichthyopthyrius multifiliis (type of ciliata)
- Part of which [is] attacked : husk, fin, and gill
- Characteristic Physical : weak, pale, passion eat to decrease, hop
- Symptom of Klinis : pock / white blot
- Treatment : Preparation of pool, Control to Quality of water, health, density, fish food, fish which [is] infection taken / to be dissociated.


Aeromonas Hemorhagic Septicemia
Cause : Aeromonas sp., Edwardsiellatarda
hit Stadia : all in once
symptom of klinis : haemorrahage or hurt [at] husk, tail and fin, and exophthalmia of corneal opacity.
Death storey;level : 20-60% [at] population which [is] infection.
Spreading : Aeromonas Spp. [in] fish infection environment when coat of stress environmental.
Treatment : avoid environmental stress, avoid too high density, take care of the quality of water, improving nutrisi, medication with antibiotic.



One of [the] cause factor fail fish conducting [is] pest factor and disease. Disease represent abnormal condition [at] fish function and structure, distinguished with existence of organism live or typical sign or symptom [at] fish.

Cause of Fish hit [by] disease :
1. Environmental which deteriorate / is not ideal for the fish of
2. Physic life trouble / disease seed ( bacterium, virus, parasite)
3. Bad Nutrisi.

Mechanism The Happening Of Disease :
- Degradation of environmental Quality
- Endurance Go Down - Fish of Stress
- attacked [by] Easy [of] phatogen ( organism cause of disease)

Operation of Disease of Preventive fish [pass/through] health management [at]
1. Fish
- Chosening free a bit of blood and hold up to disease
- Developing / improving impenetrability ( Vaccine, Imunostimulan, vitamin of c, probiotik
2. Environmental
- Repair / management of environmental quality ( preparation of farm, solid [of] optimal disperse, food management, management of[is quality of water
- Pathogen, preventing influence of pathogen.

Medication / eradication. Applying of modern or traditional drug ( desinfektan, antibiotic) precisely according to its cause



One of [the] cause factor fail fish conducting [is] pest factor and disease. Disease represent abnormal condition [at] fish function and structure, distinguished with existence of organism live or typical sign or symptom [at] fish.

Cause of Fish hit [by] disease :
1. Environmental which deteriorate / is not ideal for the fish of
2. Physic life trouble / disease seed ( bacterium, virus, parasite)
3. Bad Nutrisi.

Mechanism The Happening Of Disease :
- Degradation of environmental Quality
- Endurance Go Down - Fish of Stress
- attacked [by] Easy [of] phatogen ( organism cause of disease)

Operation of Disease of Preventive fish [pass/through] health management [at]
1. Fish
- Chosening free a bit of blood and hold up to disease
- Developing / improving impenetrability ( Vaccine, Imunostimulan, vitamin of c, probiotik
2. Environmental
- Repair / management of environmental quality ( preparation of farm, solid [of] optimal disperse, food management, management of[is quality of water
- Pathogen, preventing influence of pathogen.

Medication / eradication. Applying of modern or traditional drug ( desinfektan, antibiotic) precisely according to its cause

Jun 14, 2008

freshwater conducting type

freshwater conducting type

fish conducting in water is activity look after, enlarging and or fish breeding in a[n place of in the form of pool farm, rice field or place of certain by using freshwater media and also harvest its result

Giant freshwater prawn
Macrobracium rosenbergii
Ordo : Crustacea
Famili : Palaemonidae
Genus : Panaeus
Feature : hard and Thick husk, [do] not lapped over like pass. [both/ second] Pleura closing over from third and first pleura. horn of rhino ( long rostrum) and its back part arch to to the is, jagged.

Tilapia Mossambica (Peters)
Ordo : Pecomorphi
Famili : Ciclidae
Genus : Tilapia
Feature : Roundish body [of] length and attenuate. head to the is convex [of] snout rather circular is, pepper and salt [of] chocolate or depended black [of] situation of environment. Chest fin and fin stomach of black chromatic while back fin and rust colored tail.

Nile Tilapia
Tilapia nilotica (Linn.)
Ordo : Pecomorphi
Famili : Ciclidae
Genus : Tilapia
Feature : Flank line divided two tabletop and with scales amount to 22 underside and 15. [At] body there are vertical lines, also [at] back fins and anus.

Freshwater pershes
Pristolepis fasciatus (Blkr)
Ordo : Pecomorphi
Famili : Nandidae
Genus : Pristolepis
Feature : flimsy physique. Flank line dissociated by 4 1 / 2 of scales intermediate [of] back fin. stomach fin until anus.

Osphronemus goramy (Lac)
Ordo : Periformes
Famili : Osphronemidae
Genus : Osphronemus
Feature : longish physique attenuate aside and is high. Owning big enough scales. Upper body [of] chromatic rather black white chromatic underside and greenness. Small mouth, first radius of weak stomach fin represent long yarn.

Common crap
Cyprinus carpio
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Famili : Cyprinidae
Genus : Cyprinus
Feature : Longish physique and rather flat, soft lip able to be peeped out.

Nilem carp
Osteochilus hasselti
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Famili : Cyprinidae
Genus : Osteochilus
Feature : flat and Longish physique, eye situation rather to to the and snout is not holey.

Puntius/ Java corp
Puntius javanicus
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Famili : Cyprinidae
Genus : Puntius
Feature : flat and Longish physique, with high back. Small mouth lay in tip of nose. Short feeler;complaint.

Pangasius sp.
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Famili : Pangasidae
Genus : Pangasius
Feature : flat and roundish Longish physique to back, slippery body is not scaly and have two feeler;complaint tide.

Hampala macrolepidota
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Famili : Cyprinidae
Genus : Hampala
Feature : Long physique and rather flat, part of back rather high and wide mouth.

Clarias batrachus
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Famili : Clariidae
Genus : Clarias
Feature : Longish physique and slippery husk is not scaly, covered with low head [of] bone plate and have feeler;complaint four.

Freshwater eels
Anguilla bicolor
Ordo : Apodes
Famili : Anguillidae
Genus : Anguilla
Feature : long and Circular body, muccous, is not scaly. Situation start of back fin before anus. Long [of] head 8-12 times eye. dark Chromatic body and [do] not spot , and part of stomach more fair.

Spotted gouramy
Trichogaster pectoralis
Ordo : Labyrinthici
Famili : Anabantidae
Genus : Trichogaster
Feature : Long physique and very flat and situation start of back fin above weak anus fin.

Kissing gourami
Helostoma temincki
Ordo : Labyrinthici
Famili : Anabantidae
Genus : Helostoma
Feature : Ellipse physique, flat aside, Small mouth with flimsy lip, can be peeped out on the surface of.

Freshwater eel
Fluta alba
Ordo : Synbranchoidae
Famili : Synbranchidae
Genus : Fluta
Feature : domed and Long physique like snake, is not scaly, [do] not have chest fin, back fin and anus fin. Anus fin and back fin represent to emerge husk which [do] not have radius.

Jun 10, 2008


Giant freshwater prawn

female and male Mains characteristic

Female : Abdomen rather wide.

Male : Abdomen rather slim.

" Production Larva
Hatch of egg 12-24 [hour/clock]
- Conservancy of larva ± 21 day

" Produce Juvenil
Solid [of] disperse 80-100 tail / litre
Old [of] conservancy 30-40 day

" Produce bean sprouts.
Solid [of] disperse 50-100 tail / m2
Old [of] conservancy 60 day

" Production Size measure Consumption
Solid [of] disperse 5-10 tail / m2
Old [of] conservancy 120 day
- Goals harvest size measure 35-40 gram / tail.

" [Gift/ giving] of food of Artemia and food made in, frequency 4-5 times / day.

Jun 9, 2008


Brackish water fish conducting type

Fish conducting [in] brackish water [is] activity look after, enlarging and or breed fish in a[n place of in the form of farm dam out by using brackish water media and also harvest its result
brackish water fish type :

Milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Ordo : Melacopterygii
Famili : Chanidae
Genus : Chanos
Feature : flimsy and longish physique. Owning smooth scales [of] tail fin branch, located back fin almost in the middle of, mouth [in front/ahead] of, big and circular eye. green body colour [of] silver on the top, while [in] middle shares [of] silver and [at] white chromatic underside.

Black Tiger Shrimp
Ordo : Crustacea
Famili : Crustacea
Genus : Penaeus
Feature : husk rather hard, but is not stiff. body there are black purple tire that is [at] each the joint there are 2 tire. rose colored foot/feet colour generally.

White Shrimp
Ordo : Crustacea
Famili : Crustacea
Genus : Penaeus
Feature : husk rather hard, but is not stiff. body there are black white tire that is [at] each the joint there are 2 tire. rose colored foot/feet colour generally.

Jun 8, 2008




female and male Mains characteristic

Female :
- Bigger Head
- Colour Husk chest rather bold
- oval Papilla Urogenital
- Puffy stomach
- Harsher Husk.

Male :
- Smaller Head
- dark Husk Chest chromatic
- long Papilla Urogenital
- Slender stomach
- Softer Husk.

Size measure 100-200 g, earn breeding one months once. Old age above 7 months (male) and 1 year (female)

Breeding :
- Basin of Breeding size measure 100x100x60cm equiped [by] size measure wood box 25x40x30cm is groundless. Box tabletop given [by] hole to see the existence of egg while [in] its frontage [is] cultivated [by] gulma / palm sugar the from fiber palm / gravel
- Mains dispersion [done/conducted] at 02.00 pm - 04.00 pm till 5-10 day
- Egg will hatch during 24 [hour/clock]
- Female mains dissociated [by] after larva old age 1 week, while male mains remain to take care of its child until larva have age [to] 2 week.

Conservancy Of Seed

Conservancy I
- Solid [of] disperse 400-500 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 2 week
- Goals harvest size measure 3-5 cm.

Conservancy II
- Solid [of] disperse 300-400 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 2 week
- Goals harvest size measure 5-8 cm.

Conservancy III
- Solid [of] disperse 200-300 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 2 week
- Goals harvest size measure 8-12 cm.

- Solid [of] disperse 50-200 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 2 months
- Goals harvest size measure consume 200 g - 300 g per tail.

Giving of food
- Giving of food [done/conducted] [by] evening and morning with amount 5-10% from total weight [of] fish.




female and male Characteristic Mains

female :
- Forehead is not uppermost
- Flimsy chin [of] brown white colour
- [Releasing] egg if/when pressed

- Uppermost forehead
- Thick Chin [of] colour turn yellow
- [Releasing] sperma if/when pressed

Size measure 2,5 - 3 Singk / tail
breeding Ratio of male : female = 1:3 per tide
Result of breeding 3000-5000 egg per den.

Hatch of egg
- Egg with quality rust colored goodness and do not turn pale
- Temperature = 29 : 30oC
- High of water = 15-20 cm, aerasi enough
- Density = 4-5 item / cm2
- Hatch time = 36-48 hour
- Degree of hatch = 80-90 %
- [At] place of / hatch basin, egg which have hatched to be looked after ± 7 day.

conservancy of seed
a. conservancy I
- Solid [of] disperse 40-80 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 40 day
- Goals harvest size measure 3-5 cm.

b. Conservancy II
- Solid [of] disperse 20-40 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 40 day
- Goals harvest size measure 5-8 cm.

c. Conservancy III
- Solid [of] disperse 8-20 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy ± 40 day
- Goals harvest size measure 8-12 cm cm.

- Solid [of] disperse 5-8 tail / m2
- Old [of] conservancy 4-6 months
- Goals harvest size measure consume 800 g - 1 singk per tail.

Giving of food
- brand food better be adrift [of] dose 3 - 5%bb / day, frequency 2 times one day 06.00 am and 05.00 pm
- Green food in the form of foliage, Dose Azolla 5%bb / day.

Jun 6, 2008



Fishery sector represent one part of the in accomplishment of prosperity of society through sufficiency of protein. To support efficacy of fishery area specially product increase of fishery of freshwater, needed [by] technological and pre-eminent seed precisely utilize easy [is] application by consumer society [pass/through] technological information [of] fishery conducting.


Which require to be paid attention in [doing/conducting] bream conducting, that is:

Location Choice Of Pool :

- Available Amount of water required during the year; quality of clean water / is not impure; pH gyrate 6,5-8; temperature irrigate 24-28oC
- [Is] easy to reached and is free [of] floods
- Elementary land;ground [of] hard type pool / clay, axis [do] not and enough contain humus
- Inclination of land;ground gyrate 3-5
- Tired height 50-500 dpl m
- Deepness of pool 50-100 cm / according to requirement.

Election of Seed
" A bit of blood : healthy, resisten to disease, its nimble movement, respon to food.

System and Management Conducting
- Preparation of farm
- Draining, piracy and flattening of elementary land;ground [of] pool
- Repair of causeway and making of ditch
- [Gift/ giving] of chalk 20-200 g / m2
- Fertilization 500-700 g / m2
- Installation of water filter
- Admission filling of pool water step by step, let ± 7 day to give opportunity of[is growing of natural food.

" Execution of conducting

- Seed dispersion at the (time) of air is not hot ( treatment of adjustment of temperature) beforehand is. Solid [of] disperse adapted for to pay attention efficiency
- [Gift/ giving] of good pakan with quality with dose 2-5% body wight or by adlibitum ( fully filled until

- Treatment during conservancy
Controlling the quality of water ( source of water, rest of food) and causeway
Eradication of disease and pest.

" Cropping
Cropping [done/conducted] [by] after tired fish [of] wanted size measure either through totalizeing and also harvest some of.

Jun 2, 2008

Type Conducting sea fish

Baramundi, Asean seabass
(Lates calcarifer)
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Centropomidae
Genus : Lates
Feature : long physique, flat , wide tail fin bar, wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths , underside of cover thormy gill [of] strength. Upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are jagged lobe

Streaked spinefoot
(Suganus javus,Linneus)
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Siganidae
Genus : Siganus
Feature : flat Ellipse physique, small mouth. scales [at] flank line 200. Upper colour squeeze - darkly, turning white below/under. white dot [at] body tabletop and head, Tires white colour by snatches, waving length especially [in] body underside.

(Siganus virgatus, Valenciennes)
Beronang Kuning/ Kea-kea
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Siganidae
Genus : Siganus
Feature : Ellipse physique attenuate, small mouth. Harsh tooths [at] its its[his] . Small Scales , slippery if/when touched. colour turn yellow greenness of white tabletop [is] brass greyly is illusory [of] underside.

Dwarf spotted grouper
(Epinephelus merra,Bloch.)
Kerapu Balong
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Serranidae
Genus : Epinephelus
Feature : Long physique, flat. Wide Trap, small tooths [at] jaw [in] part of external back part there are tooth of caling. [Cover/Conclusion] of jagged circular gill. circular Tail fin. Red primary colour - chicoo - young, a few/little greenness. [at] from head to foot , twin fin, single fin there are big fleck in form of hexagon ruddle old chicoo

Humback seabass, Panther grouper
(Cromileptes altivelis, Serranus altivelis)
Kerapu Bebek
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Serranidae
Genus : Cromileptes
Feature : Ellipse physique flat, Frontage Head level off, like head parrot . Mouth rather wide, smooth tooths [at] jaw, wide gill cover, jagged [at] tabletop behind. Two tooth of flat [at] [cover/conclusion] of gill. Ruddle - chicoo - white [of] tabletop, whitish [at] underside.

Banded cheek
(Epinephelus henichus fowler)
Kerapu Karang
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Siganidae
Genus : Chephalopholis
Feature : Long physique. wide mouth with little tooth [at] jaw. colour lead and red body - chicoo - matured come near black with a few blue thick line waving body length.

Greasy grouper
(Epinephelus tauvina (Forskal, 1775))
Kerapu Lumpur
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili: Serranidae
Genus : Epinephelus
Feature : Long physique. including type of kerapu big, [cover/conclusion] of circular gill, rather big and jagged at the end of under. tooths [at] in line jaw in 2 line, part of tip of biggest external front. This fish [is] including savage fish. Brownish primary colour, rather white its underside. Fleck ruddle - chicoo there are in all body.

Silver Barramundi
(Lates cacalifer)
Kakap Putih
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Centropomidae
Genus : Lates
Feature : Long physique. wide tail fin bar. Wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths. Underside [cover/conclusion] of thormy gill [of] strength. upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are jagged lobe.

Emperor red snapper
(Lutjanus sebae)
Kakap Merah
Ordo : Percomorphi
Famili : Centropomidae
Genus : Lates
Feature : Long physique. wide tail fin bar. Wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths. Underside [cover/conclusion] of thormy gill [of] strength. upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are rose colored and jagged lobe.