Sep 16, 2008

Role of Fat to making of food made in fish.

Role of Fat to making of food made in.

Functioning fat as source of energi and assist absorbtion of certain minerals ( especially calcium) and also vitamin. dissolve vitamin in fat ( vitamin of A, D, E, K). In relation to food made in usefulness of fat have an effect on to feeling and food tekstur which [is] dibuat.oleh in consequence fat also have role in course of metabolism and growth of fish.

fat of Esensial required by fish also in the form of sour types [of] unsatiated fat, for example acid of linoleic ( more knowledgeable with acid of lenoleat), sour [of] linolenic ( more knowledgeable with acid of lenolenat), and arachidonic ( more knowledgeable with arakidonat). Fat pertained [is] easy to oxidized so that its use in making of food made in its amount [is] limited. If used fat content too high frequently by maker [party/ side] enhanced with materials of antioksidan to pursue the happening of oxidation process.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M

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