Sep 8, 2008

impact if looked after koi experience of lacking of gizi

impact if looked after koi experience of lacking of gizi.
Effect of which emerge if koi lacking of immeasurable gizi enough, depended from its element [of] him. Koi which lacking of vitamin of C show hollowing symptom [at] backbone, even [at] some natural case broken backbone. if happened lacking of iodine or mineral, koi will suffer goitre.

Besides its [of] enough him, food have to [is] easy to digested, [is] easy to permeated by body, and contain pigment to add brightness of [his/its] colour. pregnant food-stuff [of] red pigment and turn yellow can be made [by] xself or obtained [by] [in] fish shops, especially selling koi. Even by genetis colour pigment [at] koi have is good enough, during its life there [is] possibility of natural koi [of] change because various factor influencing [it], like too solid algae population, sunshine focus, and water quality. For that, need pigment supply pass food to improve;repair colour balance of koi.

Tables 4. Requirement Of Vitamin Basis For Koi.

Vitamin.........................................................Jumlah Per Kilogram food.

A....... ........................................................... 2.500-5.000 International Unit (IU) D ...................................................................500-2.400 IU E.....................................................................50 mg
K....................................................................10 mg
Biotin.............................................................1 mg
Choline..........................................................500-3.000 mg
Asam folic.....................................................5 mg
Niacin............................................................100-150 mg
Pantothenic acid...........................................50 mg
Pyridoxine.....................................................20 mg
Riboflavin.......................................................20 mg
Thiamin..........................................................20 mg

sumber : KOI revisi,20022

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