Sep 29, 2008



Natural Food represent indispensablelity need its levying for the food of prawn larva. Although many plankton type able to be used as [by] prawn larva food, but for good natural food [of] hams fulfill some conditions, that is - Having size measure and form matching with prawn larva mouth - its Obstetrical [of] high him - solid Cell content and have flimsy cell wall, so that [is] easy to permeated - Quickly multiply and have tolerance which high enough to change of environmental factor - [Do] not [release] poisonous compound - Movement of it is not overactive, so that [is] easy to arrested by prawn larva.

To take care of the availibility of natural food for the larva of prawn, hence require to be [done/conducted] [by] natural food culture which with quality and optimal amount. Some plankton type which [is] often used for the food of prawn [is] Skeletonema Costatum, Tetraselmis Chilii, Chaetoceros Calcitrans, Brachionus Plicatilis and of Artemia Sp.

Pure Culture.
Way of this [done/conducted] in media [so that/ to be] to get one plankton species. Usually media [so that/ to be] fertilized with manure matching with wanted plankton. required equipments, for example, petridish, tail ose / mikropipet, erienmeyer, pipette, save microscope and reaction. Entire/All culture media and equipments except microscope, before used have to be sterilized in autoclave ( temperature 100°C, pressure 1 Atmosfir during 10 minute).

Condensation [so that/ to be] which have been fertilized, to be infused petridish, let a few moments become solidly. Take example [of] irrigate plankton with needle of ose / mikropipet and dab to surface of media [so that/ to be], [is] later;then closed and kept [at] room;chamber temperature. Few days later;then surface [so that/ to be] the have been growed [by] example [of] plankton colonys. By using microscope, each colony perceived and searched [by] plankton colony desired. If have been got, hence can be developed in tube react and used as [by] seed. If colony perceived still mixed with other type, hence the inokulasi have to repeat get pure colony. Pure colony [of] inkubasi in room which [is] ber-AC to take care of stability of temperature [among/between] 25 - 27°C.

Picture : 1. teknik kultur alami
source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

Sep 25, 2008


Fat required as source of energi. Existence of fat have important role also for growth and continuity of life, especially some sour type [of] fat very is having an in with [of] life of prawn. Sour [of] fat also function to dissolve vitamin. Sour composition [of] fat exist in prawn very hand in glove its [relation/link] with fat which implied in given food. One fat gram can yield 9 kkal per gram while protein and carbohydrate only yielding 4 kkal per gram. Special to territorial water organism, fat play a part in to minimize beratjenis, so that organism can float [in] water.

Some researcher report that given food fat rate and source have real influence to body fat rate. According to Sick and of Andrews ( 1973), given [by] prawn [is] food without fat have body fat rate 4,93 % from dry weight. While [at] food which is the each given [by] fat coming from 10 % ox fat, 10 % corn oil and 10 % linseed, causing each prawn body fat rate become 7,27 %, 7,82 % and 8,58 %. Matter this means required [by] certain fat acid in given food.

Fat acid have important role [do] not only as source of energi, but also as Iihat vitamin which [is] esensial for the prawn of ( Teshima and of Yone, 1978). From some result of research have been proved that prawn have unique requirement to and sterol of fosfolipida different with other territorial water organism and mammal. [At] other animal, sterol earn disintesis of acetate, while [at] prawn cannot sintesis. Cholesterol represent Iihat vitamin which [is] esensial to growth and life of prawn, because this Iihat vitamin can be turned into hormone of seks hormone and change husk [is] and also used as [by] fundamental element [of] hypodermic. optimal Cholesterol rate for the larva of and of juvenil [is] [about/around] 0,5 % ( Et al Kanazawa., 1971). Prawn can alter C28 and of C29 sterols become cholesterol ( Teshima, 1971).

Fat acid of linoleat, and linolenat of arakidonat represent fat acid of esensial very important for growth and continuity of prawn life. Prawn less efficient in altering acid of linoleat acid and of linolenat become fat acid is not saturated larger ones ( Poly acid fatty unsdturated Higher) and comparison of fat acid found on prawn of substadium PL 1 and PL 2 [is] 16 : 0,18 : 1,20 : 4 and 22 6. Fat acid 22 : 6 mounting manifestly from egg until PL 1 and PL 2, this matter [is] enabled [by] because its acidulous food [of] fat.

Deshimaru et al. ( 1979), please express that comparison of acid of linoleat and of linolenat more important than the fat acid contents [by] xself. [Is] hereinafter expressed that [gift/ giving] of fat 6 % in pakan with comparison of sour content [of] linoleat 10 - 20 % and is sour [of] linolenat 20 - 30 % giving growth of good enough prawn. Comparison of fat acid in the pakan got by mixing fish liver oil of pollack soy oil and range from 3 : 1 and 1 1. Fat coming from animal go out to sea good generally as source of acid of linoleat ( Kanazawa et, al., 1979). While vegetation oil represent the source of acid of linolenat.

Fosfolipida represent sour ester [of] and fat of gliserol having phosphate ion. Oil and bulk containing many fosfolipida like sefalin which many there are in soybean oil. Other Fosfolipida [is] lechitin having part of dissolve in water. Et al Kanazawa. ( 1979) have checked influence some fat faction of oil of tapes in prawn food in the reality can give better growth to Penaeus japonicus juvenil, while [gift/ giving] 1 % sefalin in prawn food can give better growth although [do] not as good as better lechitin but in comparison with without [gift/ giving] of fosfolipida [is] at source :
Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

HABIT EAT PRAWN of WINDU ( Penaeus Monodon) .

HABIT EAT PRAWN of WINDU ( Penaeus Monodon) .

[In] nature, prawn of windu ordinary eat various type of Crustacea big, Brachyura, vegetation objects, Polychaeta, Mollusca, small fishs and limited small Crustacea in number. While looked after prawn [in] fishpond eating many Copepoda. Although prawn of penaid represent omnivorous animal ( Omnivora), however in general prawn represent predator to invertebrata which [is] movement of tardy [it]. Result of inspection to prawn innards;bowels of windu looked after [in] fishpond indicate that its food consist of type plankton of Lyngbya sp, Spirulina, Skeletonema and from type of zooplankton that is Brachionus sp ( Ranoemihardjo, 1980). Even though, situation of place environment live prawn will have an effect on to eaten food type.

In effort conservancy of prawn, given food besides have to have the quality of which its [of] him have to enough, because lacking of food will be more quicken death of animal which [is] conducting. Till now Artemia nauplius represent one of [the] most effective prawn food to stadium prawn after and also larva of Juvenil. Besides, Artemia nauplius can personate supporter of growth of prawn of windu.

If used as [by] suplemen with other food, in the reality Artemia have excellence compared to other prawn food. The excellence among others [is] : Merchant Artemia in the form of cyst ( Cyst), practical so that in its use, Artemia nauplius have compatible size measure gyration for many prawn larva, can adapt to various environment and can grow [at] high density ( Sorgeloos, 1980). Besides, Artemia also have content of nutrisi which high enough.
source : Ir. Sri Umiyati SumeruDra. Suzy Anna



Source of nutrisi ( gizi) [is] generally classified to become five category, that is: protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral and vitamin. To support growth and continuity of its life, prawn require nutrisi which qualitative and also quantitative fulfill conditions as according to requirement of prawn. the Iihat vitamins have to stay in food which physiologically function as source of regulator Iihat vitamin of[is continuity of life.

Protein represent organic compound [of] complex, lapped over to the many acid of amino pregnant [of] elements of C, H, O and of N which [do] not have by carbohydrate or fat. pregnant Protein molecule also sulphur and phospor. Protein of vital importance to body, because this Iihat vitamin have function as materialss in body and also as constructor Iihat vitamin and regulator. As constructor Iihat vitamin, functioning protein in forming new network and maintain network which have there [is].

Considering is important [of] protein in prawn food, hence research concerning requirement of protein some prawn type have been [done/conducted] by many researcher. Some result of research show number requirement of different protein to prawn. Difference [is] enabled, caused by difference in habit eat ( habit food) as well as source of used protein. Pursuant to attempt of Deshimaru and of Yone ( 1978) got that optimum protein rate for the growth of Penaeus japonicus juvenil and efficiency usage of food range from 32 - 57 %.

While other researcher like Colvin ( 1976) getting protein rate 43 % for the Penaeus of and indicus of Andrews al et. ( 1972) getting protein rate 28 - 32 % for the Penaeus of setiferus. Result of attempt of Colvin and of Brand ( 1977) indicating that for the growth of prawn of Penaeus califomiensis, Stylirostris Penaeus and of Penaeus size measure vanamei of pasca larva required [by] 40 % protein in its food, while for juvenil required [by] protein 30 %. In general prawn of windu adult or juvenil get optimum growth with [gift/ giving] of pregnant food 30 - 60 % protein ( New, 1976).

[In] nature there are [about/around] 23 kinds of acid of amino which have insulation, but only some just acid of amino which [is] esensial to prawn. Kanazawa and of Teshima ( 1981) by using radioactive isotope get 10 sour type [of] esensial amino for the Penaeus of japonicus that is : Arginin, Methionin, Valine, Threonin, Isoleusin, Leusin, Lysin, Histidin, Phenylalanin and of Tryptophan. While Shewbart etal. ( 1972) getting 11 acid of amino esensial to Penaeus aztecus that is kesepuluhjenis above additional and also Tyrosin for a few high level animal. This Tyrosin [do] not esensial if/when there are Phenylalanin, however seems esensial to prawn. Till now requirement of acid of amino quantitatively to prawn not yet been known. Any way compilation of prawn food better be adapted for [by] spreading of acid of amino in prawn body.

[At] tables 2 seen component spreading of acid of amino prawn of windu.

Asam Amino Esensial .............Kandungan (%)

source : Ir. Sri Umiyati SumeruDra. Suzy Anna

Sep 24, 2008



A. CONDITIONS OF BIOLOGIS. Prawn of Windu ( Penaeus Monodon) included in Penaidae familia. Sub of Ordo Natantia, Ordo Decapoda and of Klas Crustacea. This Group [of] life [in] territorial water base / bentik, frown upon light and hide [in] mud in the day time. Have the character of cannibal, especially in a state of peckish and [there] no available food, having ammonia ekskresi which high enough and for growth needed to change husk ( moulting). Some environmental factor which influence the continuity of life and growth of prawn shall be as follows :

1. Temperature.
Prawn require temperature gyration [among/between] 25 till 32°C [so that/ to be] earning life and grow normally. Temperature territorial water excelsior, fast excelsior [of] metabolism in prawn body. This condition will make balance to at the height of accelerateing food consumption. If/When temperature increasing, prawn of stres and will [release] abundant mucus. On the contrary if/when temperature too low, prawn will less active eat and make a move, so that its growth will be tardy.

2. Salinitas.
Prawn of Windu have tolerance live [at] gyration of salinitas 4 - 40 permil and grow better [at] gyration 12 - 30 permil. If salinitas too low or too high, Iust to eat there [is] still, but food conversion become high because body energi many castaway

3. pH.
For the growth of, prawn of windu need gyration of pH 7,4 - 8,5 and will kill if/when tired pH [of] very low number 6 and is highest 9. If/When pH irrigate too low or often lower at night, hence coat calcify [in] prawn husk will decrease because permeated internally. [At] this condition [of] oxygen consumption mount, permeability of downhill body and its gill destroy.

4. Condensation Oxygen ( DO). Oxygen needed [by] prawn to burn consumed [by] food Iihat vitamins [is] prawn and permeated [by] body or elaborated to become energi. Oxygen condensation which both for growth of prawn [is] [among/between] 85 - 125 % saturated or 4 - 6 ppm. In pregnant water enough oxygen, seen prawn activity [is] to rest and once in a while make a move to forag. On the contrary in obstetrical water [of] its oxygen lower, prawn will see active make a move and swim because stres. However, [at] oxygen rate which saturated too can cause disease of gas bubble ( Gas of Bubble Disease).
source :Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru Dra. Suzy Anna

Sep 22, 2008

Area Come [from] and Spreading Of Fish of Betutu.

Area Come [from] and Spreading Of Fish of Betutu.

Fish of Betutu anticipated [by] original fish [of] Indonesia coming from island of Kalimantan. But, whereas people there [is] also having a notion that fish of betutu come from Sumatra because since long time there [are] over there, even become Sub-Province Roof-Gutter mascot of Betutu. Considering the name of betutu become single name [in] island, hence fish of betutu anticipated to come from Sumatra. While [in] this Kalimantan fish [is] named [by] fish of bakut fish or of bakukut meaning to be kept quiet. [In] town of Pontianak, this fish [of] stupid fish bemama or fish of goblog because in character which [is] always kept quiet. This fish only moving if/when peckish and if (there are) any prey which [is] coincidence pass in front of him. If/When have is fully filled, just [to] this fish will be be kept quiet it though see prey which have been mastered to be to be grabbed by other fish.

fish of Betutu in this time have met many [in] Java, for example [in] [in] river of Ciliwung, Citarum, accumulating basin of Cirata, Elephant accumulating basin of Mungkur, and [in] its other places. Spreading of fish of betutu [in] Java anticipated caused by effort energy kindness [in] the area which later;then escape to a[n territorial water and step into rivers later;then multiply naturally. According to Axelrod, area spreading of fish of betutu cover area of Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Campuchea, Burmese, Australian North, Philippine, and Chinese South.

source of : David Mulyono.

fish potency and benefit of Betutu / cork / snake fish.


Our Nation ( Indonesia ) very is requiring [is] source of protein to become a[n smart and healthy nation. fish of Mempakan one of [the] source of gilt edged protein. pregnant Fish mean flesh [of] protein ( 9 - 22 %), fat ( 0,1 - 20 %), mineral ( 1 - 3 %), vitamin, lecithin, guanin, and a little a few/little cholesterol.

A. the Target of and Target Development Of Sub-Sektor Fishery. Imposingly territorial water and abundance its[his] various fish type in Indonesia, hence government of cymbal or expect that requirement of Indonesian nation protein can fulfill from fishery sub-sektor. Thereby, target of and target development of sub - fishery sector, beside improve foreign exchange to state, is to improve prosperity of people with target [so that/ to be] goals every body Indonesia can consume fish ± 25 singk / people / tired year. If/When the goals can reach, hence Indonesian nation surely will become smart and healthy nation.

B. Potency Fishery of Freshwater. Development of fishery sub-sektor, both for [done/conducted] by government and also by private sector, [do] not only [in] territorial water of sea, but also [in] territorial water of land ( freshwater). Territorial water bargain in Indonesia according to [all] fishery expert have the quality of good. Territorial water bargain in Indonesia have acidity storey;level ( stable water pH) and have more compared to stable water temperature [of] natural nations 4 season like Japan and of Taiwan. Despitefully, territorial water bargain Indonesia have plankton type miscellaneous, benthos, and or detritus able to become the source of natural food to fish. Seen from wide [of] the source of territorial water of public ( river, lake, bog, accumulating basin / draught, dsb.) and its water quality very goodness, hence territorial water bargain in Indonesia very potential to the effort development of prikanan. One of [the] example [of] [is] territorial water of public [in] just Central Java like [at] tables following :

C. Potency and Prospect of Agribisnis Fish of Betutu. Fish of Betutu possible still foreign to some people. But, to one who have old dabble in the world of fishery, fish of betutu have is old stuff. To society of Sumatra South, specially around River of Ogan, River of Komering, and River of Musi, have old stuff to fish of Betutu. Even, fish of Betutu made [by] town mascot ( remember Roof-Gutter town of Betutu). [In] business world, fish of Betutu more knowledgeable with the title Lazy fish or lazy Cork. Society of Kalimantan mention fish of betutu by the name of fish of Bakut or fish of Bakukut with the meaning " kept quiet". There [is] also mentioning fish of Betutu by the name of stupid fish or fish of goblog. Ethnical [for a] while Chinese, including Chinese clan, mentioning fish of betutu by the name of fish of Sun Hock. International World mention fish of betutu by the name of fish of marbledgpby or of sand goby. Fish of Betutu have erudite name [of] Marmorata Oxyeletris. Bikr.

From breakdown of above clear that fish of Betutu the including one of [the] fish type which have. Cookery fish menu of betutu have entered [in] metropoliss like Palembang, Field, Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Rate Menu fish of betutu [in] hotels have star [to] range from Rp 250.000,00 - Rp 300.000,00 to one portion of the size 0,8 singk - 1 singk. While fish price of betutu live [in] wholesaler storey;level or of brooker vary [among/between] Rp 75.000,00 - Rp 100.000,00 per its kilogram.

Costly [of] fish price of betutu anticipated [by] there are some version, probably because delicious goal likely, its flesh turn white, softly, and almost is not bony. fish of Betutu [is] also trusted to contain certain advantage to womankind and to man clan. To womankind, fish of betutu trusted can make ageless and can add softness of husk because containing many vitamin of B1, B2, B6 Vitamin of F, and vitamin of E so that can pursue process become oldly. To man clan, fish of betutu trusted [by] containing many certain hormone and anzim so that can growing strong and heroic as men. But, there [is] also saying that fish of betutu only as arena confront prestige for the meloby of relationship.

Technically, fish of betutu (it) is true still difficult to conducting. Fish business of betutu till in this time most still depend on arrest [in] free nature. Therefore, this fish type [is] felt concerned about will be scarce progressively and totally disappeared akhimya if arrest [in] [done/conducted] free nature continuously. Effort fish conducting and seeding of betutu expected can preserve, adding population, and answer the demand [of] requirement of consumer. Effort fish energy kindness of betutu [in] Thailand can succeed better so that in this time become especial competitor to Indonesia as coming [from] muasal of fish of betutu itself. [In] West Java and [in] Central Java there [are] one who start him [him/ it] intensively although its result not yet seethed with excitement.

Especial constraint [is] fish conducting of betutu [is] the the duration growth of fish. Growth of fish of betutu from hatching till reach consumption size measure ( 400 g to to the) requiring time [about/around] 2 year. Despitefully, this high fish mortality enough so that make people shy at to him [him/ it]. Although storey;level death of fish of betutu high enough, but admit of to be overcome to [pass/through] to with refer to and test-drive of teknih intensive energy kindness.

source : david mulyono

Sep 21, 2008



In order to improving earnings of society of DKI Jakarta specially farmer of fish / fisherman have been gone through [by] various means among others exploit lawn farm with effort conservancy of decorative fish। Amount of decorative fish specially decorative fish [of] hard freshwater earn conducting in Indonesia there [is] 91 type। From to 91 fish type, there are some very potential the decorative fish type to be developed [by] because besides can be marketed in country also can represent commodity of eksport।

the potential decorative Fish types for example fish of Diskus, Severum, Rainbow, and Niasa। To be more recognize the fish type [at] Chapter hereinafter of dikemukanan of[is nature of from fishs

1) Diskus. Decorative Fish [of] Diskus ( Symhysodonodiscus) represent one of [the] decorative fish type [of] freshwater coming from Amazon river ( Brasil). the Type Fish have good economic value and very popular [by] [in] various state. In Indonesia fish of Diskus have earned conducting and very potensil to be developed [by] because besides can be marketed [by] local marketing, also can represent exporting commodity.

Individuality of fish of diskus [is] its body benetuk [of] flimsy body, domed loo like stromateus fish with redish brown primary colour। fish of Diskus earn conducting in Aquarium to a couple of diskus can be placed in fairish aquarium [about/around] 75 x 35 x 35 cm of[is quality of needed to life and expand fish of diskus that is [in] clear water, temperature [about/around] 28 - 30 degree of Celcius pH ( degree of acidity) 5 - 6 besides dissolve Oxygen content [of] him have to be high enough that is + bigger than 3 ppm ( pxrt per million).

Fish of Diskus have earned breeding after old age [among/between] 15 - 20 months. As for [common/ public] food eaten that is water bug, cuk, worm ( food made in) existing [is] मार्केटिंग

2) Severum। Fish of Severum Cichlosoma severum [is] one of [the] decorative fish type [of] freshwater coming from upstate United States ( Arhazone. S). Its short Body, fat and attenuate with body primary colour vary that is brass chocolate, or black [is] chocolate. this Fish type also have high economic value.

Fish of Severum can be looked after in basin or aquarium cement the quality of needed to water conservancy of fish of severum that is: PH : 5,5 - 7, temperature irrigate 21 - 25 degree of celcius। Fish of Severum have earned to be breeded [by] after old age + year of the size 12 - 15 cm. Masculine mains from female can be differentiated from masculine mains size measure and colour [of] chromatic more fair with larger ones mains from is female. Food able to be given [by] this fish type for example: water bug, cuk, silk worm etc.

3) Fish of Rainbow। Fish of Rainbow represent decorative fish type which enthused [by] many society because this fish type also can represent commodity of eksport. There [is] 2 type of rainbow which is famous enough that is Irian rainbow ( Melano Tacnia and maccaulochi of Rainbow its Anlanesi Telmatherina Rainbow Irian primary colour ahl ladigesi ogilby [of] silver with metallic dark colour while its Sulawesi primary colour rainbow turn yellow olive, with undercarriage colour turn yellow this fish type [is] including fish lay eggs by gluing egg [at] water crop.

Quality of needed to water life of this fish type that is temperature irrigate 23 - 26 degree of Cecius। Ph. water better above 7. this Fish type [of] dapt live and prolific in cement basin and also aquarium. This fish have earned memijah after old age + 7 months in size measure 5 - 7 cm. Food which is [is] ordinary to be given in conservancy of this fish that is water bug, worm of zambut or of cuk. So that fish can grow better during conservancy lay eggs, water have to klop fulfill conditions and [done/conducted] [by] replacement of water + 1 week 1 times.

4) Fish of Niasa। Psedatropheus Auratus Bonlenger or English name of Auratus. [In] DKI jakarta more knowledgeable by the name of this Niasa fish type have long body rather level off, primary colour turn yellow coal black or fair golden. Fish of Niasa very aggresive its movement so that have to beware of if will be mixed with other fish type. Quality of needed to water [is] life and expand fish of Niasa that is pH = 7, temperature 24 - 27 degree of Celcius. Conservancy can be [done/conducted] in basin cement or aquarium. Height of needed to water [is] pemijahan [about/around] 30 - 35 cm.

Fish of Niasa have earned breeding in age 7 months of the size body length : 7 cm. female and Masculine mains can be differentiated from oafish turn yellow its fin [of] him. Masculine fish usually have oafishly [of] in, whereas the female [do] not. given food for example : Cuk, water bug

3. SOURCE OF. On Duty Fishery, Governmental [of] DKI Jakarta, Jakarta, 1996

4. CONTACT [RELATION/LINK]. Governmental [of] DKI Jakarta, On Duty Fishery of Jakarta, March 2001. Electroplated by : Tarwiyah.

Sep 17, 2008



Morphology and Habit Of Fish of Manfis. Manfish or which [is] recognized also with term ' Fish Angel' coming from territorial water of Amazon, South America. Manfish ( Pterophyllum Scalare) pertained into set of relatives of Cichlidae, having marking of morfologis the following habit and:

" Owning type and colour which vary " Form flimsy body, with body like dart " Stomach fin and its back fin unfold wide up at tail, so that see as bow which [is] transparent dark chromatic " [At] part of its chest there are two fin which [is] length pendant to part of tail " Taking care of and protecting its clan " Have the character of omnivorously " Pertained easy to accept various food type in so many source and form.

Some fish type of Manfish recognized and have expanded in Indonesia for example [is]: Diamond ( Berlian ), Imperial, Marble and of Black-White. Diamond ( Berlian ) silver chromatic gleam until dusty green. [At] part of head to the there are colour turn yellow till black chocolate which go along until part of back. Imperial Manfish have silver primary colour, but its body [is] decorated [by] four vertical line [of] black chromatic / black chocolate.

Manfish Marble have white and black mixture colour which [is] vertical line shape. While Black-White manfish have black colour decorate halfly [of] its body [of] backside, and white colour decorate halfly [of] frontage of[is including part of head.

Management of Mains. Fish of Manfish can be made [by] mains after its age reach 7 long months of the size 7,5 cm. To reach result of optimal, mains have to be managed better for example with [gift/ giving] of good food like wiggler, worm of Tubifex, or Chironomous. Besides because fish mains of manfish very sensitive to disease attack, hence require to be given to treat drug periodical Drug which commonly use for example Oxytetracycline and salt.

Before breeded, mains of manfish looked after massly ( male and is female ) beforehand in 1 big aquarium ( size measure 100x60x60 cm3). After maturing egg, mains of manfish will each other and lock out of other fish. Mains which each other the have earned to be taken and breeded [at] breeder place.

Besides can be [done/conducted], that is by pairing mains of manfish directly after knowing female and masculine mains. distinguished Masculine mains of the size larger ones body compared to female mains. rather big seen masculine Mains head with part of [among/between] mouth to back fin in form of is convex, and also compared to slimer physique [of] female fish. Whereas female mains distinguished by smaller body size measure and its smaller head form with part of more big stomach / fat and also seen rather uppermost.

Technique Breeder.
Breeder [done/conducted] [by] [in] fairish aquarium 60x50x40 cm3 highly water 30 cm. Into the aquarium given [by] aerasi for the supply of oxygen. fish of Manfish will paste up its egg [at] smooth substrat, for example pipe cutting of PVC which have been prepared / to be placed in breeder aquarium. Because fish of manfish tend to to take a fancy to calm and dark atmosphere, hence [at] aquarium wall can be glued [by] plastic or paper which [is] dark chromatic.

mains of Manfish will be prolific at night. Female mains paste up its egg [at] substrat and followed [by] masculine fish which spraying its[his] [him/ it] at all of egg, so that the eggs [is] fruit. Amount of yielded egg each;every mains range from 500-1000 item. During a period of/to breeder, mains remain to give [by] food in the form of worm of Tubifex, Chironomous or of Daphnia.

Hatch of Egg and Conservancy of Larva Egg which patch [at] substrat [is] hereinafter carried over [by] aquarium hatch of egg ( fairish 60x50x40 cm3) to be incubated. [At] hatch media water better be enhanced [by] drug anti mushroom, for example Methyline Blue with dose 1 ppm. To take care of stability of temperature, hence into media hatch of the egg used [by] heater of water ( heater water) attached [at] temperature 27-28 degree of Celcius. Egg of Manfish will hatch after 2-3 day, with degree of hatch of egg gyrate 70-90%. Hereinafter place paralon gluing of egg lifted and [done/conducted] [by] treatment of larva till old age 2 week.

given food during conservancy of the larva in the form of natural food matching with aperture trap larva and have high protein content, for example Artemia sp nauplii. the food given [by] 2 times one day ( evening and morning ) till larva old age 10 day and continued with [gift/ giving] of worm of Tubifex.

Conservancy of Magnification and seed.

After old age 2 week, the seed can be [done/conducted] seldom to [is] later;then [done/conducted] [by] conservancy until fish old age one months. Next step [is] to harvest the the seed to be carried over in basin / place of magnification. In this case can be used [by] basin of fiber cement basin or, depended the place of available. During a period of/to magnification, strived in order to current into place of magnification although a few/little.

Solid [is] dispersion for the magnification of fish of manfish gyrate 100 tail / m2. given food in the form of worm of Tubifex or of pellet until seed old age 2 months. Reached size measure usually gyrate 3 - 5 cm. If water quality and food support, sintasan [at] a period of/to magnification can reach 70-90%. Hereinafter seed of manfish can be enlarged again till reach mains candidate size measure or mains thickky smaller dispersion.

Disease and medication.

fish of Manfish recognized sensitive enough to disease attack, [is] for that needed [by] management well by taking care of the quality of given food amount and water. Some ordinary parasite type attack seed / mains of Manfish for example [is] : Trichodina Sp ., Chillodonella Sp. and Epystilys sp. While bacterium the infection [is] Aeromonas hydrophilla.

Some drug type able to be used to overcome attack disease of parasitek for example : Formalin 25%, Nacl 500 ppm. While for the disease of bakterial can be used [by] Oxytetrachycline 5 - 10 ppm by input to its mixture during 24 [hour/clock].

Mineral function [at] food to fish.

Mineral function [at] food to fish.
Mineral Iihat vitamins required by fish for example calcium ( Ca), phosphorus ( P), and natrium of klor ( in compound of Naci), manganese ( Mn), ferrum ( Fe), copper ( Cu), iodine ( I), and cobalt ( Co). [Is] the same as with vitamin, mineral very required by fish in number which [do] not too big. Calcium ( Ca) and phosphorus ( P) needed to forming of bone / growth and to take care of body network function can work normally. Chloride Natrium ( Nacl) have an effect on in growth, but suggested [by] its usage [do] not too much. Iron ( Fe) required for the forming of red corpuscle, while copper ( Cu) assist in usage of iron by body. Iodine ( [Is] i) needed to making of tiroksin ( hormone of timid) and manganese ( Mn) have an effect on in course of ovulasi/ reproduction.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan, M.M, 2001

vitamin [at] fish food.


Vitamin needed in number which relative a few/little, especially to keep in good health and growth of fish body. Evaluated from nature of its physical, vitamin can be divided into two faction that is dissolve vitamin in dissolve vitamin and water in fat. dissolve vitamin in water for example tiamin ( vitamin of B), riboflavin ( vitamin of B2), sour [of] pantotenat ( vitamin of B6), biotin, and kobalamin ( vitamin of B 2), and others.

dissolve vitamin in fat for example retinol ( vitamin of A), or kolekalsiferol of ergokalsiferol ( vitamin of D), alpha of tokoferol ( vitamin of E), and menadion ', vitamin of K). Vitamin of B1 B6, and functioning B12 to support growth and also can stimulate passion eat, while vitamin of B2 play a part in growth and transfer of food Iihat vitamins ( like carbohydrate, fat, and protein) of cells in fish body and also for the process of reproduction. Vitamin of A functioning to support health of eye, while vitamin of D required for the process of metabolism of mineral ( especially phosphorus and calcium). Vitamin of E have an effect on to movement of fish and also in course of reproduction, while vitamin of K have an effect on in course of coagulation of blood.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan, M.M,2001

Sep 16, 2008

Carbohydrate for the food of fish

Carbohydrate. Carbohydrate represent the source of energi and in general come from flora which [is] forming of [him/ it] [pass/through] photosynthesis process constructively sunshine. In food formulasi, carbohydrate of[is including group which [is] often referred [as] [by] NFE (" nitrogen of free extract) or in Indonesian term of BETN ( extract materials without nitrogen). This BETN contain karbohidrat,gula, extract, and most of classified [by] Iihat vitamins [is] hemiselulosa in food-stuff. Assess BETN obtained from number quantifying of protein, fat, dusty, harsh fibre, and water lessened [by] 100.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M

Role of Fat to making of food made in fish.

Role of Fat to making of food made in.

Functioning fat as source of energi and assist absorbtion of certain minerals ( especially calcium) and also vitamin. dissolve vitamin in fat ( vitamin of A, D, E, K). In relation to food made in usefulness of fat have an effect on to feeling and food tekstur which [is] dibuat.oleh in consequence fat also have role in course of metabolism and growth of fish.

fat of Esensial required by fish also in the form of sour types [of] unsatiated fat, for example acid of linoleic ( more knowledgeable with acid of lenoleat), sour [of] linolenic ( more knowledgeable with acid of lenolenat), and arachidonic ( more knowledgeable with arakidonat). Fat pertained [is] easy to oxidized so that its use in making of food made in its amount [is] limited. If used fat content too high frequently by maker [party/ side] enhanced with materials of antioksidan to pursue the happening of oxidation process.

source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M

protein function to fish.

Protein represent top-drawer element in compilation of food formulasi because effort conducting expect growth of fish which quickly.

In this case, protein have three function to body that is a) as constructor which forming various new network for growth, to changing damage network, and also reproduction, b) as regulator which play a part in forming of custodian hormone and enzyme and regulator various metabolism process in fish body, c) as burner because carbon element which consist in in it can be functioned as source of energi at the (time) of requirement of energi [do] not fufilled by fat and carbohydrate.

Protein molecule lapped over from a number of acid of amino upon which base. Quality of protein very determined by sour composition [of] its compiler amino. This composition will differ [among/between] one materials with other materials.

From [about/around] twenty sour type [of] amino exist in nature, ten among others represent acid of amino which [is] esensial which cannot disintesis in fish body or cannot be made adequate in number from which [is] needed. acid of Amino the esensial [is] arginin ( arg), histidin ( his), isoleusin ( ile), leusin ( leu), lisin ( lys), metionin ( met), fenilalanin ( phe), treonin ( thr), triptofan ( trp), and valin ( val).

Sumber : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M



AVAILIBILITY OF FOOD IN NUMBER which enough is, timely, and valuable [of] good gizi represent one of [the] very important factor in fish conducting business activity. Ready [of] food which disagree with amount of looked after fish cause fish growth rate become tardyly. As a result yielded production disagree with which [is] expected.

Basically, source of food to conservancy fish,. coming from natural food and food made in. Because of amount of natural food in pool / territorial water very limited and less adequate ( especially for the activity of fish conducting intensively and also semiintensi) hence [so that/ to be] reached [by] fish growth rate, good require to be given [by] side dish or food made in as according to requirement of fish.

If good fish growth rate hence conservancy time become briefer so that pool productivity / territorial water also mount because period produce looked after fish become shorterly.

Problems which often become constraint that is is ready [of] food made in this cost money which high relative, even can reach 60-70% from production cost component. One of [the] alternative able to be [done/conducted] to depress the the production cost [is] by making home made food [pass/through] simple technique by exploiting, source of local raw material ( including exploiting of waste result of agriculture industry) what is cheap relative.

Beside to fulfill requirement alone, food made in which [is] yielded also can be sold to market / farmer of other fish so that can give double advantage. fish food better contain some needed nutrient, for example protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, and mineral.

Source : Ir. M. Firdaus Sahwan M.M

Sep 15, 2008

Study of quality water

Study of quality water.

Water [is] all water which there are [in] nature and or come from source of water, and there are, above surface of land;ground, [do] not the included in this congeniality [is] water which there are subsurface and sea water.

quality of Water. [is] the nature of life being content and water, energi, or other component in water. Quality of water expressed with a few parameter of[is quality of water covering physics parameter like temperature, turbidity, dissolve density, etcetera. Chemical parameter which include;cover pH, dissolve oxygen, BOD, metals rate and others; biological parameter cover existence of bacterium plankton and its.

Contamination of Water. [is] entry of or including of life being, energi, and or other component into water by activity of human being, so that the quality of water get down to to certain storey;level which cause water [do] not function again according to allotment of [him/ it].
source of : Hefni Effendie, 1999.

Sep 14, 2008




Deplesi ( insuffiency ) oxygen represent one of [the] environmental factor which often become cause losing of fish, especially [in] pool which containing many organic materials. Influence lacking of oxygen to losing of fish [in] pool earn happened directly and also indirectly.

At the (time) of oxygen content in very low water, most existing fish will die, except some species capable to take direct oxygen from the air. Indirectly, lacking of oxygen can cause fish become stres so that [is] easy to attacked by organism cause of disease. To overcome the the loss require to study to [regarding/ hit] factors influencing oxygen deplesi.

Primary factor influencing oxygen concentration [in] pool [is] fotosintesa, oxygen diffusion and respirasi from the air into water. [At] fertile pool ( rich of water plant and fitoplankton) during Daytime will happened photosynthesis process yielding many oxygen, so that oxygen concentration [in] pool exceed requirement for respirasi.

At night process photosynthesis desisted [by] but process of respirasi remain to take place, so that happened lacking of oxygen because oxygen content in pool become very lowly. process of Respirasi hand in glove [of] its bearing with underwater oxygen concentration. The increasing of speed of respirasi will quicken degradation of oxygen concentration, except to [of] pool equiped [by] the source of air ( irrigate pump). Fast [of] respirasi [in] pool influenced by:

" Existing Organisms.

Plant irrigate besides yielding oxygen [pass/through] photosynthesis process also will use oxygen for the process of respirasi, good [of] night and also noon. super growth of plant irrigate in the reality will improve oxygen content [in] surface coat while [in] deeper water coat often experience of lacking of oxygen because happened teduhan effect.

Besides water flora and plankton, organism of heterotrof ( bacterium, protozoa, zooplankton, fish and others) also will consume oxygen a spell of.

" organic Materials content.

high organic Materials content cause oxygen content in downhill water because used by decomposition organism for respirasi. Directly or indirectly result of the decomposition will improve protozoa population and of zooplankton, so that will improve also consume oxygen.

" Water temperature.

The increasing of water temperature will degrade ability of water to fasten oxygen, so that mount saturation of underwater oxygen also will be downhill. Make-Up of temperature also will quicken fastly [of] respirasi and thereby accelerate pengunaan of oxygen also mount.

Though [do] not counted photosynthesis process, oxygen diffusion from the air into water will improve oxygen concentration in water. Besides naturally, process oxygen diffusion can be improved. made inly. There are some Way of able to be [done/conducted] to overcome lacking of oxygen [in] pool, that is:

" By biologis.
Prevention lacking of oxygen by biologis can be [done/conducted] by balancing pool [pass/through] election of good combination [among/between] producer of organism and oxygen using oxygen

" mechanicly.
Preventive lacking of oxygen mechanicly cover effort improve oxygen diffusion into water made inly, for example using other air-pump or aerator.

" chemically.
Though seldom be used, usage of superfospat ( gypsum mixture, CaSo4' and fospat monokalsium) have proven can cause precipitation of organic particle because tied Ca and at the (time) of [is] same [of] fospat will stimulate growth of population of fitoplankton new, so that happened photosynthesis process.

source : Ir. Eddy Afrianto dan Ir. Evi Liviawaty,1993




Deplesi ( insuffiency ) oxygen represent one of [the] environmental factor which often become cause losing of fish, especially [in] pool which containing many organic materials. Influence lacking of oxygen to losing of fish [in] pool earn happened directly and also indirectly.

At the (time) of oxygen content in very low water, most existing fish will die, except some species capable to take direct oxygen from the air. Indirectly, lacking of oxygen can cause fish become stres so that [is] easy to attacked by organism cause of disease. To overcome the the loss require to study to [regarding/ hit] factors influencing oxygen deplesi.

Primary factor influencing oxygen concentration [in] pool [is] fotosintesa, oxygen diffusion and respirasi from the air into water. [At] fertile pool ( rich of water plant and fitoplankton) during Daytime will happened photosynthesis process yielding many oxygen, so that oxygen concentration [in] pool exceed requirement for respirasi.

At night process photosynthesis desisted [by] but process of respirasi remain to take place, so that happened lacking of oxygen because oxygen content in pool become very lowly. process of Respirasi hand in glove [of] its bearing with underwater oxygen concentration. The increasing of speed of respirasi will quicken degradation of oxygen concentration, except to [of] pool equiped [by] the source of air ( irrigate pump). Fast [of] respirasi [in] pool influenced by:

" Existing Organisms.

Plant irrigate besides yielding oxygen [pass/through] photosynthesis process also will use oxygen for the process of respirasi, good [of] night and also noon. super growth of plant irrigate in the reality will improve oxygen content [in] surface coat while [in] deeper water coat often experience of lacking of oxygen because happened teduhan effect.

Besides water flora and plankton, organism of heterotrof ( bacterium, protozoa, zooplankton, fish and others) also will consume oxygen a spell of.

" organic Materials content.

high organic Materials content cause oxygen content in downhill water because used by decomposition organism for respirasi. Directly or indirectly result of the decomposition will improve protozoa population and of zooplankton, so that will improve also consume oxygen.

" Water temperature.

The increasing of water temperature will degrade ability of water to fasten oxygen, so that mount saturation of underwater oxygen also will be downhill. Make-Up of temperature also will quicken fastly [of] respirasi and thereby accelerate pengunaan of oxygen also mount.

Though [do] not counted photosynthesis process, oxygen diffusion from the air into water will improve oxygen concentration in water. Besides naturally, process oxygen diffusion can be improved. made inly. There are some Way of able to be [done/conducted] to overcome lacking of oxygen [in] pool, that is:

" By biologis.
Prevention lacking of oxygen by biologis can be [done/conducted] by balancing pool [pass/through] election of good combination [among/between] producer of organism and oxygen using oxygen

" mechanicly.
Preventive lacking of oxygen mechanicly cover effort improve oxygen diffusion into water made inly, for example using other air-pump or aerator.

" chemically.
Though seldom be used, usage of superfospat ( gypsum mixture, CaSo4' and fospat monokalsium) have proven can cause precipitation of organic particle because tied Ca and at the (time) of [is] same [of] fospat will stimulate growth of population of fitoplankton new, so that happened photosynthesis process.

source : Ir. Eddy Afrianto dan Ir. Evi Liviawaty,1993

Sep 13, 2008

factor which must be paid attention in making of fishpond

factor which must be paid attention in making of fishpond

1. ecological aspect
2. land;ground aspect
3. aspect of biologis
4. social aspect [of] economics.

a. ambient temperature climate
b. water quality and amount
c. water current and ebb
d. water pollution.

a. Topography
b. tekstur
c. acidity
d. obstetrical [of] organic materials and element of hara

a. Source of seed
b. nature of organism
c. other organism
d. vegetasi and continuity of environment.

a. Location Allotment and farm status
b. facilities and basic facilities
c. labour ( efisien)
d. availibility of stable price and market
e. licensing.

Disease of Desinfeksi fish

Disease of Desinfeksi fish.

disease definition :
trouble to function some of or entire/all organ of organism.

disease some aspect
1. organism organ function annoyed
2. intruder factor. environmental factor. environmental factor have an effect on big to incidence [of] disease of fish

1. Factor physical
- temperature
- turbidity.

factor of kimiawi
- DO
- Salinatas
- Ammonia.

2. Biotik
- makroorganisme
- mikroorganisme.

representing parasite patogen decomposition of food.

disease of fish arise effect
1. inappropriate Environmental
2. inappropriate food.

eradication of disease
- recognize cause of disease
- determining action ( preventive / medication ).

factor of Biotik cause of disease according to its its

1. Have the character of infektif ( live in body of inang ) example [of] : in liver, blood, digestive channel

2. having the character of parasite : partly or entire/all cycling its life patch [at] organ in animal of inang to permeate food Iihat vitamin

3. having the character of as epibion : only patch [at] body of inang without [doing/conducting] absorbtion [at] animal of inang.

Sep 12, 2008

fish conducting in net float.

fish conducting [in] net float.

exploiting of resource territorial water of lake public, accumulating basin, controller barrage, ex- sand dig.

net float: magnification of fish [at] place of floated conducting on the surface of irrigate, where all part of its side [is] covered up [by] material net so that enable the happening of rotation.

intensive method
- pre-eminent seed
- food
- management.

Location Choice :
Category I.
1. Wide [of] and in > 10m is
2. Covert [of] wave and wind
3. Far from centre of activities.

Category of II

1. Free from contamination
2. optimal temperature 25 - 27 degree of Celcius
3. brightness 45 cm
4. DO 3 ppm
5. pH 6,8 - 8,5
6. freing from water plant blooming
7. Free from influence of disease and parasite
8. having rotation of good water.

Category of III
1. Aspect Permit
2. Aksebilitas
3. well guaranted Security
4. Easy Marketing.

fish conducting in drum ( Silo )

fish conducting in drum ( Silo ).
1. Low Expense
2. needed Materials modestly
3. way of easy making
4. easy to in control
5. harvested easy and quickly.

engineering and materials of[is place of
1. plastic drum
2. pipe of paralon
3. drum pallet ( can from wood)

low expense if/when compared to other conducting [of] drum system [do] not require wide [of] areal, its materials modestly conducting beside / house yard.

1. near by the source of and water of continue
2. close to enough water more or less 10 litre / minute
3. source of higher water of water level in

fish type drum
1. Positive Reotaksis
2. Respon to side dish
3. Hold up life [at] high density ( narrow;tight farm
4. economics.

side dish.
dose depended fish size measure.

[about/around] 3 months.

Sep 11, 2008



In Biology Fishery of knowledge concerning composition old age in fish community or population a[n territorial water play a part importantly, especially if attributed to production will be able to seen to sliver its bearing with management of fish as resource from a[n territorial water. fish in a[n territorial water as a(n) community member or population non consisting of one age group.

To facilitate congeniality hereinafter, hence weared as base [is] one just population, except there [is] other statement which show or community of multiple species. One population which have succeeded to perform [a] breeder yield a large amount of fish children base on fecundity, efficacy of and breeder of mortalitas of fish children. Rest of fish children which grow and succeed tired life [of] size measure able to diekspliotasi named [by] recruitmen.

Situation of fish amount of each class in existing population composition in certain to territorial water at one time base on rekruitmen that happened per annum and amount of missing fish of that territorial water [is] caused by to be taken by human being or exploited or because that fish [of] death naturally. Fluctuation of[is level of the amount of fish of each age group which forming that population can give cycle history [of] fish life from each its group or cohort.

Given the the fish age and its existing amount composition and succeed life, we earn to know efficacy or failure of certain fish reproduction in the year, for example effect of endless summer, including abundant exploitation or [do] not [at] certain yrs.. Situation that way can be traced to [pass/through] research of structure or composition old age with its member at the (time) of is certain, and earn [is] also weared to anticipate fishery product at the (time) of coming.

Differ from most other vertebrate faction like mammal and bird, most fish have capacities continue growth during life when available food and condition enough better although [at] old growth of just scanty fish. Equally fish don't have certain limit to limit growth ( growth undeterminate), [do] not like mammal and bird will desist to grow when reaching adult size measure that is maturity of sexual ( growth determinate).

long lived Fish there [is] tendency have [common/ public] marking as follows: by phylogenetis the including into primitive fish faction, movement of it is slowgoing, as elementary dweller or territorial water of skin-deep, having appliance respiration of addition, supple to extreme change [of] oxygen, and temperature of salinitas. For example for example fish of sturgeon and of cucut. But there [is] long lived goldfish also. Some short-lived fish don't have the nature of like above mentioned for example fish of salmon.

From death of fish naturally difficult to determine its age. But from research note, for example fish of sturgeon, there [is] which old age 152 year. fish of Sturgeon which [is] looked after in aquarium [in] Amsterdam there [is] tired [of] age 69 year and [in] tired Frankfurt [of] age 38 year. Also many aquarium fish have been looked after to exceed age 20 year.

source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997.

Fresh Water-Pond Culture in West Java

Fresh Water-Pond Culture in West Java

Potency of West Java fishery for pond culture and ring water is many existed in entire residency / municipality which is exist in west Java. The availability of water for breeding development in fresh-water pond in west Java regions good available in Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Sukabumi, Subang, Purwakarta, Sumedang, Majalengka, and Kuningan regency.

The kind of fish that could be develop is so many such as tilepia , gurame, catfish, cyprinus carpio. The prospect of fresh-water pond breeder in west Java regions is good enough but in term with good and to plan management.

The result of fishery of the breeder is marketing for fulfill of the needs of local consumer and out side region consumer such as Jakarta and Banten , there even a small par has been exported.
For fish breeding with cage on sea is just to trial out stages and the sample is Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, and waters in Bekasi and Karawang regency.
sumber :
general directorate of[is make-up of institute capacities and marketing of Departement Oceaninc and Fishery and On Duty Fishery of Province West Java, 2003.

Tagging [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish.

Tagging [is] [gift/ giving] of sign to fish body with installing foreign object. Object the used [is] objects which [do] not easy to rust silveryly, alumunium, nickel, plastic, ebonite, selluloid, and others. [At] this tag can date, serial number or other code able to give order or boldness to finding fish having the tag. This matter represent one of [the] advantage compared to with marking so that facilitate to identify individual which have been given [by] tag.

Part of fish body which is [is] ordinary to be given [by] tag [is]:
Part of head
- jawbone under
- gill cover.

Part of body
- back fin frontage
- back fin backside
- inner [of] body
- part of fat fin ( fin adipose)
- tail bar.

Target of [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish [is] to recognize again fish which have been said the word. Its usefulness for example to study:
A. Parameter population
1. Density
2. Speed of mortalitas
3. Speed of exploitation
4. Speed of recruitmen.

B. Speed and direction of ruaya.
C. Growth and determination of age.
D. Behaviour.

Some consideration on trial [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish [is]

1. Target of attempt of [gift/ giving] of sign
2. The duration attempt
3. Way of return of fish have sign
4. Kinds of and amount of fish in concerned
5. Labour which available to saying the word

Pursuant to consideration above hence having to until to decision of election do or marking of tagging to be used on trial. For example for the study of population parameter by using marking will be more either due cheap and can be [done/conducted] is quicker. If/When using tagging, effect of hurt when [gift/ giving] of its bigger influence sign than with marking.

Beside that will be more be difficult than with marking. Linking caught fish have to be discharged [by] hence its [of] arrest appliance on trial this have to represent appliance in such a manner so that the catching fish [do] not cause death at once or during that relative shortly after.

some appliance which is [is] ordinary to be weared on trial for example
1. " Shocker Electric" will yield good capture fish in a condition if electrics current weared [do] not out of proportion to exploding a bombshell
2. Fish trap will yield good fish in a condition if/when frequency lifting of fish trap [is] often [done/conducted]
3. Gillnet yield unfavourable fish capture because will destroy part of fish body even [is] often found [by] dead fish hang-on [at] faring
4. Seine, its result vary to start from losing of [at] certain fishs destroy small fairish fish.

Fishs which have been caught to be to be put in a[n fish coop before said the word. this fish coop appliance all kinds of. There [is] representing basin able to be put [by] [in] land;ground and can be shifted about. There [is] representing adrift coop in big enough water [of] its volume [so that/ to be] fish [do] not too is milling around. All place internment of fish given [by] haven or placed peaceful in place [so that/ to be] fish [do] not too much getting trouble. When will mark off fish, sometimes its water given [by] Iihat vitamin anaesthetize like MS 222 to obviate to have fish to camel [so that/ to be] that fish [of] hurt tida or giver people [is] signing not jabed [by] fin thorn.

hit [to] fish anaesthetize treated easier to be said the word. Lacking of in using Iihat vitamin anaesthetize this [is], if [gift/ giving] of sign have there [is] possibility of the fish still not yet recovered consciousness and not yet returned like situation before arrested. Become in [gift/ giving] of Iihat vitamin anaesthetize this have to precisely its dose. If abundant can kill the fish. Therefore, if can be laboured don't use Iihat vitamin anaesthetize otherwise assumed of vital importance once. Cause in this case have to be laboured to that fish even so get trouble (" stress") which have to as minimum as possible.

Is] caused [by] many problem of arising out referring to [gift/ giving] of compatible sign, hence [gift/ giving] of sign [at] that fish have to fulfill things like following
1. Signing not change during that fish [of] life
2. [Do] not bother fish behaviour so that [is] easy to arrested by predator
3. [Do] not cause easy to hooking [at] other crop or algae
4. That easy go and cheap sign
5. Precisely to every fish size measure with adjustment which a few/little possible
6. [Is] easy to applied [at] fish without using Iihat vitamin of pembius trouble and " stress" laboured as small as possible
7. Quite a lot variation [of] to differentiate small fish group [is] its difference
8. [Do] not cause health of fish annoyed
9. Is not dangerous or cause danger [at] fish as food fish.
10. easy Fish sign recognized by one who [do] not get practice even if.

If/When program to perform [a] research by using sign [at] fish needed [by] coordination among dabbling in the field of fishery, good plan and mendetail concerning return of sign, personnel which last for [gift/ giving] of sign and to [regarding/ hit] again sign [at] fish accompanied with careful report.

This program, [is] overspread to [pass/through] advertisement [in] TV, radio, newspaper, lightings of group [at] society, and others. Laboured [so that/ to be] [all] fisherman assisting to find again sign found on fish remain to be enthusiastic. Because biasaya during one or two fisherman year or society still enthusiastic assist but next in the year have less work along again.

Therefore have fair if one who return sign [at] that fish get interesting present. Become boldness which as described [at] that fish sign have to be informative and clear instruction for the megembalikan of sign. Sign [at] that fish can be delivered to place wherever which have been determined and will be converted with present which have been promised cashly. But have to be paid attention that if returned sign untimely, will less is having [of] good history meaning in ruaya aktifitas, growth etcetera.
Source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997.

Sep 10, 2008



[Gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish there [is] two, kinds of 1. Marking 2. Tagging 1. Marking. Marking that is [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish body non in the form of foreign object. Sign which including into this category [is] amputation of fin, [gift/ giving] of hole [at] gill cover and [gift/ giving] of tatoo. Among the marking which at most used [is] amputation of fin and [gift/ giving] of hole, while way of the other one again seldom be used [by] because besides difficult to do also, its result is not durable.

Amputation of fin [is] usually [done/conducted] to fin stomach of fish which right side or which left side. There [is] crosscut also other fin. Which must be paid attention in doing this work [is] custody [so that/ to be] effect [of] that amputation don't become to grow again so that difficult to recognize fin which have been cut [by] if that fish have been caught again. Or if growing again part of crosscut fin shall [is] easy to recognized [by] part of that grow newly.

Also effect [of] that amputation don't have an effect on big to fish behaviour, so that that easy or factious fish arrested by its prey. [Gift/ giving] of hole which in form of domed or triangle can be [done/conducted] [at] gill cover by using key punch ( gegep ) small that arranged special for. But its result, caused by its scorpion [of] hole which have been made [to] closed again better. thick muccous fish [at] its gill cover like fish of bandeng, possible a few/little hard apply this method.

Source : M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997

Fish Seed Business in West Java Province

Fish Seed Business in West Java Province

Fish seeding business opportunity which is giving, enough prospect in recent time considering the need of fish seed, either for sea breading or brackish water breeding and also press water in large enough. According to the objectives of West Java Province fishery development is became which the largest feed produce nationally.
One of the importance of seeding business, is to protect seed availability especially for business in trouble and float-cage pond, and as weft to decorated fish is popular recently, this business send for big benefit particular if manage properly and with planning.

Fish Seed for Marine Culture (Cage)'
The need of fish seed for culture development in West Java Province is not net great number, due to the breeding development in see is not as fast as in floating-cage pond and pond. The seed of the fish which is needed is: white kakap, red kakap and sea fish (kerapu), for marine culture development by using cage ( floating-cage / KJAand stacked cage).
For along time, the needs of fish seed mentioned above is supplied from Hatchery (fish seed) which exist and apart is supplied from BBL Lampung Province. The development of fish and shrimp Hatchery in large scale and middle scale or small scale is business opportunity which could be develop in fishery realm.
The good location for Hatchery development is Ciamis Regency, Tasikmalaya, Cianjur and Garut residency.

source :

Sep 8, 2008



1.1 General Condition of West Java Province.
West Java Province as the most prominent partner province of State Capital has the very strategic position in social-politics growth and development of nation. Therefore West Java has the area and big market potency so that become the especial target of investments and business development
The sea region of West Java consisted of 2 ( two) part that is northern sea region and southern sea region, with 805 km coastal line, and sea area including ZEEI is 16.450 km2 wit RTP total is 12.562 represent development potency of fishery business both in upstream and downstream off farm and also on farm.

1.2 Fishery Potency of West Java
Fisheries data of West Java Province as in outline could be described as appeared in the following table.
Table 1. Data of Potency and Utilizing of West Java Fishery,


impact if looked after koi experience of lacking of gizi

impact if looked after koi experience of lacking of gizi.
Effect of which emerge if koi lacking of immeasurable gizi enough, depended from its element [of] him. Koi which lacking of vitamin of C show hollowing symptom [at] backbone, even [at] some natural case broken backbone. if happened lacking of iodine or mineral, koi will suffer goitre.

Besides its [of] enough him, food have to [is] easy to digested, [is] easy to permeated by body, and contain pigment to add brightness of [his/its] colour. pregnant food-stuff [of] red pigment and turn yellow can be made [by] xself or obtained [by] [in] fish shops, especially selling koi. Even by genetis colour pigment [at] koi have is good enough, during its life there [is] possibility of natural koi [of] change because various factor influencing [it], like too solid algae population, sunshine focus, and water quality. For that, need pigment supply pass food to improve;repair colour balance of koi.

Tables 4. Requirement Of Vitamin Basis For Koi.

Vitamin.........................................................Jumlah Per Kilogram food.

A....... ........................................................... 2.500-5.000 International Unit (IU) D ...................................................................500-2.400 IU E.....................................................................50 mg
K....................................................................10 mg
Biotin.............................................................1 mg
Choline..........................................................500-3.000 mg
Asam folic.....................................................5 mg
Niacin............................................................100-150 mg
Pantothenic acid...........................................50 mg
Pyridoxine.....................................................20 mg
Riboflavin.......................................................20 mg
Thiamin..........................................................20 mg

sumber : KOI revisi,20022

Prey link - predator

Prey [relation/link] - predator.

Most [all] biologist assume that predator altogether species of carnivora, including fish eater of fish ( Piscivor) and eater all kinds of invertebrate start from king sized small fairish until. According to Campbell ( Weatherley and of Gill, 1984) there [is] 11 principle concerning [relation/link] prey and goose [at] fish:

1. Fish of Piscivor harvest the more fish from [at] fisherman
2. Mean prey size measure eaten by predator progressively growing larger by growing larger predator size measure
3. [All] predator show hobby [at] species prey [at] certain size measure
4. Predator generally take all kinds of prey
5. Preying prey by conducive predator [of] them change exploitation in density of prey.
6. Predator species possible change its food more or less permanently to species in is balance [of] ecology
7. Prey its amount [is] reduced clearly by predator pressure
8. Community prey composition influenced by predator
9. big population of prey can stimulate growth and density of predator.
10. Emulation [among/between] predator species can influence growth and [its] density. 11. Certain predator, by degrading emulation among prey species, possible generate addition of prey community variety.

source : Prof. DR. MOCH. ICHSAN EFFENDIE MSc, 1997

Sep 7, 2008



Handling of low temperature
1. cold Depository ( 5 - 15 degree of Celcius )
2. chilled Depository ( 1 - 5 degree of Celcius )
3. Chilled Storage ( - 1 - 0 degree of Celcius )
4. Depository [of] frost ( less than - 2 degree of Celcius ).

Principal of refrigeration (it) is interesting [is] hot the than food-stuff till reach wanted temperature without happened change of physical.

Usefulness of refrigeration
1. Pursuing reaction of bichemistry and chemistry
2. Pursuing enzyme aktifitas
3. Pursuing microbe aktifitas.

Refrigeration media
1. ice cube
2. dry ice
3. RSW ( Refregrated Sea Water)
4. cool air.

Pool model like what commonly use to look after koi

Pool model like what commonly use to look after koi

+ David Pool, in its book which entitle Hobbyist Guide Succesful Koi Keeping to, dividing pool become three elementary form, formal namely is, informal, and plastic pool. formal Model pool loo like with swimming pool, stiff dressy and impress opening. Usually fairish formal pool wide [of] and in. [In] around dicor with cement. This model often attend water fountain, waterfall, and various idol as accent sweetener of pool.

informal Model pool have the character of natural. Natural Ornamen-ornamen like mount stoney, sand, decorative crop, clump, grass, or plant border ( constrictor crop) [is] often attached to add natural impression. Its nucleus;core, the pool made to experience of possible, impressing attend mountain nuance or countryside [in] house yard.

Meanwhile, model plastic pool generally in the form of pool which have become from materials of fiberglass and remain to be [entered/included] into land;ground. Pool this type of used atypical in Indonesia. Usually [all] consultant maker of pool will assist to select;choose model matching with wide [of] and garden form. Third [of] elementary model [of] this pool [is] later;then developed to become various style, for example Japan style, Europe style, or Bali style.
source : KOI revise, 2002.



– How to make pool desain of koi good + Pool Desain depended from wide [of] available land;ground. If land;ground enough wide [of], can be made [by] crankle pool and one with garden device. But, if available land;ground [do] not too wide [of] or narrow, made pool form not many choice, radian namely square or [of] length.

Some factor becoming supporter of[is beauty [of] a pool [is] pool construction, installation of pool installation, and painting of pool. Elementary [of] pool have to be adapted for [by] situation of land;ground. If condition of stable land;ground and is not aqueous, pool construction can be made by using piling. Each;Every [is] square meters attached [by] four piling.

But, if labile land;ground or its wet condition, have to be made [by] strong fondasi into land;ground in the form of concrete cor or of dolken. When making pool base, don't forget to think of installation of pool installation, for example pipe which can be attributed to pump sucker of pump and dirt sucker of water. Hereinafter, sucked to be water to be poured into in control basin. And control basin, water channelled with pump [go] to system of filter which consist of five basin. Hole irrigate [in] each;every basin made at intervals below/under and at elbow surface of basin. empty First basin, only functioning to precipitated dirty water.

Four other basin contain filter. Besides expenditure pipe, [in] pool base also have to be attached current pipe [so that/ to be] water can rotate.

Installation pool ichnograph. Water hole have to be made at intervals.

After installation attached is natty, next work [is] to attenuate and paint pool base. Target of painting is to deodorize cement, preventing moss, and pool memperindah. But, some people exactly prefer to let its pool [do] not be painted and added [by] natural stoney ornamen [so that/ to be] impressing more natural.

source : KOI revise, 2002.

Sep 6, 2008

disease of fish which because of copepoda ( Lernea Cyprinaceae )

Lernea Cyprinaceae

L. cyprinaceae [is] of a kind globular lilliputian prawn [of] length like worm. [At] part of its head there are organ looking like yoke, so that this organism [is] recognized with the title yoke worm ( anchorworm). By the instrumentality of organ this is yoke worm gum in [him/it] to fish body. During its life, natural yoke worm thrice change of [his/its] body, that is nauplius, adult form and copepodid. The duration one cycle live depended from environmental temperature, in Indonesia, generally reach 21 - 25 day.

[At] stadium of copepodid, this yoke worm [of] life [in] around fish body and nip husk / fish mucus. [At] this stadium, the worm very sensitive to some type of obat-obatan. Entering adult stadium, this worm [of] worm divided to become two group, that is stadium of cyclopoid adult stadium and. During stadium of cyclopoid, lernea live [in] around fish body as well as [do] not hold up to influence of medication.

female Yoke worm will jab its head to husk network / fish flesh. [At] part of which [is] jabed will seen hurt and swell, but because its size measure still is undersize, rather difficult to see [it] with the naked eye. Adult individual have earned to be seen with the naked eye. Part of its body which there are outside fish body will see bigly, because having a couple of egg poke. If its egg hatch, hence nauplius will swim exit from within poke to look for fish.

Picture - 20: Cycle live Lernea cyprinaceae

1. stadium of Nauplius ……………. 4. Stadium. adult

2. stadium of Copepodid ……………. 4a. fish. attacked [by] [is] lernea

3. stadium of Cyclopoid.

Most of all bream type can be attacked by this yoke worm, especially [at] seeding season or conservancy of seed. attacked fish generally experience of hurt [at] its body and seen the existence of yoke worm which patch. Prevention to yoke worm attack can be [done/conducted] by [doing/conducting] draining of pool, filtering water before poured into pool or use chemicals to eradicate yoke worm [at] stadium of nauplius and of copepodid. Strive operation to difficult adult yoke worm attack [done/conducted], because this worm have husk of khitin which hold up to influence of chemical compound. Usage of effective scissors enough to fight against adult yoke worm. Cut part of yoke worm body which patch [at] fish body and [is] immediately annihilated by burying or burning [him/ it], while part of its head [is] let to stay in fish body.

To avoid the happening of infection of sekunder, fish soaked in condensation of tetrasiklin 250 mg per 500 litre irrigate during 2 - 3 [hour/clock]. this Immersion process can repeat [by] during 3 day successively. Operation of yoke worm with chemical compound earn [is] also [done/conducted] soaked fish which [is] attacked in condensation of bromex 0,12 - 0,15 ppm. Yoke Caring [at] stadium of copepodid can be murdered soaked fish which [is] charged into in condensation of dipterex 0,25 ppm during 4 - 6 [hour/clock]. soaked with condensation of Nacl and of PK effective enough, but because its dose reside in a little below concentration of lethal to fish, way of this seldom be used.

Source: Ir. Eddy Afrianto dan Ir. Evi Liviawaty, 1993

result of fishery

result of fishery : obstetrical [of] water in high fish body enough, hence fish quickly decay. handling [at] product result of fishery [done/conducted] by
1. Direct handling. fish after harvested [is] later;then cleaned to be to be cleaned to be to be fried and eaten
2. Pickling. Quality of fish [do] not be different far [among/between] the capturer fish with fish result of pickling
3. Processing. pickling with giving treatment [at] result of fishery as a mean to lengthen energy keep, form and condition result of fishery have differed from its genuiness
4. Diversify. product result of given [by] fishery [is] certain treatment to increase consume fish [in] society.

fat emulsion at fish

definition emulsion system : processing by exploiting fat emulsion system in water with protein upon which emulsifier. fat emulsion in unstable water, always try to cut loose, hence protein as fastener. pursuant to blubber content divided [by] 3 shares 1. Low [of] thin fish <> 15% high fat [of] high product --> smooth fish flesh tekstur - fish which [is] its fat > 15% flatulent fish, needn't there [is] addition of fat [at] making a[n product. if [his/its] obstetrical fat bigger than protein hence formed [by] fat coalesce so that fish product with by using the emulsion system become uglyly. and if fat less hence fish product will ossify. one of [the] the example [is] sausage.

sea cucumber as Antiangiogenesis, Anti tumor and Improve;Repair Bone

Antiangiogenesis, Anti tumor and Improve;Repair Bone.

sea-cucumber benefit dissipate tumor have been proved [by] Barrel of Y, dkk, of Division of Farmakologi Anti tumor, State Key Laboratory Drug Research of, Shanghai Institute Materia Medica of, Chinese Academy Sciences of, Shanghai, China. Barrel Insulation of saponin sulphate of sea-cucumber of Pentancta quadrangulari of[is so-called philinopside A. By inseminating 2-10 Mikroliter A philinopside [at] mouse aorta, forming of micro vein [of] barn ( angiogenesis) [at] tumor cell can be prevented. As a result, tumor cell [do] not get input of nutrisi so that cell [do] not expand and finally die. That result prove that philinopside, A [at] sea-cucumber have potency [to] as anti tumor.

[In] Russia, GENERAL Popov, expert research into from Pacific Institute Bioorganic Chemistry of, Far East Division Russian Academy Sciences of the of, Vladivostok, Russia, also check sea-cucumber khasiat to overcome tumor. he compare effect of sitotoksik [among/between] ginseng and sea-cucumber. [At] [gift/ giving] 5-20 ginsenosida-karbohidrat mikrogram of ginseng, [do] not give effect of sitotoksik which [is] signifikan. While glikosida of sea-cucumber like A echinosida and of B, A holothurin and of B, A1 holotoxin, and G1 curcumariosida, having activity of sitotoksik signifikan. That thing confirm sea-cucumber benefit which [is] have potency [to] as anti tumor and anti cancer.

Dr Mittchell Kurk, medical director [of] Biomedical Revitalization Center Lawrence of, New York, showing sea-cucumber improve health of physical to 70% patient chafe or joint linu and stiff bone. Sea-Cucumber have component of kondroprotektif improve;repairing young bone by stimulating metabolism of anabolis kondrosit and also pursue reaction of pain in bone moment katabolisme. sea-cucumber in this time only fulfilled from haul [in] sea and [his/its] population [is] estimated downhill progressively, so that this matter become challenge to man of science pre and researcher. cis Electroplated from various article which have been loaded [by] Magazine of Trubus, and Sea-Cucumber which have been dried.

Source : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.

Content and Benefit Sea-Cucumber

Content and Benefit Sea-Cucumber.

Result of study [in] China lay open that pregnant cucumber sea [of] glycosides saponin. This component have structure which similar to component of gingseng active, ganoderma, and materials flora of tonik famous. This study show the existence of content anti cancer [at] and saponin of polisakarida which consist in in sea-cucumber. Besides, this modern study prove that sea-cucumber can be used as a[n and tonik of suplemen gizi. Useful sea-cucumber to various dangerous disease type like stroke, asthma, coroner heart, hepatitis, tumor, etc. Useful sea-cucumber as drug because of its content which [is] komplek.

According to Pieter dr A. W Pattinama, of RS PGI Cikini Jakarta, sea-cucumber weared to heal various disease because brief during can grow selsel which lose / damagely, rich of active compound and nutrisi many in the form of antioksidan, good to repair of human being body cell. Result of research of Prof Dr. Ridzwan Hashim of Malaysia, obstetrical [of] sea-cucumber 86,8% protein, collagen 80%, mineral, mukopolisakarida, glucasaninoglycans ( GAGS), natural antiseptic, chondritin, omega - 3, 6 and 9 sour and also amino.

easy Sea-Cucumber protein elaborated by pepsin enzyme and useful for the regenerasi of cell; collagen as fastener of network in growth of husk and bone; sulfas kondritin cure diseases of joint and develop;build again cartilage; omega 3 pursuing process of penuaan, degrading virulent cholesterol [of] LDL and of VLDL in body so that lessen heart sickness risk. Medical research conclude, sea-cucumber can become agent anti tumor and as drug of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV).

Result of laboratory tes by using cell of limfoid show, so called sugary sea-cucumber [of] lektin having the character of and mitogenik of antimikroba effective fight against muscle cancer [at] mouse and also human being lung cancer with dose 5 and 50 mikrogram. Lektin have Effect [to] therapy to HIV because can crumple virulent cell and also personate indicator of[is existence of tumor. Sea-Cucumber have poisongas to so called fish [of] holotrin, therapy only causing iritasi to human being husk and eye.

Because suited for killing fish, sea-cucumber poison [is] nowadays developed as antiseptic drug experience of to fight against infection and cancer. In this time have circulated sea-cucumber extract product of Stichopus hermanii which more knowledgeable by the name of processed gold sea-cucumber become product of suplemen in the form of capsule and also jell, shampoo, gel and cream, tooth paste, body cream, and also massage oil. Forwards, exploiting of sea-cucumber will progressively expand.

Source : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.

Seacucumber benefit. Multipurpose Drug since long time

Seacucumber benefit.
Multipurpose Drug since long time

Seacucumber ( gamat, sea cucumber) [is] animal go out to sea to have soft body [of] Echinodermata berfillum, class of Holothuroidae. Some type in form of cylindrical [is] length like cucumber, [is] so that referred [as] [by] cucumber go out to sea or cucumber sea. Besides upon which delicious food, in the reality proven seacucumber can heal disease. [In] China, exploiting of sea-cucumber as and drug of tonik lasing have been recognized [by] since thousands of last year. Meanwhile [in] Island of Lengkawi ( a isle [in] Peninsula of Malaysia), seacucumber exploited by society as traditional antiseptic and multipurpose drug to various disease since hundreds of last year. But, at that moment used technology still modestly that is by sea-cucumber water drinked to woman after bearing to discontinue haemorrahage and quicken process healing of hurt of khitan [at] boy.

Source : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.

Sep 5, 2008

SeaHorse ( Hippocampus Spp)

SeaHorse ( Hippocampus Spp) Beautiful.

SeaHorse recognized [do] not only as entertainer animal [in] aquarium but also as " strong drug", adder of stamina. Even a factory entertain in Indonesia clearly mention sea-horse as one of [the] important materials [at] raw material composition list.

Hippocampus come from Greek of hippos meaning and horse of campus meaning sea monster. In state mythology, hippocampus [is] a vehicle of sea deitys. Sea-Horse ( Hippocampus Spp) have also inspired many people to make artistic object, article, poem, company logo or organizational mascot. Spreading of sea-horse enough wide [of], but because its [his/its] famous in berkamuflase, seahorse oftentimes [do] not seen. Sea-Horse can alter husk pattern and colour accomodate environment and also make a move tardy so that almost [do] not detect " opponent".

Some sea-horse species have part of transparent body so that [do] not seen in photo and need more brooding perception to be able to see [it]. Sea-Horse of[is including popular animal in Indonesia, more than anything else when the animal have time to be made [by] logo of PERTAMINA during tens of year, and most of all gasoline pom install the the logo in large size with neon lamp in it. just Only to which not yet see its form oftentimes suspect that sea-horse of[is including big animal [of] its size measure, brought perception of horse land and level of logo of Pertamina [in] gasoline pom.

Sea-Horse of[is including dinky animal, with size measure gyration start 16 mm - 35 cm. other Organizational interesting use sea-horse as mascot [is] National Society Epilepsy of [in] United States. Chosen as mascot because hippocampus also represent the name of the part of brain which its for looking like sea-horse and relative hold up to catalepsy attack or of epilepsi. the Sea-Horse mascot named [by] Cesar taken away from [by] the name of Emperor of Romawi anticipated Julius Caesar suffer epilepsi.

Unique Animal Of fish big family, [together/ along] with sea-horse pipefish of[is including into set of relatives sub of Hippocampinae, set of relatives of Syngnathidae, Syngnathiformes ordo, class of Actinopterygii, Chordata filum. Live [in] tropical territorial water, sea-horse have tens of and type of species residing in Indonesia cover for example: Hippocampus Barbouri, Hippocampus Bargibanti, Hippocampus Comes, Hippocampus Denise, Hippocampus Histrix, Hippocampus Kelloggi, Hippocampus Kuda, Hippocampus Semispinosus, Hippocampus Spinosissimus, and Hippocampus Trimaculatus.

From facet of gender, this animal can bewilder because and sea-horse of pipefish the including unique animal and possible only one the other one creature have masculine genitals able to be pregnant. A period of/to is pregnant [of] sea-horse take place [among/between] 2 till 3 week. Generally devoted sea-horse with its couple [of] monogamy alias, but there are some species among others abdominalis, paunchy sea-horse fond ofing venture on and change to change polygamy alias couple. For the couple of monogamy, generally female and masculine sea-horse will [is] addressing each other and having a chat [in] evening and morning, and to the rest of other time [of] separate life them utilize to look for each food.

Sea-Horse [is] super animal because so born direct can swim and [at] age one day have earned direct eat with menu which [is] same as its mains, it is of course smaller of the size accomodate its small mouth. Sea-Horse eat fish larva, small fish, and small prawn . Sea-Horse have you far that is dragon sea having big body relative and tail loo like leaf form so that can be used to hide among sea grass which floating. Some times ago, dragon sea [in] Jakarta have time to be popular when recreation garden of Seaworld Ancol promote intensively imported animal of Australian.

Sea-Horse In Commerce. Sea-Horse hunted as humorous water livestock or upon which medicinize. As a result estimated have happened excessive arrest and sea-horse population [in] nature estimated [by] have declined so that start year 2002 [all] environmental figure propose to its commerce [is] limited. Since 15 May 2004, rule of Appendix II CITES ( Convention On International Trade Endangered Species Wild Fauna for for of and Flora) to all effective sea-horse species go into operation. As a result for the import activity of capture sea-horse exporting and of nature arranged to [pass/through] separate method. Only a number of is certain [of] quota which have able to be commercialized by international good in a state of intact death or life or only some of body of species. Sea-Horse exporting of nature have to provide with Letter Transport Plant / Wild Animal.

Home Affairs - Overseas ( SATS DN and of LN) published by Management Authority from each state, and for Indonesia published by Department Forestry. But that way, in practice [of] applying of the regulation difficult relative because till 30 dry sea-horse singk admit of to be brought in hand and [do] not be sent to [pass/through] cargo. Or for the case of sea-horse live oftentimes officer of tollbooth [do] not realize that sea-horse exporting have to provide with document of SATS DN and of LN.

as dweller of aquarium, sea-horse exported almost to entire/all state - traditional importing country [of] decorative fish. For conservancy in aquarium, because sea-horse of[is including gentle and also eat tardy him hence sea-horse better be looked after peculiarly or is separate. Or if will be mixed with other decorative fish, hence must be selected [by] species which enough make friends with sea-horse like some prawn species or of species which searching pakan [in] base like for example fish of goby. Which must avoid to become sea-horse friend [in] aquarium [is]: eel, forceps, triggerfish, cuttle, baby-abdominal belt and anemone go out to sea or fish clown. They [is] capture can dead sea-horse and pakan pine away because hunger, fail mobilely.

Still height depended seed of good nature and also mount high mortalitas after arrested to cause sky sea-horse price. [All] pehobi of aquarium make sea-horse as animal of peliharaan. Sea-Horse still very depended pakan of nature, not yet earned to eat pakan made in factory like palette for example. oftentimes type of pakan which [is] monoton make come down with easy and downhill sea-horse body endurance system.

Namun sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi, kini kuda laut telah berhasil dibudidayakan di beberapa negara dan justru hasil budidaya harganya lebih baik daripada tangkapan di alam karena daya tahannya lebih kuat dan tidak mudah terserang penyakit untuk dipelihara di aquarium.
Kuda laut mempunyai berat yang sangat ringan karena "relatif tidak berdaging dan kosong" didalamnya.

uppermost content for example kitin, other important mineral and collagen. It is not strange if dry sea-horse [of] its price [of] sky. [In] a marine product shop [in] Jetty Areca, dry Provinsi Bangka Belitung sea-horse [of] big size measure relative sold at the price of Rp 30.000 / tail, and is pocket edition [of] Rp 20.000 / tail, or if buying its 1 price ounce [of] Rp 600.000,-, its meaning [of] dry 1 singk [of] its price reach 6 million rupiah. a number which [is] fantastic. To the quality of better, price [in] Chinese drugstore even earn costlier again. Its buyer generally [is] your you [of] traditional drug [of] Chinese. A lot of ingredient medicinize pregnant Chinese [of] sea-horse and [in] Jakarta, ingredient drug of Sinshe pregnant [of] its costlier price sea-horse also. Request of sea-horse progressively mount, more than anything else after the happening of tren usage of capsule as packer of traditional drug.

Wish To heap Purse of Sea-Horse? Conducting Sea-Horse have earned to be executed in Indonesia. Since ten years ago, Big Hall [of] Development Of Conducting Sea ( BBL) residing in Bay of lampung have been able to produce sea-horse seed of species Hippocampus horse. Size measure the sold [is] M: 7-9 cm, age 4-5 size measure and months of L minimum 10 cm, age 6-7 months. Sea-Horse seed [at] the age have had endurance which enough so that a spark of life [in] bigger aquarium. Seed the sold [is] to represent [both/ second] clan and can be taken [by] [in] location. Besides BBL [in] lampung, a sea-horse seed panti have also succeeded mengembangbiakkan. Still self confidence not yet for the treatment of sea-horse, BBL and also of panti seed [in] Kalianda ready to give training of treatment by magang [in] or hall of panti pertinent.
Utilize to anticipate observation of its commerce, sea-horse result of conducting better accompany by letter boldness come [from] from sea-horse place institution borne as document following journey of product.
Source Of : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs, Directorate General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery of Department Oceaninc and Fishery of Indonesia, 2007.