Jul 4, 2008

Salutary Fish and Educate.

Salutary Fish and Educate.

The increasing of fish consumption [at] society [do] not only meaning the increasing of gizi asupan and just protein. This matter also result fish production nationally follow to go up.

Undeniably again region territorial water of Indonesia which [is] tired broadness 5,8 million km2 and in it economic potency menjajikan especially from fish as source of high gizi. But in this time, newly [about/around] 58,5 percentage of everlasting potency [of] tired sea fish 6,18 ton million ton per exploited year. its meaning [of] optimalisasi exploiting of oceaninc resource a long way off from expectation. More than anything else mount Indonesian people fish consumption in this time according to Minister Oceaninc and Fishery, tired Freddy Numberi 26 singk / kapita / year in the year 2005.

[Is] compared to Malaysia which have reached 45 kg/kapita/tahun, Indonesia much more low. " Leave [is] from here required [by] movement eat fish pass by quickly department because God have created fish, while human being remain taking [him/ it]. " But why low Indonesia society eat its fish?" This question emerge Minister Oceaninc moment and Fishery, Freddy Numberi give greeting inauguration of Forum of[is Make-Up Of Consumption Fish National ( Forikan) [in] Jakarta, Wednesday 20 September 2006.

Minister Oceaninc and Fishery also enhancing [him/ it] it[him] Indonesian people fond of to eat fish, because them without difficult hard taking [him/ it]. Differ from cassava or paddy which must be planted. Moreover fish represent food owning content of gizi high and can add intellegence of brain. There [is] one of [the] example [of] which enough seethe with excitement that is [in] Papua. Resident of people who live in coastal area [is] a lot become leader. This [is] proven from Dutch epoch hitherto. Governor of Papua come from Sentani which eat lake fish of Sentani. " Hence regent him residing in hinterland ask [is] so that made [by] fishponds," say Freddy.

Lower him consume fish [in] this state, because of weakening of offer system and fish supply insuffiency to areas which far from coast. Through this forum hopefully can communicate inwroughtly and represent moral movement eat fish [so that/ to be] Indonesia society will eat fish, so that five or ten years to the fore Indonesia people have better intellegence as does Japan people. For that, " We have prepared a set tidiness of hygienic fish. Possible one who have money shy at to its dirty market cause market so that can lessen appetite eat fish", say Freddy again.

Meanwhile, Director-General Processing and Marketing Of Result Fishery, Martani Huseini tell development of fishery sector as part of national development [do] not only aim to to increase fishery. More than that, developing Indonesia human being as intact as owning is intellectual, emotional and settled spiritual and become authorized capital to development.

Utilize to realize that thing [is], DKP specify program of[is make-up of fish consumption as strategic step [go] to more Indonesia go forward. Therefore, this program have to get support from all [party/ side], especially FORIKAN Indonesia as and motivator of inspirator in the effort improving fish consumption which is on its innings will strengthen domestic market and prosperity of society.

ne of [the] low cause [of] consumption him eat fish [is] there is no institute him pushing the make-up of national fish consumption. This matter cannot be let, but having to immediately get serious attention from entire/all fishery stakeholder in alliing step to support effort of[is make-up of national fish consumption.

Eat Fish Protected from Disease. More detailed again, Head Leader Board Of Directors National Association Company Of Jasaboga Indonesia, R.A.Hj. Ning Sudjito, ST lay open fish besides delicious likely also have content of gizi which [is] very good for human being. its Obstetrical [of] him can cause protected from disease of degeranatif like coroner heart, high blood pressure, cancer and stroke.

Not to mention, protein content [at] fish also very good. Pursuant to research found that quality of fish protein mount with flesh protein, a little below egg and above protein of serealia legume and. Sour [of] fish amino can upgrade other food protein. For example, rice have acid contents of amino low lisin, but fish have rate of lisin high. Become, consuming rice with fish lauk will [is] equiping each other, add Ning.

Rich sea fish of fat, mineral and vitamin, while fish bargain containing many carbohydrate. Sea fish have high iodine content which can reach 830 is micro [of] gram per kilogram. Differ from flesh which only 50 is micro [of] egg and gram 93 mikrogram. Besides, pregnant sea fish [of] worthwhile omega-3 degrade rate of kolestrol in blood. Become, often consume sea fish can assist to prevent the happening of and aterosklerosis of panyakit heart. More than anything else fat acid of omega-3 and of omega-6 [at] fish can improve intellegence of child. Sour [of] this fat also very assisting to pregnant mother able to form foetus muscle. Hence him, suggested [by] pregnant mother consuming many fish.

Liver sea fish oil also become the source of vitamin of A and D. Vitamin of A existing in cod of[is including which is [is] easy to be permeated. With [gift/ giving] of fish liver oil fish [at] balita can answer the demand [of] requirement of vitamin of A and of D, and also omega-3. Simply addition, sea fish also containing many flour. [At] children which enough get flour in its food make its healthier tooth. Hence him, seldom meet [by] toothache child who live in coast because consuming many sea fish.

Movement eat fish which [is] cymbal of DKP this in fact also have very meaning wide [of]. The increasing of storey;level consume fish [at] society also mean to increase product fish nationally. Fish production nationally in the year 2005 newly reach 4.970.010 ton, and goals produce national fish in this year reach 7,7 million ton. Its expectation, according to Fredy Numberi, in this year mount fish consumption of perkapita will go up to become [about/around] 28 singk. Compared to year 2005 hence there will be the make-up of [about/around] 2kg per capita.

If assumed the amount of resident of Indonsia in this time reach [about/around] 220 million, hence fish production to fulfill requirement of just home affairs will reach 440 million or [about/around] 440 thousand ton. Market absorpsion equal to that's which about will mount this year, if/when storey;level consume society fish mount [is] matching with the one which expected.

Source : Magazine of Demersal October 2006.

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