Jul 4, 2008



Usage of bioteknotogi utilize to increase product ranch cover 1) production technology, like Insenminasi made in, embryo of[is transfer of, embryo kariopreservasi, vitro in fertilisasi, sperma sexing and also embryo, and cloning of spliting 2) engineer genetika, like maps genome, selection asisted masker, transgenic, identify genetik, conservation of molekuler 3) make-up of food quality and efficiency, like microbe manipuasi of rumen, and 4) bioteknolog related to area of veteriner ( Gordon, 1994; Niemann and Ice, 2000).

Technology reproduce which have developed many [is] a) the transfer of embryo in the form of technique of Multiple Ovulation Embryo and of[is Transfer of ( MOET). This Technique [of] application have widely [in] Europe, Japan, American and Australian in two last a decay to yield child ( embrio) which many in once reproduction cycle. b) cloning have been started [by] since 1980an [at] sheep. In this time bisection of embryo physically ( spliting) can yield [is] same twin [at] sheep, ox, horse and pig. c) produce embryo by in vitro; technological [of] Vitro Maturation In ( IVM), In Vitro fertilisation ( IVF), In Vitro Culture ( IVC), have expanded at full speed. Hare, human being, ox, sheep and pig have succeeded to be borne to [pass/through] vitro in fertilisasi ( Hafes, 1993).

In Indonesia, transfer of embryo start to be [done/conducted] in the year 1987. With this technique a female ox, can yield 20-30 calf tail ( pedet) per annum. Last research prove that, creating pre-eminent Type livestock have no matter again, With technology of transgenik, namely by way of pre-eminent gene insulation, manipulation, and later;then remove the the gene [at] one organism to other organism, hence pre-eminent livestock which wanted can be obtained. pig of Transgenik, [in] Princeton United States nowadays have succeeded to produce human being haemoglobin, counted 10 - 15 % from totalizeing human being haemoglobin, even last report note the existence of the make-up of percentage of human being haemoglobin able to be yielded by pig of transgenik this.

In the field of fishery, requirement of[is existence of adjusment of technology very is waited for, considering the existence of arrest exceeding everlasting potency ( fishing over), to the number of damage rock terumbu and with existence of the make-up of fish consumption. Minister Oceaninc and Fishery, Sarwono acknowledge requirement of adjusment of technology, but he also acknowledge fear [at] high adjusment of technology impact. Research of bioteknologi in the field of fishery, majored [at] three group, that is: akuakultur, exploiting of natural production, and valuable food-stuff prosesing [of] high economics. Development of area bioteknologi of aquaculture cover selection, hibridasi, chromosome engineering and approach of biology of molekuler like transgenik very required to- providing fish mains and seed.

[At] aquaculture, program of[is make-up of system impenetrability of fish have been [done/conducted] by using vaccine, imunostimulan, probiotik, and bioremediasi. Vaccine can race antibiotic production of specifik and only effective to prevent one certain patogen. Imunostimulan represent technique improve impenetrability which non specifik, for example and lipopolysaccharide of B-Glucan which have been applied for the fish of prawn and in Indonesia. Application Probiotik [at] food or in environment territorial water of conducting as microbe balance in territorial water environment and contamination . In the year 1980 research of transgenik [at] fish have been started by introducing certain gene to other life organism and also perceive its function by in vitro. In this technique, foreign gene result of insulation [in] hypodermic macroly into egg to produce clan of pregnant fish [of] foreign gene. [Is] things required to paid attention in making of fish of transgenik, that is 1) gene insulation ( DNA clone) hypodermic to [at] egg 2) Identify gene [at] child of ika which have got mentioned foreign gene hypodermic, and 3) kinds of from fish generation which [is] foreign gene hypodermic.

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