Jul 21, 2008

Milkfish Freshwater

Milkfish Freshwater.

A. Recognition of Type.

Milkfish can be enlarged [by] [in] freshwater because measuring up to euryhaline. Its meaning, fish can live [in] gyration of salinitas high, though for the breeding of larva and mains still require brine. Even, [in] water which its it 0 per mile, which [is] its water bargain, Milkfish can live and grow bigly.

B. Habit of Life [in] Nature.
Adult Milkfish generally breeding [in] deep sea, later;then its it[him] brought to coast. After when adult, bandeng live [in] brackish water and back to sea for breeding.

1. Habit eat. Milkfish of[is including herbivore ( eater of flora). This fish eat klekap / water crop , what grow [in] pool background. If/When have is quit of [of] surface of land;ground, this kelekap [is] often conceived of [by] water droppings. food of Milkfish especially consist of plankton ( Chlorophyceae and of Diatomae), elementary moss ( Cyanophyceae), and algae crop sprout ( Pineapple and of Ruppia). Flora which in form of yarn and harsher again will be more [is] easy to eaten by fish of Milkfish if/when strarting to decay.

2. Habit multiply.

Milkfish will multiply in the middle of sea which its [of] high him. Nener ( seed of Milkfish) can be arrested [by] [in] coastal area by using rumpon ( ground fishing) in the form of coconut leaf. The Nener taken by diseser. will multiply in the middle of sea which its [of] high him. Nener ( seed of Milkfish) can be arrested [by] [in] coastal area by using rumpon ( ground fishing) in the form of coconut leaf. The Nener taken by diseser ( taken by using net ).

C. Chosen Mains.
Chosening mains economically for dipijahkan (it) is true only can be [done/conducted] from supply of conservancy pool alone. As for mains characteristic which with quality among others as follows. Distinguish mains which with quality.

Characteristic Mains which with quality

Mains of Milkfish black

Male Mains [of] black Milkfish
Old age 4 year and [his/its] flabby and big stomach.

Old age 3 year and [do] not too big its size measure [so that/ to be] remain to be nimble [of] its movement.
Mains of Milkfish grass

Mains of Milkfish grass

Old age 5 year and [his/its] thick stomach

Old age 4 year and [do] not too big its size measure [so that/ to be] remain to be nimble [of] its movement.

D. Breeder [in] Pool.
Breeder of Milkfish [is] usually [done/conducted] made inly, that is with inoculation of hormone. As for which must be paid attention [is] pool construction, preparation of pool, and breeder process.

1. Pool construction.
Pool Mains have to have deepness 1-1,5 metre and open [so that/ to be] can accept direct sunshine, but is cold. Causeway have to be strong enough and laboured [do] not leak [so that/ to be] height of pool water can be defended. Each pool have inclusion door and dismissal to guarantee circulars irrigate better. This matter have an effect on positive to acceleration of mains maturity of Milkfish.

2. Preparation of pool.
Pool calcified pH to irrigate its pool go up and become ideally, [about/around] 6,8-7,2. Before utilized, pool also have to give [by] saponin ( tea seed) to kill wild fishs and snail which often bother growth of kelekap. Pool require to be fertilized with urea to stimulate growth of plankton. Fertilization dose usually gyrate 10-15 g / m2. Side dish for mains given also to stimulate growth of gonade. Food in the form of bean flour mixture, bran of hales ( bekatul), wheat, or given egg powder 3-5% from fish weight. [Gift/ giving] of food [done/conducted] [by] day setup, [at] morning, noon, and evening.

2. Breeder.
Density of mains dispersion better 4-5 tail / m2 to assist process maturation of gonade. Breeder of fish of Milkfish married inject. But, marry to inject [at] Milkfish 100% reliing on synthetic hormone ( brand). Hormone which [is] usually used among others Synahorin, Gona Hormone, or Puberogen. Inoculation of [done/conducted] [by] female mains 2 times [so that/ to be] is effective, while to [be] just masculine enough once that is [at] inoculation of second female mains. First inoculation [is] usually [done/conducted] at 17-00-18-00 counted 200 IU ( International Unit) [at] female mains. [both/ second] Inoculation [done/conducted] after 6 [hour/clock] of first inoculation that is at 24.00 counted 200 IU also [at] female mains, and so do for injected [by] masculine mains 200 IU.

Inoculation [done/conducted] [at] flesh muscle part of back ( intrumusculler), [about/around] parallel third or [both/ second] line with part of genitals. There [is] also more effective inoculation place, but have to beware of because can hurt organ in Milkfish, that is stomach cavity room . After injected, both mains reentered to place relocation of each mains with given [by] and aerasi of sirkulasi regular water. Afterwards, paid attention correct sequence moment sign that is mains will see jumpy which distinguished from opening and closing [him/ it] quicker mouth and often emerge to surface of pool. Before will lay eggs, fish desist to swim and from head to foot spastic. Moment that's right time [do/conduct] sequence. Fish [is] later;then arrested and part of its head [is] covered with mosquito net in order not to rebel.

Stripping [is] usually [done/conducted] [by] after 10-14 [hour/clock] of first injection if/when temperature irrigate 20-23 degree of Celcius, 7-8 [hour/clock] if/when temperature irrigate 25- 26 degree of Celcius, or 3-4 [hour/clock] [at] temperature irrigate 30 degree of Celcius. Its way, left holded female mains by hand [in] part of back, while right hand [in] part of stomach. Whereas right hand thumb massage repeatedly [at] part of stomach up at release hole. Egg [is] later;then accomodated in clean baskom which given [by] a few/little water. In the same way sequence [done/conducted] [at] masculine mains. After exit sperma, and egg of sperma swirled [by] slow with quill during 0,5 minute. Egg which have been mingled [by] dilution of sperma [is] later;then rinsed with clean water to eliminate the rest of dilution of sperma, feses, and blood.

E. Hatch and Treatment of Seed.
For the efficacy of hatch of eggs require to be [done/conducted] [by] the following stages;steps
a. Wash out, then dry aquarium, hatch basin, and hatch funnel. most effective hatch by using hatch funnel because giving guarantee of suplai continuous oxygen and prevent heaping of egg because rotatory current continuously from under hatch funnel
b. Hatchery tide. Each;Every, funnel hatch of have diameter [to] 50 cm can be utilized to incubate 40.000-50.000 egg item
c. Enhancing anti mushroom in the form of Emolin or of Blitz Ich counted 0,05 cc / water litre d. egg of Milkfish will hatch during 28-36 [hour/clock] [at] room temperature 24-28 degre of celcius. the Percentage of hatch usually reach 70-90%. Seed which [is] barn old age 2 day not yet required side dish because still contain egg yolk ( sack yolk
e. Over the course of is two-day, larva carried over [by] attached net [in] pool conservancy of seed which have been drawn up one week previously.

F. Conservancy.
conservancy of seed [done/conducted] [by] [in] net and [in] pool which have been fertilized one week previously. [entered/included] manure into pool usually chicken dirt counted 0,5-1,5 singk / m2. Pool [is] also filled [by] water [so that/ to be] growing natural food which required by larva of milkfish. Whereas brand manure can be given [by] TSP with dose 10-15 g / m2 to fold to to duplicate pool productivity. Inclusion of water [done/conducted] step by step is. First, water [entered/included] to elaborate organic manure. Hereinafter, irrigate to be boosted up till 40-45 cm and let to be to be suffused to be illuminated [by] sun until 4-6 day.

Indirect seed [is] disperse [in] pool, but in fairish net [of] length 4-5 metre, wide 1-2 metre, and in 1 metre with density of seed dispersion [among/between] 70-000-80.000 tail / net [At] net tabletop given [by] peneduh to lessen too sunshine intensity [of] terik and protect against rainwater terpaan. [Gift/ giving] of side dish [done/conducted] [by] after 3-4 day after seed dispersion because estimated [by] supply of natural food in net quickly decrease because denseness of nener in it. given side dish in the form of egg yolk mixture, soy juice, yeast powder, and Anaemia. Frequency [gift/ giving] 5-6 times one day. after old age 10 day, seed of Milkfis ( nener) have [is] ready to carried over [by] broader land;ground pool. Pool for the width of 1.000 disperse m2 can 70.000-80.000 tail of nener. One month later;then nener removed again to other pool, which [is] [is] same broadness, but solid [is] its dispersion enough 35.000-40.000 just tail.

G. Magnification.
Magnification of Milkfish [done/conducted] [by] [in] pool owning inclusion door and dismissal of separate water. Pool may be fertilized beforehand or [do] not. To obtain;get result of optimal, magnification of Milkfish require [gift/ giving] of side dish. required side dish in the form of smooth bran ( bekatul), flour of benawa, and others.

Source : Conducting Fish [in] Lawn of Heru Susanto.

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