Jan 12, 2011

Red Line Torpedo Barb Puntius Denisonii

Red Line Torpedo Barb (Puntius denisonii)
  • Common Names: Bleeding Eye barb, Red Line Torpedo Barb, Denison Barb, Red Line Barb, Red Comet Barb, Rose Line Shark, Red-line Shark
  • Scientific Name: Puntius denisonii (may still be referred to as Barbus denisonii)
  • Category: Barb
  • Family: Cyprinidae (Minnows or carps)
  • Origin: Southern India
  • Main Ecosystem: Inhabits highly oxygenated fast flowing streams
  • Salinity: Freshwater
  • Chemistry: pH: 6.5 to 7.5 ; Hardness:4 to 18 dGH ; Temperature: 68-79 degrees F.
  • Water Region: Fast-flowing streams and rivers - these are apparently full of vegetation and are highly oxygenated.
  • Activity: Diurnal (day)
  • Potential size: Maximum 6 inches
  • Lifespan: Unknown; some say 5-7 years

Red Line Torpedo Barb are very mild-tempered and calm. Harmless Community Fish, peaceful in larger groups of 6 or more. With the tetras, the roseline sharks are just impressive. And the colors are just phenomenal. They love to be fed. They feed both in the water column and at the surface, sometimes with a big splash.

The rose line sharks get along great with the rams. Nobody bothers the sharks, and they don't bother the rams. And with all the color, it's just astounding - the colors of the rams, the colors of the tetras, and now the colors of the roseline sharks. It's just very impressive exotic fish.

Red Line Torpedo Barb is omnivore and have a small mouth, they’ll eat almost any high-quality prepared food, but wouldn't mind a serving (or more) of live food or even a nibble of your soft-leaved plants. So we could feeding puntius denisonii with a high quality flake food, spirulina flakes and discs, frozen and live bloodworms, all forms of brine shrimp (live, frozen, pellets), daphnia, cooked shelled peas are a favorite as is peeled cucumber and zucchini.

Puntius denisonii color is spectacular. The exotic fish is a shiny silver, with a solid black line running down the middle of its body . Streamlined and bullet-shaped with shimmering colors of gold, green, yellow, red and black. A horizontal black stripe from nose, across the eyes to base of tail, another horizontal stripe on top of this of red extending only midway with an occasional yellow just in between.. The dorsal fin is touched with red and ends transparent. Likewise the forked tail is almost transparent with a yellow and black short stripe just before the tips.

Puntius denisonii aquarium layout is open swimming spaces, plenty of plants and varied landscape above mid-level as they do explore and seem to play throughout. Tank size minimum 75g and tank zone mid-level.

They can adapt to cooler waters but imo that would tempt Ich and dropsy. The exotic fish can also adapt to warmer waters up to 82F provided plenty of oxygen in the form of powerheads and/or air pumps with plenty of bubble walls installed and regular weekly water changes.

Important notes for Puntius Denisonii :
  • Stresses at temperatures hovering around 85F. The drop in oxygen levels is dangerous at these temperatures especially in the confines of an aquarium
  • Sensitivities - react to temperature and pH changes during weekly water changes, but adapt fairly quickly - are also sensitive to landscape changes (very aware) more than other species
  • Hardiness: Very hardy, tho have reported to be prone to dropsy (prevented with warmer temperatures above 75F-79F, a varied diet, regular weekly water changes and oxygenated water) - sensitive to temps over 85F
  • Puntius denisonii breeding is not reported in captivity

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