Jan 29, 2011

Rasbora Harlequin - Trigonostigma Heteromorpha Profile

Trigonostigma (Rasbora) Heteromorpha Profile

Rasboras are small, peaceful schooling fish that are well suited for the smaller planted community aquarium. These colorful, hardy fish fare best in groups of six or more fish. Rasboras are rewarding fish when maintained in the planted community aquarium, displaying beautiful coloration, and unique color patterns.

Rasbora is active swimmer fish so Rasbora fish should be maintained in a rather large aquarium with short aquatic plants so as not to impede movements and they are free to swimming.

The most interesting types of Rasboras is Rasbora Harlequin, the scientific name Rasbora heteromorpha. The specific name heteromorpha, was translating from the Greek as "differently shaped".

Rasbora Harlequinfish profile

Common Name : Harlequin, red Rasbora, Harlequin Rasbora
Scientific Name : Rasbora heteromorpha
Family : Cyprinidae
Origin : Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Thailand
Size : Up to 5cm
First discovered : Duncker, 1904
Nutrition : Omnivore, in the wild the Rasbora harlequin feeds on aquatic invertebrates and small insects in captivity it will accept almost everything offered, flake food, frozen food and freeze-dried food. Feeding should be provided at least two times a day.
Fish Behavior : Peaceful
Maintenance and care : The Rasbora heteromorpha should be kept in schools of 6 and up. The tanks should be decorated with plenty of room to swim and hide; plants can be used as shelter too. This beautiful tropical fish will benefit from soft water.
Water Parameters : Temperature: 73F- 82F (22C - 25C), pH: 5-7, dGH: 4-12

The Harlequin Rasbora is an extremely desirable aquarium addition thanks to its gorgeous metallic coloration and ease of care. Harlequin Rasbora is easily identified by its characteristic black "pork chop" shaped patch and beautifully lustrous copper/orange body. The patch on the male Harlequin Rasbora is slightly rounded at the bottom with an extended tip. The female Harlequin Rasbora is also larger than the male.

Rasbora heteromorpha generally spawns on the undersides of broad-leaved plants. To encourage spawning, pair a young (9-12 months old) female Harlequin Rasbora with a two-year old male and offer live food items. The Harlequin Rasbora does best in an established planted aquarium with open areas for swimming. The mild nature of the Harlequin Rasbora makes it a great community fish.

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