Oct 28, 2008

Ready Stock

Nama : White Diamond dan Golden Discus

Rata Tengah

: White Diamond Discus

Nama : Pigeon Discus

Nama : Blue Diamond Discus

Nama : Neon Red Turqouis

Nama : Neon Red Turqouis

Nama : Red White

Nama : Pigeon Discus

Nama : White Diamond

Nama : Red Marlboro

Nama : Blue Diamond

Nama : White Butterfly

Oct 27, 2008


Albino Leopard

Blue Diamond

Indukan Red White

Neon Red Turqouis


Red White

Snow White Turqouis

Foto - foto

Oct 18, 2008

Ornamental fish LIVE BEARER

Ornamental fish

Ornamental fish well known by the community as a garnish Aquarium.
The development of ornamental fish in Indonesia continues to progress

increased, especially fresh water ornamental fish native Indonesia. From the many types of
ornamental fish, not everything has to be cultivated. In the breed
ornamental fish should note that each species has a characteristic and
living habits that vary, for example, in the way of spawning, laying
or preparing the nest.

How to breed ornamental fish, there are several types:
1) ornamental fish that litter.
2) ornamental fish that are spawning.
3) ornamental fish that lay eggs on a subtrat.
4) ornamental fish that hatch eggs in the nest foam.
5) The fish eggs which hatch in the mouth.
In writing this will be discussed on ways of ornamental fish
The bear (live bearer), for example:
1) Fish Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata Guppy)
2) Fish Molly (Poelicia latipinna Sailfin Sanchiago)
3) Fish Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus Platy)
4) tail Sword Fish (Xiphophorus helleri Sword tail)
2. Characteristics MASTER male and female
1) Master male
a. Having gonopodium (in the form of belly bulge behind the fin), which
anal fin is a modification in the form of a fin that long.
b. Rampaing body.
c. Brighter color.
d. Fin spine longer.
e. Big head.
2) Master Betta
a. Fin behind the stomach is not there gonopodium, but the form of fin fine.
b. Body fat
c. Color is less bright.
d. Fin back normal.
e. His head slightly taper.

3. Need to think of raising
1) Water that is needed is a stone contain enough Oxygen (O2) and
2) The water temperature ranges between 15 ~ 270C.
3) the preferred pH is slightly alkalis, which ranged from 7 ~ 8.
4) Foods that can be given natural food (larva, worms, lice water)
and the food made, given adequate.

4. ENGINEERING cultivated
1) Parents. Choose the size of the parent who is relatively large, form of body
The large and have a beautiful color.
2) Master-parent who has been selected included in the one vessel for some
tide parent. However, when the descendants of a certain desire can also
done by separating the vessel apart a pair.
3) Air-spawning tanks must be controlled every day. After birth, children, fish
must be taken immediately and separated from the mainland not to be eaten
by the mainland.

1) Children born fish that has not need a new food, because
still contain yellow eggs (egg yolk). After 4 ~ 5 days of the new children's fish
food can be given a water bug that has been filtered, or yellow
that has been boiled and destroyed.
2) After reaching the medium size (2 ~ 3 cm) can be given food
worms, and after reaching adult size (5 ~ 7 cm) can be given
larva food.
3) In addition to natural foods can also be given additional food form
worms dry, so-so, etc..
4) Providing food should 2 times a day, should not excessive,
because it can cause contamination that can meerusak water quality.
5) Substitution of water. Water tanks in the Aquarium or not to dirty / muddy,
because it can cause child mortality of fish. Dirt can be cleaned

every 2 ~ 3 days with the way disipon, water, which at the time
disipon as many as 10 ~ 20% can be replaced with new water.

Fish live bearer is very easy and have a level
success rate. For a pair of fish can generate 50
up to 100 acres of fish for spawning one time, with the price of Rp perekor. 25, --
up to Rp. 75, -. This type of fish is also an ornamental fish that can be exported
for example: Guppy fish. With proper maintenance techniques and perseverance
The high will the results obtained with a very beautiful color.

Fisheries Jakarta, Jakarta, 1996

Oct 16, 2008

arwana super red

Super Red arwana

Characteristics arwana super red scales, which is located on a red light and emit yellow on the body. Limit clear that the scales (ring), there is at the head and back. Edge of the fin reddish color. Circle the scales yellowish red to bright red. Red lips. Arwana this type, there are many on the island of Borneo, living in the river or lake that calm and do not have.

Arwana SUPER RED. Many are in Kalimantan island, live in rivers and lakes are calm and do not have source: AgromediaPustaka, 2008

Oct 12, 2008

feeding Shrimp

TOTAL feeding Windu Shrimp.

The amount of the feed for maintenance is calculated based on the sampling results. To facilitate hitungannya calculated, the amount of feed given to the following provisions:

1. Shrimp stadia zoea, with the amount of 1.5 ppm + feed plankton.

2. Mysis shrimp stadia, namely the amount of 1 ppm feed.

3. Shrimp post flyblow stadia, namely the amount of 1 ppm feed + nauplii Artemia.

4. Shrimp the size of PL 20 - 5 grams, namely the amount of 25% - 50% of total body weight per day.

5. Shrimp size 6 - 10 grams, namely the amount of 15% - 25% of total body weight per day.

6. Shrimp size from 11 to 15 grams, namely the amount of 8% - 15% of total body weight per day.

7. Shrimp with 20-30 grams of weight, namely the amount of 4% - 8% of total body weight per day. In addition to accuracy in the amount of feed given frequency also develop an important role in the effectiveness of the use of feed.

All this of course should be tailored to the biological nature of shrimp that are kept. Estimation of the number and weight of the sampling shrimp also play a role is very important, because it can determine the quantity of feed must be provided. In connection with teknolegi semi-intensive cultivation of shrimp and shrimp ponds in the intensive program of the feed can be made, such as table

8. Food is the largest part of the cost of production and is also suspected to be the determinant factors in the economic value of shrimp cultivation. One of the things that must be taken by the farmers embankment is Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). FCR is how much value kg of food provided to the ponds can produce 1 kg of shrimp that are kept in the ponds. FCR value addition influenced olehjenis kept in the shrimp ponds and the quality of food, is also affected by the provision of food programs and environmental management ponds. Farmers ponds must be careful of the value of FCR, as with improving the value of FCR, other than the production cost can be pressed, FCR also related to speed growth and the basic conditions of ponds. Value FCR bad identical with the growth of bad shrimp, shrimp that are the basic conditions of stress and the dirty ponds (Thamassart, 1991).



source: Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru Dra. Suzy Anna

SCHEDULE feeding Shrimp

SCHEDULE feeding Shrimp.

Feeding schedule also determine the success of the cultivation of shrimp. As in other organisms, shrimp, also have behavior and habit of eating its own. From experience it is known that shrimp is the active animals that eat at night, because the percentage of the feed at night more than the day (when the maximum intensity of the sun). The food at the intensity of the sun is the minimum amount of 60% of the total feed for 24 hours.

Thus, the efficiency of feed given is expected to be more secure. Time feeding shrimp and young adults are also different. Shrimp have metabolik adult rate and speed of eating more shrimp than young. Food that is given should be sufficient in number.

The amount of feed required for optimal growth for each of stadia shrimp. Therefore, it is expected that with adequate supplies of feed quality and quantity, shrimp will be able to survive until harvest time. The food is set and adjusted with a production target will be achieved. Conversely, if the feed is excessive, in addition to not effective, but also the rest of the feed will damage the environment.

source: Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

HOW feeding shrimp

HOW feeding shrimp

Terms of the absolute to fulfill the feeding is a good evenly, in the sense that can be cultivated so that one individual shrimp feed to obtain the same with other individuals, so that expected by feeding evenly, growth will be uniform. With natural selection, in line with the length of time maintenance, shrimp, the weak will experience death and shrimp that have a resistance standard will be able to "death to all infidels' and grow well.

How the feed is evenly can avoid the occurrence of competition in the food. If the competition can be avoided, then the nature of cannibalism will be more manageable. Competitive conditions and cannibalism will be more sharply and the size of shrimp when glaring vary. Shrimp have a great ability and the size of the mouth larger than shrimp, prawn, so get more food and grow more rapidly, the shrimp grow increasingly hampered due to get less feed.

source: Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

Oct 11, 2008

Determination of Water

Determination of Water
In general, the determination of the water is done with the sap of the oven temperature at 105 - 110 ° C for 3 hours or until a constant weight was obtained. Difference in weight before and after drying is the number of water evaporated. For material that is not heat-resistant heating is done in vacuum oven with a temperature lower. Sometimes the drying is done without heating, the material included in the eksikator with H4 SO2 dense as the dryer to achieve a constant weight.

Determination of water content of the material that their water content and contain the compound easily evaporate (volatile) destilasi use with a specific solvent such as toluen xylol and the BD-Heptara it is lower than the water.

Example (sample) tube inserted in the ball (flask) and then heated. Solvent and water vapor, and diembunkan fall on the tube aufhauser scale. Water that has BD greater in the bottom, so that the amount of evaporated water that can be seen on the scale aufhauser the tube.

For materials with high sugar content can be measured by using refraktometer. In addition to the physical way, there are also ways to determine the chemical water. Nail me to measure the water asetilen based on the volume of gas produced from the reaction of calcium Carbide with materials that will be examined.
source :

Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru

Dra. Suzy Anna

analysis of fat in the shrimp feed

Fat Analysis.
Some chemical test has been conducted to identify the fat, namely with some of the test well with the way:

a. Numbers Reichert Meisel (BRM.
BRM 0.1 N is the number of basa, which is required every five grams of fat to neutralize acids, which easily vaporize fat in the destilasi, namely acid fat C4 and C6 (Butirat and kaproat).

b. Numbers Polenske
This number determines the rate of fatty acid that volatil but not soluble in water, the fatty acid C8 to C14. Procedures, such as in the example below:

c. Kirschner New Numbers (New Kirshner Value = NKV)
BKB (NKV) adalahjumlah basa 0.1 ml of N, which is required every five grams of fat / oil fatty acid to neutralize the salt-volatil salt peraknya lamt mixture of ethanol in the water.

d. Numbers Penyabunan (BP)
BP adalahjumlah mg KOH needed to menyabunkan 1 gram of fat. To counteract 1 Molecular gliserida required 3 molecular alkali.

e. Numbers Hehner
Hehner number used to determine the amount of fatty acid that is not soluble in water. Fat with the BM will have a high number of low Hehner.

f. Numbers lodin
Lodin the number of grams of iodine is absorbed by the 100 grams of fat. I2 will mengadisi ties duplex is not saturated fatty acid-free and in the form of esters. The number depends on lodin the amount of fatty acid is not saturated in fat. Fat reconstitution in Khioroform (C Cl4) and then added iodine solution (0,1 - 0,5 g). The remaining iodine, which does not react dititrasi with tiosulfat.
I2 + 2NaS203 ----> 2Na I + Na Q4 O6

source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru

Dra. Suzy Anna

ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. Analysis Carbohydrate

There are some aspect able to be used for the analysis of prawn food, that is : Chemically, Physics and Biology.


1. Analysis Carbohydrate. Analysis Carbohydrate can be [done/conducted] qualitative and is quantitative, that is pursuant to nature of specific chemical reaction and sakarida.

Analysis Qualitative. Carbohydrate if/when reacted with condensation of naftol in alcohol, [is] later;then enhanced [by] condensed H2So4 neglectlessly, [at] its dilution boundary will be formed [by] purple berwama furfural. This reaction [is] recognized with reaction of Molisch representing reaction of public of carbohydrate. Other some ways for the analysis of carbohydrate [is] by is assorted [of] examination, like :

- Test of Antron.
0,2 condensation ml follow the example of in tube reaction of enhanced [by] condensation of antron ( 0,2 % in condensed H2So4). Incidence [of] rather blue green or green colour designate the existence of carbohydrate in example [of] condensation. this [is] Test very sensitive so that can give positive result if [done/conducted] [at] paper filter pregnant [of] cellulose. This test [is] developed for quantitative test by colorimetric to glkogen, sugar and inulin in blood :

- Test of Bartoed.
Its it[him] consist of Cupri acetate acid and acetate. Into 5 pereaksi ml in tube reaction of enhanced 1 ml follow the example of later;then save reaction placed in water boil during 1 rose colored Sediment minute [of] orange show the existence of monosakharida in example [of]

- Benedict.
Its it[him] consist of Cuprisulfat, sitrat natrium and of natrium carbonate. Into 5 ml reaction of in tube reaction of enhanced 8 example [of] condensation drip, later;then save reaction placed in water boil during 5 minute. Incidence [of] sediment of wama green turn yellow or squeeze orange show the existence of sugar reduce in example [of].

- test of Lodium.
Condensation example [of] acidified with HCL. [Is] meanwhile made [by] condensation of lodium in condensation of KI. Condensation follow the example of counted 1 drip enhanced into condensation of lodium. Incidence [of] blue colour show the existence of extract in example [of]. while red wama show the existence of or glikogen of eritrodekstrin

- Test Seliwanoff.
Its [is] it made [by] before test started, by liquefying 3,5 resorsinol ml 0,5 % by 12 condensed HCL ml, [is] later;then thinned. Become 35 ml with water refine test, [done/conducted] by enhancing 1 condensation ml follow the example of into 5 ml. [Is] later;then placed in water boil during 10 minute. Ruddle cherry show the existence of fruktosa in example [of].

- Test of Tauber.
Two of example [of] condensation drip, enhanced into 1 condensation ml of benzidina, heating and made cool in short order. Incidence [of] purple show the existence of pentosa in example [of]

Quantitative Analysis.
This Analysis use polarimeter, that is by including sugar condensation into certain polariscope tube [of] length, [is] later;then seen [by] its rotation angle;corner. This matter [is] [done/conducted] [by] because carbohydrate have the nature of can turn around polarization light area to right (+) and to is left (-) and each;every sugar have specific rotation angle;corner which different each other. For example sukrosa + 66,6 % and glucose + 90 %. Nature of used this for quantitative analysis.rotation which different each other. For example sukrosa + 66,6 % and glucose + 90 %. Nature of used this for quantitative analysis.

Source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. protein analysis.

Analysis Protein
a. Quantitative Analysis

- Way of Kjeldahl.
Way of this used to analyse harsh protein rate in food-stuff indirectly, that is multiplying result of analysis with number convert 6,25 will be obtained [by] protein value in food-stuff. Number 6,25 coming from serum conversion of albumin which usually contain 16 % nitrogen. Principal [is] way of analysis of Kjeldahl shall be as follows: originally materials of dektrusi with condensed sulphate acid use oksikhlorida selenium katalis or item of Zn. Amonia [is] that happened accomodated and titration constructively indicator. Way of Kjeldahl generally can be differentiated to the two way of that is way of macro and macro half. Way of is macro [of] Kjeldahl used for example [of] which is difficult [of] dihomogenisasi and is big [of] example [of] 1 - 3 gr, while flourishing is macro [of] Kjeldahl designed for pocket edition example [of] that is less than 300 mg of homogeneous materials. Way of the analysis will prosper with nitrogen assumption in the form of tying of N - N and of N - O in sampel [do] not there are big in number.

- Way of Dumas.
Principal [is] way of this [is] example [of] food-stuff burned in CO2 atmosfir, and in environment having cuprioksida. All carbon atom and hydrogen will be turned into CO2 and aqueous vapour, all gas poured into in condensation of Naoh and [done/conducted] [by] draining of gas. All imbibition gas except nitrogen gas, this gas [is] later;then analysed and measured.

Analysis Qualitative.
Analyse this can be [done/conducted] by biologis and also chemistry.

- Way of biologis :
[Done/Conducted] by using attempt animal. Some examination which is [is] ordinary to be done by using way of that is
- PER ( Protein of Efficiency Ratio
- NPU ( Net Protein of Utilization
- N Dp Cal ( Net Dietary Protein of Calories

- Assess Biologis :
Assess biologis represent nitrogen faction amount or price which come into body and exploited in course of growth.

Energy Digest :
Energy digest [is] the amount of nitrogen faction of food-stuff able to be permeated for the growth of.

Balance Nitrogen : [Is] a[n analysis which [is] often [done/conducted] to know nitrogen balance which enter and secretory nitrogen of body.
Sour Score [of] Amino ( Amino Acid Score ) : Quality of protein can be measured by determining the amount of acid of amino constrictor and comparing [him/ it] with acid of amino of a kind. Some ways which can be [done/conducted] [by] that is
- Way of column kromatografi
- Way Of HPLC ( High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Way Of Mikrobiologis
- Way Of Spektrofotometrik
- Way of Kromatografi transfer of ion
- Way of Kromatografi gas-cairan
- Way of flimsy Kromatografi coat ( TLC)

Source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

Oct 7, 2008



Food made in representing a[n alternative which its [his/its] continuously enable and can be used as [by] substitution or complement of life food. However making in reality commercially for prawn to have price which relative high enough, because most still imported. Even though there [is] still the way of able to be [done/conducted] to make prawn food simply and is cheap. Thereby besides can take benefit because using home made food also can depress operating expenses. Follow the example of the specification of requirement of nutrisi for the food of materials source and prawn, as described like [at] Tables 5.

Pursuant to its making technique, food for the larva of prawn can be made in the form of dry and wet. Advantage of food in form of wet [is]
- Can be made with simple equipments
- By biologis prawn prefer soft food than dry
- Warm-Up and draining can avoid, so that can prevent losing of nutrient in food. Its loss [is]
- Easy to destroy because micro-organism, [is] unless enhanced [by] preservative.


- oxidized Easy nutrient, sour specially askorbat, except if/when kept in a state of frost

- Flesh network [at] wet food ( [do] not be heated) can contain enzyme anti thiamin. Food example [of] in the form of wet [is] egg mikrokapsul ( diet microcapsulated egg) and egg pudding ( custard egg). While food in the form of running dry [is] plankton artifisial and of flake diet ( food in form of shiver ).

source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

Oct 6, 2008



Requirement of Artemia as food live to prawn larva pasca represent conditions which is [is] absolute to be provided, because till now domicile Artemia not yet earned to be replaced with is other. reserved for [by] Cyst [is] the food require to be incubated beforehand. As for quality of hatch of cyst can be seen from various assessment, that is :

- Hatching Efficiency ( HE) that is to the number of nauplii hatching from 1 gram of cyst Artemia
- Hatching Percentage ( H %) [is] the amount of nauplii hatching to be compared to the amount of used cyst
- T0 : needed Incubation period happened hatch of first nauplii
- T90 : needed Incubation period till reach 90 % hatch.

In practice, ready [of] food live Artemia have to [pass/through] process of dekapsulasi beforehand, because will be obtained [by] some advantage, that is
- Needn'T the existence of dissociation of nauplius from covering, because cyst chorion have been eliminated
- content of Energi higher because [do] not wear for the process of hatch
- Cyst have been sterilized from pest [pass/through] condensation of hipokhlorit
- Earn used direct for the food of larva
- lessening the amount of labour.

As for procedure stages;steps of dekapsulasi shall be as follows
1. hydration of Cyst
2. Treatment in condensation of hipokhlorit
3. Wash and activation of residu khiorin
4. Can be used directly as food or dehydrationed to [be] is depository.

Hydrasi Cyst. Omission of coat of khorion perfect can only be [done/conducted] [by] if globular cyst. To get that situation, cyst have to be let puffy by hydration. Generally full (of) hydration can reach [by] after 1 - 2 [hour/clock] with sea water or freshwater ( maximal 35 permil) [at] temperature 25°C.

Treatment in Condensation of Hipokhlorit. For the treatment of dekapsulasi, can be used [by] condensation of Naocl or of Ca ( OCL)2 which more knowledgeable with kaporit. If used Naoci, hence Natrium and of OCL ionized in condensation and formed [by] HOCL in water, while if Ca ( used OCL)2 will be yielded [by] 2 ion of OCL to each;every molecule of hipokhlorit. Can be said that [by] OCL play a part in khorion, but this matter still is not sure. Activity and maximal concentration [is] [at] PH 10, compared to [at] low PH. 0,5 materials gram of aktifdan 14 condensation ml of dekapsulasi needed to dekapsulasi 1 gram of cyst.

[In] many state, Ca ( OCL)2, cheaper as source of active khiorin from [at] Na Ocl2 Ca ( OCL)2 represent more stable product than Na OCL and can be kept longer during. Activity of Ca ( OCL)2 usually precisely [is] such as those which expressed in lable of commercial product ( generally 70 % active materials). Condensation activity of Na OCL can be determined with measuring index of refraktif [at] refraktometer. Its value [is] :

Y = 3000 X - 4003
Y = Activity of Na OCL in gram per litre
X = Make an index to refraktif.

With NaOCl, 0, 15 gram of NaOH technical ( 0,33 ml, 40 % condensation) have to be enhanced in every gram of cyst to increase pH condensation of dekapsulasi until [about/around] 10. If which [is] used [by] Ca(OCl)2 hence 0,67 gram of Na2CO3 or 0,4 gram of CaO have to be made with water go out to sea 35 permil. For Ca(OCl)2, the used [is] its just dilution, by mixing [him/ it] with sea water, volume have been determined and strong diaerasi during [about/around] 10 minute. Hereinafter aerasi killed and suspensi let to tuang and also pregnant dilution [of] condensation of Ca ( OCL)2, can be used for dekapsulasi.

After evacuation of cyst in condensation of dekapsulasi, hence have to be defended in a state of suspensi with aerasi continually. In a few minute take its rise reaction of exothermic oxidation and grow spume. In line with is dissolve [of] him of khorion, happened change of colour of cyst, that is from deep brown to is grey, later;then orange. During dekapsulasi, temperature have to be checked regularly and ice have to be enhanced to prevent the make-up of temperature above 40°C. If cyst defended in condensation of dekapsulasi, will kill embryo. Therefore, cyst have to be removed immediately from condensation after process finish. Solving of process can be [done/conducted] with perception periodical after existence of change of colour of cyst which [is] didekapsulasi.

Wash and Activation of Residu Khiorin. During treatment, condensation of dekapsulasi respond to cyst khorion. Effect of reaction, formed [by] some compound of organokhiorin coherent [at] cyst result of dekapsulasi able to lessen quality and usefulness of cyst which [is] didekapsulasi. Therefore, after wash can be enhanced [by] 1 % Na2S203, counted 0,5 ml / gram of cyst so that form dissolve compound with compound of organokhlorin. Thereby can eliminate condensation pickings of dekapsulasi [at] cyst.

4. Direct Usage [of] Cyst or Dehydration to [be] is Depository.
Cyst result of dekapsulasi can be given direct to predator if needed. This Cyst can be kept for a few day in refrigerator [at] temperature 0 - 4°C. Because can immerse in sea water and also freshwater, hence time used direct as food of predator, needed [by] and aerasi of sirkulasi last for maintaining cyst in suspensi. To [be] is depository [of] cyst result of dekapsulasi, dehydration hams [done/conducted] [by] after finishing activation procedure and wash. For that, cyst have to be defended in saturated condensation [of] Nad (± 330 gram / litre). After [about/around] 3 [hour/clock], salt condensation have to pinch hit for to streamline to dehydration. If dehydrationed, dekapsulasi cyst will become like seed copy and sink although in saturated salt condensation.

Dekapsulasi Cyst which [is] this hydration [of] leak have to and by using filter 120 micron, carried over in place of plastic, enhanced [by] salt condensation and kept in or refrigerator of freezer. Depository [of] dekapsulasi cyst in salt condensation have limitation. During 6 kalends after dekapsulasi, cyst admit of to maintain maximal hatching energy [of] him, ika sekalipunj kept [at] temperature 20°C.Untukperiode longer, continuity of life of cyst downhill seems.

Degradation of energy hatch dekapsulasi cyst which [is] kept in salt condensation possible because of content of aimya which high relative ( [about/around] 20 %). Depository for time old ones from dry dekapsulasi cyst ( content irrigate below/under 5%) enabling if kept in a state of running dry in free media [of] oxygen ( place of filled [by] nitrogen or is air-less).
Source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna