Aug 12, 2008

Technics [of] Pickling of gland of hipofise fish

Technics [of] Pickling of gland of hipofise fish.

1. Using acetone ( way of running dry).
Pickling by using acetone can be [done/conducted] by including gland of hipofise into bottle contain acetone. Acetone thrown [is] then changed with new acetone, whereas gland - hipofise remain to be let in bottle. Acetone [is] later;then thrown again and changed with new acetone [is] then hushed [by] during 8 [Hour/Clock]. After 8 acetone [hour/clock] [released] again and changed with new acetone [is] then let [by] during 24 [hour/clock]. After 24 [hour/clock], acetone evaporated with small saucer or paper Lie down. Gland of Hipofise last [entered/included] into bottle. [is] later;then given [by] cotton and [its] mouth [is] corked with [cover/conclusion] till last meeting kept in desikator.

2. Using alcohol ( way of is wet).
gland of Hipofise soaked in absolute alcohol 96%. Alcohol [is] later;then thrown and changed with new alcohol. Afterwards, alcohol thrown again and changed with new alcohol [is] then hushed [by] during 24 [hour/clock]. After 24 [hour/clock], alcohol thrown and changed with newly [is] then called a meeting to order and [is] ready to kept [by] [in] refrigator. With pickling [of] gland of hipofise can be kept sufficiently long, that is [among/between] 5-8 year and still effective enough to be used. When will be used, each gland evaporated in front.

Exploiting Kept Gland.

Usage of gland of hipofise which have been kept according to standard have many advantage for example as follows.

1. Can exploit fish consume the expense of which [do] not be majored for donor, so long as the fish have matured genitals.

2. More is facilitating [of] execution of activity of hipofisasi because some activity phase needn't be [done/conducted] again

3. Can overcome the rare of donor for purilieuss because donor transportation fee relative [is] equal to transportation fee for mains. With gland of hipofise result of pickling hence raw material transportation fee can be depressed till 60%-80%.

4. Can economize usage of food expense and pool.

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