Aug 14, 2008

fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp

fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp.

Lowe in Gerking ( 1975) expressing that fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp [is] the amount of that yielded fry during individual life spans. This matter of course very difficult once determining [him/ it] even not possible (to). Referring to nature of fish of mujair brooding on its childs in mouth, hence Bagenal ( 1978) proposing term of fecundity for the fish of mujair (Tilapia Mozambika) [is] as follows:

a. " Fecundity Ovarian" that is amount of existing matured egg in ovary before [released] in breeding
b. " Fecundity Brooding" that is amount of egg which [is] brooding on in its mouth.

Fish which including into faction of vivipar, that is fish producing children him, having three kinds of fecundity that is
a. " Fecundity Prefertilized" that is amount of egg in ovary before happened impregnation
b. " Fecundity Fertilized" That is amount of egg which [is] fruit in ovary
c. " Fecundity Larval" [is] the amount of egg which have hatched to become larva but not yet been [released].

According to Bagenal ( 1967), for the fishs of and tropik of sub-tropik, definition of fecundity most compatible remember condition [is] the amount of egg [released] by fish in its life spans mean. This relevant parameter in population study and can be determined [by] because maturity every fish when first time can know [by] as well as its speed statistic [of] him can be determined also in management of good fishery. Nikolsky ( 1969) expressing that capacities reproduce from breeding of certain population to him [him/ it] have to use population fecundity relative.

Source : Moch. Ichsan Effendie

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