Dec 2, 2009

topographic engineering requirements of fish ponds

topographic engineering requirements of fish ponds

Technical aspects

In addition to the six socio-economic conditions mentioned above, technical requirements are also important to note. Requirements of this technique include topography, soil, and water.

1. Topography
Topography is the overall shape of the land surface (flat, undulating or steep). Topography is our spotlight for the first time will determine the type, area, number, and the depth of the pond which will be made.
Sloping land once, can not be built units will form the pool for a small pond and the embankment will be wide. This broad embankment works to hold a large mass of water collected underneath. Similarly, if the soil is too flat, it will cost to dig a big land. It also would complicate disposal of water (drainage).

There are six types of places that have character and a special utility for making the pond, which is V-shaped valleys and essentially flat valley '

a. V-shaped valley sharp
Do not ever make a fish pond in the valley because it must make a high embankment to get a small sized pool. This is not efficient because it only cost and energy waste for nothing, while the work is done not on target.

b. The valley is V-shaped bottom is not so sharp
Shaped valley that is still possible to make the pond. It's just made the pool of small size because of the narrow valley bottom. The valley is shaped like better than the first valley, since the causeway made not too wide.

c. The valley is essentially a V-shaped rounded
This valley can be made much wider pool than the V-shaped valley is not so sharp. The main difficulty is to be held at the drying, because the irrigation system had to be made in series.

d. The valley is essentially flat in one of the slope with a stream at the bottom of the other slope
Such areas are relatively easy to build a large pool complex, although forced arranged in series. How to dig a channel at the foot of the first slope and bend of the river as needed so that the river forked in a high place. This artificial channel function provides water supply to the pond that was built between the two channels.

e. Essentially flat valley at the foot of the slope with the river channel in the middle of the plateau region is most ideal for built perkolaman units. Ponds are usually built with a larger size on both sides of the river flow. Thus, in addition to large pool size, the number could be much else. Water source can be obtained by river dam and channel water to make a second income in this valley slopes. The river serves as a channel of water transfer in the event of major flooding or increased so that the pool debitnya free from floods of unwanted.

f. The valley bottom is too flat
Valley with flat topography is not suitable for swimming built units. In addition to the cost of excavating the land, the owner will be difficult to remove or drain the water after the unit is so perkolaman. While a good swimming conditions in addition to easy diairijuga easily dried.

The valley is too flat will have problems when heavy rains come. because the fish pond areas will be inundated by water from the surrounding valley.
source: Heru Susanto, PenebarSwadaya, 2009

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