May 10, 2008



1. Giant catfish : Netuma thalassina
2. Needle fish : Belonidae
: Tylosurus spp
3. Indian halibut/ : Psettodidae
Queensland halibut
4. Redbelly yellowtail fusilier : Caesio cuning
5. Blue and Gold fusilier : Caesio caerulaurea
6. Trevallies : Selaroides spp
7. Jack trevallies : Caranx spp
8. Scad : Decapterus spp
9. Rainbow runner : Elagatis bipinnulatus
10. Torpedo Scad : Megalaspis cordyla
11. Black pomfret : Formio niger
12. Silver pomfret : Pampus argenteus
13. Queen fish : Chorinemus spp
14. Oxeye scad : Selar boops
15. Bigeye scad : Selar crumenophthalmus
16. Barramundi/ : Lates calcarifer
Giant sea perch
17. Dorab wolf herring : Chirocentrus dorab
18. Chacunda gizard shad : Anodonstoma chacunda
19. Spotted sardinella : Amblygaster sirm
20. Rainbow sardine : Dussumieria acuta
21. Fringescale sardinella : Sardinella fimbriata
22. Goldstripe sardinella : Sardinella gibbosa
23. Bali sardinella : Sardinella lemuru
25. Hilsa shad : Tenualosa ilisha
26. Common dolphin fish : Coryphaena hippurus
27. Greater lizardfish : Saurida tumbil
28. Tongue soles : Cynoglossus spp
: Pleuronectus spp
29. Anchovies : Stolephorus spp
30. Flying fish : Cypselurus spp
31. Garfish and Halfbeaks : Hemirhampus spp
32. Saddle grunt/ : Pomadasys maculatus
Spotted jevelinfish
33. Sweetlips : Plectorhinchus spp
34. Bombay duck : Harpadon nehereus
35. Indo-pacific sailfish : Istiophorus platypterus
36. Black marlin : Makaira indicata
37. Indo-pacific blu marlin : Makaira mazarra
38. Stripped marlin : Tetrapturus audax
39. Swordfish : Xiphias gladius
40. Napoleon wrasse/ : Cheilinus udulatus
Humphead wrasse
41. Fals trevally : Lactarius lactarius
42. Slipmouths/Pony fishes : Leognathus spp
43. Emperors : Lethrinus spp
44. Red snappers : Lutjanus spp
45. Goldenbanded jobfish : Pristipomoides multidens
46. Sharptooth jobfish : Pristipomoides typus
47. Mangrove mullets : Mugil cephalus
48. Blue-spot mullet/ : Valamugil seheli
Blue-tail mullet
49. Indian goatfish : Parupeneus indicus
50. Sulphur goatfish : Upeneus sulphureus
51. Yellow-strip goatfish : Upeneusvittatus
52. Ornate treadfin bream : Nemimterus hexodon
53. Four finger treadfin : Eleutheronema
54. Treadfin : Polynemus spp
55. Purple-spotted/ : Priacanthus teyenus
Big eye
56. Red big eye : Priacanthus marcracanthus
57. Croaker : Nibea albiflora
58. Bullet tuna : Auxis rochei
59. Frigate tuna : Auxis thazard
60. Kawa-kawa/ : Euthyn
Eastern little tuna
61. Skipjack tuna : Katsuwonus pelamis
62. Short-body mackerel : Rastrelliger brachysoma
63. Indian mackerel : Rastrelliger kanagurta
64. Stripped bonito : Sarda orientalis
65. Spotted chub mackerel : Scomber australasicus
66. Narrow-barred spanish : Scomberomorus commerson
67. Indo-pacific king : Scomberomorus guttatus
68. Albacore : Thunnus alalunga
69. Yellowfin tuna : Thunnus albacares
70. Southern bluefin tuna : Thunnus maccoyii
71. Bigeye tuna : Thunnus obesus
72. Longail tuna : Thunnus tonggol
73. Blue lined seabass : Cephalophodis boenack
74. Humpback hind : Cromileptes altivelis
75. Honeycomb grouper : Epinephelus merra
76. Greasy rockcod/ : Epinephelus tauvina
Estuarty rockcod
77. Leopard coralgrouper : Plectropomus leopardus
78. White-spotted spinefoot : Siganus canaliculatus
79. Orange-spotted spinefoot : Siganus guttatus
80. Barhed spinefoot : Siganus virgatus
81. Silver silago : Silago sihama
82. Great barracuda : Sphyraena barracuda
83. Pickhandel barracuda : Sphyraena jello
84. Jarbua terapon : Terapon jarbua
85. Largescale terapon : Terapon theraps
86. Hairtail : Trichiurus spp
87. Sharks : Charchahinidae
88. Sharpnose shark/ : Isurus spp
Mackerel shark/
Makos/White shark
89. Rays : Trigonidae

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