Mar 19, 2011

Hardy Freshwater Fish for Beginners

Keeping fish is a relaxing hobby even for the absolute beginner. With the sheer magnitude of fish choices available online and at the store, the beginners may have a hard time making choices. How big of a tank should I get? How many fish should I get? Which fish should I get?

If you are a beginner in fish hobby, one fish attributes that should to consider when evaluating fish as the good candidate to start out, is how hardy fish that you choose. The "hardy fish" means how some freshwater fish adapt better than other fish to variances in their environment. Here is a brief list of some other hardy fish for the beginner:

Guppy fish (Poecilia reticulate) is a species that has been domesticated for many decades by fish keepers and Guppies are a very hardy fish therefore well adapted to a life in aquariums and gives birth to live young every month. They are also quite inexpensive, have very sociable temperaments and are pretty. They are a somewhat schooling fish, and you will need to get a group of at least 4-6 guppies for them to do well. Don’t buy the most elaborate types of guppy since these are more sensitive than the more basic types.

Green Swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii) are very handsome and are easy to recognize. The mail fish has a 'sword'; a long point at the very end of the tail fin. You can get Swordtails in a variety of colors, like vibrant orange and deep red. Swordtails can be slightly aggressive, and the males tend to fight each other for dominance. For this reason, you should purchase only one male and 2-3 females if you have a small aquarium. These fish breed every 28 days at 74°F. As with the Guppy, dense vegetation provides cover for developing fry. Another benefit of keeping this Green Swordtails is its tendency to consume algae.

Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) belong to the specific name are distant cousins of the Swordtails, but are not aggressive. They also come in a large variety of colors. As with most livebearers, many color varieties have been commercially bred for the home aquarium. Platy fish should always be kept in schools.

Molly can be jet black, marbled or pure white. Mollies are quite peaceful by nature and are therefore great aquarium fish for beginners. Some of the males can get aggressive towards each other. This species is another livebearer that is gentle and is basically a vegetable eater. Like the Swordtail, the Molly will consume aquarium algae, keeping it in check. This species is lively and prefers schooling in small groups of four to six members. Only keep Mollies if you keep an aquarium white a pH of above 7 and preferable some salt in the water.

The Barb fish are also favorites among beginners. Barbs get their name from the short threadlike barbels that act as sensory organs on either side of their mouths and sometimes on their lips. Their vigor and agility in the midwater of the tank are important to the vitality of your aquarium. Many barbs, however, can harm smaller fish with ornate, veil-like fins. The Rosy Barb (Puntius conchonius) is a very peaceful species that adapts well to other community fish. The Tiger Barb (Puntius tetrazona) has a bi wilder disposition if introduced singly or as a pair, but if kept in schools of 8 or more, they leave the other fish alone. This species prefers warmer water in the range of 68 to 79 ° F. They are fast swimming schooling fish that brings life to the aquarium. Barbs are very easy to feed.

The Danios is another fast swimming group of fish. They are very easy to keep, breed and feed and are therefore ideal for beginners. As the very active schooling fish, Danios should be kept in groups of at least 7 or 8. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) is a very undemanding, active fish that should be kept in a group of 8 or more. These peaceful fish prefer cooler water and should only be kept in temperatures less than 72 degrees F.

There are of course numerous other "hardy fish" that would be equally great for the same and other beginners' requirements so do not stop with this simple list often. A good fish stores will look at his customers' wants and needs, and be ready to offer some solid suggestions on how to fill them.

Mar 16, 2011

Streptococciasis Disease

Streptococciasis Disease
Cause: Streptococcus agalactiae, S. iniae,

Bio - Ecology of pathogens:
• gram-positive bacteria, small round (cocci), joined
chain-like, non-motile, transparent and smooth colonies.
• Streptococcus iniae Infection often occurs in sea water fish farming (snapper, grouper), whereas S. agalactiae is more commonly found in freshwater fish farming (tilapia).

• The pattern of attacks are generally two types of bacteria are chronic - acute.
• Target organs of infection of Streptococcus spp. commonly found in the brain and eyes. so-called "syndrome, meningoencephalitis and panophthalmitis". The disease is frequently reported in intensive aquaculture systems, aquatic environment calm (stagnant) and / or recirculation systems,

• Cumulatively, the attack of this disease can cause mortality of 30-100% of the total population during the maintenance period: and this disease is a potential obstacle that must be anticipated with respect to intensification and improvement of national tilapia production.

Clinical Symptoms:
• Indicates abnormal behavior such as convulsions or spinning and prominent eyes (exopthalmus).
• decreased appetite, weakness, dark-colored body, and slow growth.
• Dark colors under the jaw, prominent eyes, bleeding, abdominal bloat (dropsy) or injuries that develop into ulcers.
• Occasionally. do not show obvious clinical symptoms except death continues.
• no directional movement (nervous) and bleeding on the gill cover (operculum).
• Often, too, found that the infected fish appear normal until shortly before death.

• Isolation and identification of bacteria through bio-chemical tests.
• Detection of bacterial genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

• Disinfection of aquaculture facilities before and during the maintenance of fish
• Prevention of early (seed) through vaccination anti-Streptococcus spp.
• Giving immunostimulan element (eg addition of
vitamin C in feed) are routinely during maintenance
• Improve overall water quality, particularly reducing the levels of dissolved organic material and / or increase the frequency of replacement of new water
• Management of fish health in an integrated (fish, environment and pathogens)

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Directorate General of Aquaculture, Fish and Environmental Health Directorate, 2010

Diamond Tetra Moenkhausia pittieri

The Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri), also known as Brillantsalmler, Diamond Characin, Pittier's Tetra and Timanttitetra is native to South American inland waters. A somewhat larger tetra, the Diamond Tetra reaches 2.5 inches and exhibits intense coloration; They are said to sparkle like a diamond with their silvery scales and orange accents when kept in a darkly aquascaped tank.

These Tetras prefer a heavily planted tank and softer water on the acidic side. It should also have adequate swimming room in the tank. The Diamond Tetra should be kept at a water temperature between 74º and 82º Fahrenheit with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5 and soft to moderately hard water. They are ideal fish to put in a community tank and prefer to school with an odd number of at least 3 Diamond Tetras, making them an attractive addition to your nature aquarium.

To breed the Diamond Tetras, like breeding Platy fish, they should be separate a pair into a "breeding tank" with no lighting at first and then gradually increase it until spawning occurs. Water hardness should be less than 4 degrees and live food such as mosquito larvae are great inducers. Be sure to remove the adults after the eggs have been laid, as the adults will eat them. The eggs should hatch within 30 hours.

The Diamond Tetra has violet-hued scales with a fine scattering of green and gold that creates a pleasant sparkling effect. A high quality flake and freeze-dried foods supplemented with live brine shrimp fulfill its dietary needs. "Diamond Tetras" also will accept many small foods such as daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex.

Mar 12, 2011

Asian Green Arowana Pictures

In addition to various types of Red Arowana and Golden Arowana, Green Arowana is one of the many varieties of Asian arowana fish which found in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Komboja, and also at several places in Indonesia. Variations of appearance and color of this dragon fish can be found in each region. Nevertheless, commonly we can say that they are greenish gray with dark lines pattern on the tail. The arowana pictures above show you how their head and mouth larger and more rounded than the other types of Asian Arowana fish.

The Asian Green Arowana have a notorious image especially to those who are in a look out of buying young red arowanas, because the green arowanas usually used to crossbreed with poor quality red arowanas to produce a lower grade red arowana fry for sale, which have the same features with a juvenile red arowanas especially when they are up to 5 inches long.

Because of this, many buyers are cheated into purchasing a "super red arowana" instead they end up with a 1.5 grade arowana. Many backyard breeders prefer to use adult male green arowanas because they are better fathers and defend their young with more care than their red counterparts. The green arowana fish is generally shorter than other Asian Arowana. This is the most affordable Asian arowana and also considered as the lowest grade and price of "Asian Arowana fish".

Mar 6, 2011

Asian Arowana Fish

Arowana fish including into Osteoglasidae family or families of the "Bony tongue fish", because the base of his mouth in the form of bone that serves as a tooth. The Arowana fish have various nicknames, such as Dragon Fish, Barramundi, Saratoga, PlaTapad, Kelesa, Siluk, Kaya, Peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.

The shape and the appearance of the Arowana fish was beautiful and unique. His body elongated, slender and "stream line" with very graceful swimming motion. Arowana in nature has a variety of colors like green, silver, or red. In the lower lip there are two antennae that serves as a vibration sensor to determine the position of prey in the water. The tentacle is included in the assessment criteria of beauty fish. The potential growth of Arowana fish is quite large, especially by feeding with arowana food which have a high levels of protein. The Arowana growth in the aquarium reaches 60 cm, whereas in nature reaches more than 90 cm. Type of South American Arowana can grow up to 270 cm.

Arowana is a kind of "surface feeders" fish, indicated by the shape of the mouth. In nature they are swimming near the water surface to hunt for prey. Arowana can accept all types of feed for "carnivorous fish", but often they are so very fond of one type of feed only, and reject the other types. As an springer fish Arowana in the wild can catch insects perched on twig height of 1-2 meters from the water surface. So, the Arowana aquarium should be properly sealed.

Arowana is a powerful fish that can live up to half a century. High demand with limited natural availability causes exploitation in the nature be confined. CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) stipulates that the Asian arowana fish as the fish that received the highest protection.

One of the famous of this Asian Arowana fish species are the Red Arowana fish with some varieties ie Blood Red Arowana, Chili Red Arowana, Orange Red Arowana, and Golden Red Arowana. The four varieties are generally given the nickname as Super Red Arowana or First Grade Red Arowana, although in its development the Super Red Arowana refers to the Chilli Red Arowana and the Blood Red Arowana. While the last two varieties more often considered as Super Red Arowana with a lower grade.

In addition of Red Arowana, another varieties such as Golden Arowana, ie Cross Back Golden Arowana and "Red Tail Golden Arowana" also have a great demand in the exotic fish stores.

Mar 5, 2011

Platies Fish Care and Breeding

The Red Wag Platy is a colour variant of the Platies family (Xiphophorus maculates), one of the popular tropical fish which possibly a hybrid between two species and native to Mexico and Central America. They are predominantly red, but have black fins and lips. Like many other tropical fish, they have yellow and black eyes. Note that Platies can grow quite large in an aquarium - mine are about two inches long.

"Feeding Platies" is not difficult because Platy fish love to eat! They eat regular flake food for common tropical aquarium fish, as well as frozen food such as brine shrimp or bloodworm. During the feeding times, if they are pecking they also seem to suck algae off the vegetation in the tank.

Although it seems tasteful in algae, Platies inappropriately used as natural algae control for the aquarium because other behaviour of Platies which generate a lot of waste can actually cause more algae in the aquarium. I think, this is because they eat a lot more than other fish such as Neon Tetras or Tiger Hillstream Loaches.

About the resistance against fish diseases, Platies seem quite prone to the common aquarium ailments of white spot and various fungal infections, but they also respond well to treatment.

Platies are a live bearer, which are they giving birth to live young. Breeding Platy fish can be done en masse, but they have bad habits like eating their baby fish (fry) of its own, especially when the daily ration feed late or less. In fact other than the parent, there's more threat than any other aquarium inhabitants.

If you want to raise the fry you will need to move them to a breeding trap within the tank or moving them to a special fry tank. This is recommended to avoid the fry from predator such as Neon tetras, Aquarium Shrimps or other fish which may eat them. Therefore, in order to obtain maximum results, "Platies breeding" should be coupled with efforts to protect the baby fish (fry).

Mar 3, 2011

Columnaris Disease

Columnaris Disease

Cause: Flavobacterium columnare or Fexibacterium columnare
Bio-Ecology of pathogens:
• Bacteria gram negative, small rod-shaped, movable slide, and there in freshwater ecosystems.
• The nature of these bacteria are grouped to form a collection such as the column.
• The attacks often occur in groups of fish after transportation.
• The nature of the attacks are generally sub-acute - acute, when the dominant gill as a target organ, the fish will suffocate and the resulting deaths could reach 100%.

Clinical symptoms:
• sores around the mouth, head, body or fins. Brownish white sores then develop into ulcers.
• infection around the mouth, looks like the lining of yarn (thread-like) so it is often called the disease "mouth fungus".
• All around the wound is covered by the bright yellow pigment.
• If the infected gills, damage starts from the tip of the gill filaments and spread to the base, filaments eventually rot and fall out (gill rot).

• Observation of microscopic preparations hanging drops (400x) to see the column on the target organ bacterial infection.
• Isolation and identification by bio-chemical tests.

• Avoiding the occurrence of stress (physical, chemical, biological)
• Reducing the levels of dissolved organic material and / or increase the frequency of replacement of new water
• Through immersion with some chemicals such as
✓ 0.5% kitchen salt or potassium permanganate 5 ppm for 1 day
✓ Acriflavine 5-10 ppm by immersion for several days.
✓ Chloramin B or T 18-20 ppm by immersion for 2-3 days.
✓ benzalkonium chloride at doses of 18-20 ppm for 2-3 days
✓ Oxolinic acid at a dose of 1 ppm for 24 hours

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Aquaculture, Fish and Environmental Health Directorate, 2010