Oct 19, 2010

Best Aquarium Plants for Rasbora Fish

Rasbora fish is an exotic tropical fish species from the rapid rivers in Southeast Asia. Rasbora including the types of small ornamental fish are active and fast swimmers which live in groups. Therefore, Rasbora fish should be maintained with a minimum aquarium size 120 cm for they are free to swimming.

Rasbora fish will also feel comfortable when living in groups with a minimum of 12 tail number, and the plants are low so as not to impede movement.

If the swimming movement is blocked, he tends to jump out of the aquarium. Types of aquarium plants which suitable for 'Rasbora fish' for example, Microsorium pteropus, Cryptocoryne and Eleocharis parvula.

Oct 16, 2010

Puntius Denisonii

Puntius Denisonii fish comes from the rushing river in India. This fish is already known since long time (1865), but was become popular among aquarium hobbyists since 2004. Previously, this fish is known as Labeo denisonii Barbus denisonii, or Crossocheilus denisonii.

Puntius denisonii is a beautifully colored fish with a red line from the mouth, through the eyes down to the middle of his body. Body shape like a torpedo with a length of 15 cm. Puntius denisonii are active swimmers and fast, and live in groups. Puntius fish will live a healthy life in a temperature of 15-25 ° C and pH with a lot of water plants.

Oct 14, 2010

Albino Red Tailed Black Shark

Red Tailed Black Shark tributaries of Me Nam - Thailand. Red-Tailed Black Shark will be healthy living in a temperature of 22-26 ° C with a lot of woody plants to his hideout. Body shape resembles a sea-water fish with a maximum length of 12 cm.

These fish live in groups at the time was little, but lived in seclusion after the adult and form their own region. Red-Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is aggressive towards other fish that enters its territory, especially from fellow kind, so it is less suitable when kept in small aquarium.

Tropical ornamental fish gallery displays some photos of the 'Red Tailed Black Shark', including a few unusual image collections of ornamental fish species, namely Albino Red Tailed Black Shark.

Oct 7, 2010


Source: September 2009 Edition WartaPasar Fish, No. 73

Benefits of eating fish regularly can reduce a variety of diseases, among others:
Children who eat fish will decrease the risk of suffering from asthma.

2. EYE
Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can contribute to the health of brain tissue and retina of the eye. Breastfed babies of mothers who eat fish have better eyesight caused by omega -3 fatty acids transmitted in breast milk.

Eating fish every week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by reducing blood clotting and inflammation, improving blood vessel elasticity, lowering blood fats and increase good cholesterol. Hundreds of studies have been done on fish or fish oil and its role in the prevention or treatment of heart disease. Reviews contained dakam British Medical Journal recommends fish or taking fish oil supplements to prevent heart attacks, especially in people with vascular disease. Omega-3 is known to lower blood triglycerides and blood pressure, prevent clotting, anti-inflamsai and correct abnormal heart rtme.

4. Dementia
Parents who eat fish or seafood at least once a week had a lower risk of development of dementia including Alzheimer's disease.

Eating fish may help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Regular fish consumption can alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and autoimmune diseases.

7. Born prematurely
Eating fish during pregnancy may reduce the risk of premature delivery.