Nov 19, 2010

Microsporidiasis (Cotton Shrimp Disease)

Microsporidiasis (Cotton Shrimp Disease)

Cause: The Microsporidia of the genera Thelohania, Nosema and Peistophora

Bio - Ecology Pathogens
• Named as cotton shrimp disease and / or shrimp milk.
• Having more than 8 spores in each capsule
• Virtually all penaeid shrimp species was reported the least susceptible to infection one type of parasite microsporidia group, although there are indications of specific local

• low pathogenicity, prevalence rates in a population generally not more than 5% and the resulting mortality was also relatively low

Clinical symptoms:
• Parts of the body of infected shrimp white milk and more soft
• white spores spread on the meat / muscle (internal parasites)
• Shrimp weak, easy to stress, decreased appetite, making it easy prey to predators sluggish, and easily die after handling (handling)

• Visual observation of behavior and clinical symptoms are quite clear
• Microscopic observation to see the morphology of microsporidia by making preparations for review of target organ infection. The observation that more clear on the characteristics of spores required specific staining.

• disinfection, drying of pond bottom and water sources that are free of microsporidia
• Shrimp are infected immediately destroyed, in order to reduce the potential for horizontal transmission
• To cut the parasite's life cycle, avoiding the feeding of trash fish infected with microsporidia
• No chemicals are effective for preventing and / or treat diseases microsporidiasis.

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia, Director General. Aquaculture, 2010

Nov 2, 2010

Kissing Gourami Pictures

In the picture above, the Kissing Gourami is not actually kissing, but it was a power struggle to determine who is more power over its territory. Kissing Gourami There are two colors: green and pink. In nature, size bias reached 30 cm, while at the aquarium, about 10-15 cm only.

The name "Helostoma" comes from the Greek word meaning mouth upside down, because when the fish's lips is not extended, will be in a position rolled back. While the name "temminckii" is to honor the inventor of this fish, CJ Temminck, a professor of zoology and physics from the Netherlands. "Kissing Gourami" including fish-eating moss, so well incorporated into the new aquarium installed.