May 10, 2008



1. Climbing perches : Anabas testudineus
2. Eels : Anguilla spp
3. Asian redtail catfish : Mystus nemurus
4. Catfish : Mystus nigriceps
5. Three spot gourami : Trichogaster trichopterus
6. Snakeskin gourami : Trichogaster pectoralis
7. Snakehead murrel : Channa striata
8. Giant snakehead : Channa micropeltes
9. Mozambique tilapia : Oreochromis mossambicus
10. Nile tilapia : Oreochromis niloticus
11. Walking catfish : Clarias batrachus
12. Clown loach : Botia macracanthus
13. Sucker barb : Barbichthys laevis
14. Spotted barb : Puntius binotatus
15. Hampala barb : Hampala macrolepidota
16. Mud barb : Leptobarbus hoevenii
17. Grass carp : Ctenopharyngodon idellus
18. Glass fish : Parachela oxygastroides
19. Signal barb : Labiobarbus festivus
20. Common carp : Cyprinus carpio
21. Silver sharkminnow : Osteochilus hasseltii
22. Silver rasbora : Rasbora argyrotaenia
23. Tinfoil barb : Barbodes schwanenfeldii
24. River carp : Tor douronensis
25. Beardless barb : Cyclocheilichthys apogon
26. Java carp, java barb : Barbodes gonionotus
27. Marble goby : Oxyeleotris marmorata
28. Kissing gouramis : Helostoma temmincki
29. Featherbacks : Chitala lopis
30. Giant gouramis : Osphronemus goramy
31. Asian bonytongue : Scleropages formosus
32. Cat fishes : Pangasius djambal
33. Mud perches : Pristolepis fasciata
34. Catfish : Kryptopterus apogon
35. Butter catfish : Ompok bimaculatus



1. Giant catfish : Netuma thalassina
2. Needle fish : Belonidae
: Tylosurus spp
3. Indian halibut/ : Psettodidae
Queensland halibut
4. Redbelly yellowtail fusilier : Caesio cuning
5. Blue and Gold fusilier : Caesio caerulaurea
6. Trevallies : Selaroides spp
7. Jack trevallies : Caranx spp
8. Scad : Decapterus spp
9. Rainbow runner : Elagatis bipinnulatus
10. Torpedo Scad : Megalaspis cordyla
11. Black pomfret : Formio niger
12. Silver pomfret : Pampus argenteus
13. Queen fish : Chorinemus spp
14. Oxeye scad : Selar boops
15. Bigeye scad : Selar crumenophthalmus
16. Barramundi/ : Lates calcarifer
Giant sea perch
17. Dorab wolf herring : Chirocentrus dorab
18. Chacunda gizard shad : Anodonstoma chacunda
19. Spotted sardinella : Amblygaster sirm
20. Rainbow sardine : Dussumieria acuta
21. Fringescale sardinella : Sardinella fimbriata
22. Goldstripe sardinella : Sardinella gibbosa
23. Bali sardinella : Sardinella lemuru
25. Hilsa shad : Tenualosa ilisha
26. Common dolphin fish : Coryphaena hippurus
27. Greater lizardfish : Saurida tumbil
28. Tongue soles : Cynoglossus spp
: Pleuronectus spp
29. Anchovies : Stolephorus spp
30. Flying fish : Cypselurus spp
31. Garfish and Halfbeaks : Hemirhampus spp
32. Saddle grunt/ : Pomadasys maculatus
Spotted jevelinfish
33. Sweetlips : Plectorhinchus spp
34. Bombay duck : Harpadon nehereus
35. Indo-pacific sailfish : Istiophorus platypterus
36. Black marlin : Makaira indicata
37. Indo-pacific blu marlin : Makaira mazarra
38. Stripped marlin : Tetrapturus audax
39. Swordfish : Xiphias gladius
40. Napoleon wrasse/ : Cheilinus udulatus
Humphead wrasse
41. Fals trevally : Lactarius lactarius
42. Slipmouths/Pony fishes : Leognathus spp
43. Emperors : Lethrinus spp
44. Red snappers : Lutjanus spp
45. Goldenbanded jobfish : Pristipomoides multidens
46. Sharptooth jobfish : Pristipomoides typus
47. Mangrove mullets : Mugil cephalus
48. Blue-spot mullet/ : Valamugil seheli
Blue-tail mullet
49. Indian goatfish : Parupeneus indicus
50. Sulphur goatfish : Upeneus sulphureus
51. Yellow-strip goatfish : Upeneusvittatus
52. Ornate treadfin bream : Nemimterus hexodon
53. Four finger treadfin : Eleutheronema
54. Treadfin : Polynemus spp
55. Purple-spotted/ : Priacanthus teyenus
Big eye
56. Red big eye : Priacanthus marcracanthus
57. Croaker : Nibea albiflora
58. Bullet tuna : Auxis rochei
59. Frigate tuna : Auxis thazard
60. Kawa-kawa/ : Euthyn
Eastern little tuna
61. Skipjack tuna : Katsuwonus pelamis
62. Short-body mackerel : Rastrelliger brachysoma
63. Indian mackerel : Rastrelliger kanagurta
64. Stripped bonito : Sarda orientalis
65. Spotted chub mackerel : Scomber australasicus
66. Narrow-barred spanish : Scomberomorus commerson
67. Indo-pacific king : Scomberomorus guttatus
68. Albacore : Thunnus alalunga
69. Yellowfin tuna : Thunnus albacares
70. Southern bluefin tuna : Thunnus maccoyii
71. Bigeye tuna : Thunnus obesus
72. Longail tuna : Thunnus tonggol
73. Blue lined seabass : Cephalophodis boenack
74. Humpback hind : Cromileptes altivelis
75. Honeycomb grouper : Epinephelus merra
76. Greasy rockcod/ : Epinephelus tauvina
Estuarty rockcod
77. Leopard coralgrouper : Plectropomus leopardus
78. White-spotted spinefoot : Siganus canaliculatus
79. Orange-spotted spinefoot : Siganus guttatus
80. Barhed spinefoot : Siganus virgatus
81. Silver silago : Silago sihama
82. Great barracuda : Sphyraena barracuda
83. Pickhandel barracuda : Sphyraena jello
84. Jarbua terapon : Terapon jarbua
85. Largescale terapon : Terapon theraps
86. Hairtail : Trichiurus spp
87. Sharks : Charchahinidae
88. Sharpnose shark/ : Isurus spp
Mackerel shark/
Makos/White shark
89. Rays : Trigonidae

May 8, 2008

Gourami Kumpai Tasikmalaya

Gouramy Kumpai

Gurami kumpai

Sumber : Diswa, Dadaha Kota Tasikmalaya, 2008




By : H. Masyamsir, Ir, MS


Colisa labiosa Sunset Thick-lipped Gourami
by Twyla Lindstrom-Peters From "Fins & Friends" Regina Aquarium Society, Canada Aquarticles

These fish originate in Burma and Indo-China where they are found in shady waters. They attain a size of 8cms. in the wild. They are very peaceful and can be easily kept with other community type fish. They are not often available in pet stores.

The sunset thick-lipped gourami is a colour morph of the regular thick-lipped gourami. It has the same "gourami" shaped body with the thickened fold of skin about the mouth resulting in a thickened appearance (especially in the males). It also has the ventral fin extensions resembling threads which are where its taste buds are located. It differs primarily in colour. The females become a beautiful golden shade throughout as they mature. The abdomens of the females also become quite deep as well as wide as they fill with eggs. Males also develop the golden hue but turn chocolate brown on their undersides when interested in spawning. The males are slimmer, lacking the large abdomen of the female. They also have a slight depression over the eye.
They tend to be quite shy and appreciate a well planted tank with plenty of sheltered, quiet corners in which to rest. When they relax they show their fins and color. They will accept flake or pelletted foods, but are best conditioned on live foods or frozen brine shrimp. They are quite hardy and tolerate 68-86 degrees F. (ideal is 78 degrees F.) and most water conditions.
To encourage these fish to spawn, place one pair in a well planted tank (water sprite is ideal) with top cover such as water lettuce or frogbit. Keep the water level down about 2 inches. Increase the temp. to between 80-84 degrees F.. Keep the tank tightly covered and add a sponge filter with slow to moderate air flow. Try to use a large, long tank as the spawns are very large. (Some sources suggest upwards of 1500 eggs). When the pair spawns, they can simply be removed and the spawn raised in the breeding tank.

My fish spawned within 24 hours of being placed in a breeding tank. They spawn in the same fashion as most other anabantoids. The male builds a very large and deep bubble nest (about 6 inches around and 3-4 bubbles deep). Then after a few "flirtatious" circular rendezvous the pair will embrace with the male wrapping his body around the female and rolling over together. As they roll, about 50-100 eggs are expelled and fertilised simultaneously. The female is then released as the male collects the eggs and places them in the bubble nest. The spawning embrace is repeated until the female's egg supply is depleted. Then, the male chases the female away and guards and tends the nest.

The male Colisa labiosa is not as vicious as the male Colisa lalia and is usually content as long as the female stays out of the vicinity of the nest. (I removed both parents once spawning was complete.)

The eggs hatch in 24-36 hours at 80 degrees F. and fry hang like minute commas from the nest for the next 48 hours while absorbing their yolk saks. I leave the light on above for 24 hours while the fry are tiny. Once free swimming, the fry can be fed infusoria and Liquifry. By the end of the week, they can handle newly hatched brine shrimp. Be careful to maintain good water quality and warm, humid air over the water especially at 4-6 weeks old when the labyrinths are developing. Also, avoid any sudden drops in the temperature of the water and water hardness or pH as all can be lethal to small fry.

They grow quite quickly and should be about 3/4-1inch long with a golden line up the anal fin by 60 days of age if provided with good food and water conditions. The fry are very peaceful but will require extra space to grow especially if the spawn is a large one!

Next time you notice these not often seen gouramis in a shop, give them a try, they are quite rewarding.

South sea pearl

South sea pearl


Pearl is a type of jewel firstly found by the human being because it is found in finished form. It is indicated from its beautiful luster without being brushed first. As an archipelago state having the bays and straits protected from the big waves, Indonesia is a location suitable for the life of pearl shells

In Indonesia, the pearl cultivation experiment was begun since 1921 in Buton, South East Sulawesi, led by Dr. M.Fujita using Golden Pearl Oyster (Pinctada maxima Jameson) from Arafura Sea, especially around Aru Archipelago. In 1928 this experiment was succeeded in producing the beautiful color and luster pearl. This activity was financed by Mitsubishi Co. which then established South Sea Pearl Co.Ltd (Nanyo Shinju KK), until 1941 which then was stopped due to world War II.

Within the periode of 1958 – 1962 the experiment of pearl shells cultivation was already pioneered by Indonesia researchers from sea Fisheries Central Office which then was continued by Sea Fisheries Research Institution of Jakarta. Cultivation experiment of Pinctada margaritifira was made in Jakarta Bay and Semayang Island, Riau Archipelago while that of Pinctada lentiginosa was cultivated in Kalabahi Bay, Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. In 1960 – 1990s pearl production used natural Pinctada maxima. Since 1990s pearl production was rapidly developed after using seedling – yield shells.


Pearl cultivation was made in 2 phases namely :
Seeding activity was started by selecting the shell mothers, spawning and enlargement until they are ready for insertion (2 years/size above 12 cm).
Pearl enlargement activity was started by insertion preparation until it is harvested (2 years)

Globally speaking the order of activity of pearl enlargement is as follows:

(1) Pre conditioning for 1 – 2 weeks
Shells physiological preparation is made so that the shells will still be healthy and not refuse alien thing put into its body. The shells already put into the plastic bag/waring and place in the maintenance basket were hanged to the raft nearest to the insertion place.

(2) Insertion
Putting the nucleus by minor surgery at certain part of the body in gonad area through the slice at the tip of foot. Then the shells were reput into the waters at the most silent location for 7 days to give the opportunity for the wound curing.

(3) Turning Program (Tento) and post insertion maintenance
Cetain treatment by turning the shells position every 2 – 3 days for 2 – 3 months s that the pearl layering at the nucleus is even to get the perfect round pearl. Upon the complection of turning program , the x-ray examination is made to know whether the nucleus is still in the original position. Therefore the shells are arranged in a pocket net hanged at the raft with the hanging rope at the depth of 5 – 7 meters under the sea for about 24 months. Every 1 – 2 months the outer seashell is cleaned, the pocket net and hanging rope are replaced until the pearls are ready for harvest.

Cultivated pearl can be differentiated as follows :

It has a very strong luster and is beautiful in white basic color
With silver, cream, pink, golden and gold nuances. Its size is 10 – 18 mm,
Averagely 16 mm.

It has strong luster with dark black, grey and greenish colors. Its size is 9 – 16 mm, averagely 12 mm.

It has quite strong luster. Its color is white with the various nuances and its size is not more than 10 mm, averagely 9mm.

Its luster is weak and its endurance is only several years. Most of the forms are irregular (baroque) and oval. Generally speaking, for the same size the weight is less than that of sea pearl.

Grade A
No spot or if any, it is at the most 1 spot. It has good luster and good and even smooth.

Grade A
It has 2 spots at the most, good luster and enough smooth.

Grade C
It has 3 or more spots and fair smooth.


As an archipelago state with the bays and straits protected from the big waves, Indonesia is a location suitable for the life of pearls. The types of pearl which can be cultivated are : Pinctada maxima, Pincatada margaratifira, Pinctadafucata and Pteria penguin. The mapping finding of pearl dispersion indicates that the pearl can be cultivated and developed in the waters of West through East Areas of Indonesia. Nowadays the center of cultivation development of Pinctada maxima was spread in several regions such as Lampung. East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa tenggara, North Sulawesi, central Sulawesi, South East Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku and Papua.


Currently Indonesia especially produces ­South Sea Pearl (The Quenn of Pearl) from Pincatada maxima obtained from the nature and seeding process. Indonesia South sea Pearl (jewelry).The marketing I loose form is made throught the aucation both in the home country and overseas. With the characteristic of big size and elegance as well as its beauty, Indonesian South Sea Pearl has a uniquenees exceeding other pearls throughout the world. Genarlly speaking, the pearl is used as jewelry material and usually is combined with other jewels such as platinum, gold, silver, brilliant diamond, diamond, and other precious gems. The forms of jewelry produced are among others : crown, necklace, bracelet, ring, wacth, brooch, tie pin, cuff ang so forth. Besides for jewelry a certain type of pearl can be made as cosmetic and medicine mixture material. Many ex cultivated seashells are utilized as art handicraft, shirt buttons, household utensils such as dishes, small spoons, lamp shades, ashtrays, wall ornament, calligraphy, and ornament for wood furniture (chair, table, bed and so forth). The pearl shell flesh can also be utilized as the high nutritious food menu.

Source :
Republik Of Indonesia
Ministry Of Marine Affairs And Fisheries

May 7, 2008


FISH diseases

A. pest

- Mystus nemurus
- Clarias batrachus
- Lates calcarifer
- Megalops cyprinoids
- Other Animal

- Tilapia mossambica


B. parasiter
- Epithelioma papulasum
- Herpesvirus
- Lymphocystis

- Aeromonas sp.
- Flexibacter columnaris
- Pseudomonas flourescens
- Myxobacterium sp.
- Edwardsiella tarda
- Aeromonas salmonicida
- Vibriosis

Mikroorganism (fungus)
- Saprolegnia sp.
- Branchiomyces sp.

- Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
- Myxobolus sp.
- Trichodina spp.
- Costia spp.

- Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus
- Sanguinicola inermis

- Argulus sp.
- Lernea cyprinaceae

- Circles
- Food
- Generation



1. Fish are dependent for food directly or indirectly on plants.
2. The weight of fish which can be produced in natural waters is dependent upon the ability of the water to raise the plants. We could increase production by adding plant organic matter produced elsewhere.
3. The ability of water to produce plants is dependent upon sunshine, temperature, CO2, Mineral from soil or rocks, nitrogen (NO3- and NH4-) , O2 and water.
4. The Natural fertility of the water is dependent on the fertility of the soil in pond bottom and watershed.
5. Fertlity of water can be increased by adding inorganic fertilizers.
6. After adding all essential minerals and all available nitrogen, the next limiting factor is CO2. This compound can be increased by adding organic matter followed by liming (Ca, Mg).
7. The next limiting factor in fish production, after mineral and CO2 are provided, is oxygen demand of all living and dead organisms in the water. This can be supplied by running water rich in oxygen or pumping water from the bottom and aerate it. If oxygen in the water falls below 1.0 ppm, fish die. One ppm oxygen is enough for fish in resting condition, but for active fish, 3.0 ppm is needed.
8. Microscopic plants (planktonic algae) are the principal food producing plants for fishes.
9. Microscopic plants are the most desirable, because : (a) short life cycle, (b) mobility, (c) more nutritious, and (d) small size.
10. Rooted plants are less desirable, because: (a) long life, (b) immobility, (c) less nutritious, (d) large size, and (e) shading effect.
11. a. The more fertile the water the heavier the plankton concetration becomes, the more shallow becomes light penetration and photosynthesis.
b. Heavy plankton concetration in top water causes shallow stratification and low oxygen or none in deeper water. Strong wind, or heavy cold rain causes overtum, causing trouble to the fish. Water with no oxygen spread too fast and could kill the fish. Heavy plankton can be killed by the use of CuSO4. Light can penetrate deeper, so does the production of oxygen.
c. the deeper the fertile lake or pond (heavy plankton) the higher the precentage of the total volume of water deficient of oxygen during period of stratification.
12. Rooted plants are desitable, in part, in waters of low fertility, because : (1) Oxygenate deep water as far down and light penetrates, (2) draw nutrients from pond bottom soil, (3) prevent marginal erosion, (4) provide surface for food organisms, and (5) provide food for fish derectly or indirectly.
13. The longer the food chain from plant to fish the lower the production of fish obtained. The conversion rate from:
Plant to fish = 5 – 10
Plant to insect = 5 – 10
Insect to fish = 3 – 10
fish to fish = 2 – 5

14. At a given level of fertility the fish production is constant for a particular species and a certain rate of stocking. The total pound/acre is dependent upon the number of fish present and the size harvested. Small fish produce high number of lbs/acre, and large ones produce small number of lbs/acre.
15. For short period of time we can regulate number ( and final size) by the number stocked. This can be done by frequent draining before the fish are old enough to spawn. For non spawner there would be no difficulity. Mortality rate can be up to 20 percent a year.
16. For long period of time the number of fish and sizes must be controlled by biological methods such as:
1. Repression - prevents reproduction, e.g. carp.
2. Predation - method of controlling the number of young fish.
3. Starvation - this could lead to weakning of fish, thus vulnerable to disease and parasites.
4. Limited spawing area
17. The greatest total weight to any one forage species (for short periode of time for piscivorous fish) can be produced in waters containing only that species.
18. The greatest total weight of fish can be produced by combination of forage fish differing in feeding habits.
19. The presence of piscivorous species decreases the total weight or fish, decreases the number of fish, but increases the average size.
20. The rate of feeding required to maintain a fish is less than the rate required for growth.
21. The amount of food required to maintain one-pound fish for one year is equal to the feed required to raise the fish to one pound.
22. A population of fish at a given level of food abundance will tend to expand until harvestable food equals the amount required for maintenance.
23. Feeding at maintenance is uneconomical for extended periods. Feeding to satiety is uneconomical too. Econimical feeding rate varies with the size of fish.
24. Economical feeding rate per acre is limited by the eficiency of the ecological system in waste disposal and reoxygenation.
25. High quality feeds must contain in proper proportion; protein for building fish flesh carbohydrate and fat for energy, minerals for contruction and regulation, and vitamins for regulation of life processes.
26. Quality of feed influences (a) the amount of waste, (b) health of fish, and (c) rate of growth.
27. By increasing feeding rate the stocking rate of fish can be increased. This could increase the incidence of parasites and diseases.
28. Within limits regulation of feeding rates can replace predation in obtaining a high percentage of harvestable fish.
29. Rates of growth of fish vary widely and are dependent upon : (a) their ability to grow, (b) the quality of feed, (c) space – waste disposal system, (d) temperature, (e) the amount of feed per individual.
30. Minimum age at spawning is dependent upon rate of growth.

Auburn University